
My Witch Sally

"Next!" I shout to the line of customers who are anxiously waiting to buy my products, it's a rare occasion a Witch is in the city, even more, when she is having a small business blooming all under the eyes of the authority. Ringing one more customer the small belle from my store sounds and in comes the most intoxicating smell I have ever gotten, cinnamon and spices. I don't have to look so far when I see a werewolf standing right in front of me. "Mate"

MegEllyGerena · Fantasy
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After finishing my share of candy, I can hear the annoying sounds from Gummy my familiar, I raise my eyebrow as I see him shooting daggers at me and ask with my mouth full of a chocolate doughnut and putting the rest away for when it's lunchtime, I get up to make it easier with all the things I will need my hands free, how do humans do it is my biggest challenge at understanding the difference of simplicity and actual simplicity.

"What are going to say? I'm feeding you soon" Gummy gets off the seat to sit at the table and everyone stops to judge me with their eyes, I look around I finish holding the boxes in one hand and the donut in the other.

"You really know how to push my buttons, come we are leaving to get your food, just let me finish this quickly," I say as I try to find the fake cash that is under a spell, each small coin bag holds a spell that I can start just as soon as I touch the poor victim. "Aja! Here it is!" I say as I grab ahold of it.

I take my black cloak jacket to place it on me, then I make a spell to make it rain a little, once it does I place my cloak fully up, zip it up, and walk to the front, the spell will work on whoever touches it other than a witch or a familiars witch. I'm sure this won't be easy, it never is since many humans could be working with WICA, Voodoo, any type of witchcraft articles, making it near impossible for it to be activated, but we will make it work, as I give it to her the spell is activated as a small puff of green air is shown, perfect, and I turn fast to grab my bag, and things. Gummy walks behind me as we cross a small halfway I ask for my broom,

"Speed up my flight, oh strongest of the brooms, I must fly, fly away under the sun instead of one bright moon at once!"

In the hallway I run taking my Broom, my Broom grows the size it needs to to carry all of my things, Gummy and me, well shoot that rhymed too. As we fly the enchanted spell of invisibility is activated. It feels amazing to be uphere, a Witch should never ride her broom in the day time, it would be too easy for others to spot her, especially another Witch, more to a familiar, they can see things that are being used with magic.

Looking down I see some people looking up as if they can see me, when all of a sudden the wolf who attacked me is seen in plain view, lucky mut. See werewolves are so simple, they go where ever they want and nobody can say a thing. Not all humans are aware of us but then again everyone has their own secrets.

He seems to be enjoying a bit with those who surround him, seems his a pretty well known wolf. What in the living caucasus am I talking about? He is a lousy mut and I am a Witch. It will never happen. As I begin to get to see the rest of where we are headed which is above the small village into the city, where my book store is. Seems that even the highest technology uses books as resources or even for their own interest. Or my special, making their internet information, book outlines, book anything, with my magic of course.

I can see everything around me including the woods I saw that wolf, darn muts cant do anything with class, such reckless animals should be chained and educated as they are. I canno't believe humans fall in love with them, they can't even fell their, whats it called.

"We will eat my top favorite today, at Fishes for Fresh and no Less, alright Sally?" Says Gummy and I almost did not hear him as I was stuck with that word, "uh? Oh! Alright, sure. Broom you know what to do." I answer and Gummy looks straight at me with curios eyes.

"What are you thinking you mean Witch?" He asks as Broom takes the turn it needs to take. I cross my legs side ways as I place my hands between my thighs and lower my head to keepthinking, when Gummy asks again. "Yoohoo, earth to My Witch Sally, you there?" as soon as I feel his paw I turn to see him looking at me odd, I look around as I realize he asked me something and I did not reply.

"My bad Gummy, what was that?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes, "I said what are you thinking?" I blink a bit more at the idea of him interviewing me, cause he does. "Well about a word the wolves use when they find their soul partner, but I cant put my finger on it." I look up at the sky as if it will give me the answer when I hear Gummy answering instead of making me feel guilty.

"They call it a Mate, and the thing that they are instantly pulled to them its called, Mate Bond, they fall instantly in love and I can assure you, its pathetic if you ask me. Like please mut, can't you attract your kind like any normal species? But then again Vampiriers are no different with their Beloved and their Belived Bond. Why are you thinking about that Salyy?" He finally asks me and I stay quite for a moment as I'm not sure myself.

"I was just thinking, because the wolf that attacked me not to long ago backed up quite fast when he saw me, but then I teleported back and got detention, remember?" He nods.

"Yes I remember them putting me in the nechanted cage of their, no familiar can leave that dang thing, I scratched you up for that, remmeber?" I nod and chuckled as I place my hand to cover the laughter I was hiding.

"Now you see it funny?" He asks with annoyance in his tone.

I shake my head, no. "Not really, just your anger was funny, how anything pissed you off and you looked like a cat that was electrucuted, like a big ball of fur instead of a slick cat fur." I burst out laughing at the reminder of that day.

"Well at least one of us find it funny, oh here we are, now cover me by giving me the money and staying up here you hear me?" He tells me and I nod as Broom hover on the top of the roof of the building and giving him the money.

Gummy goes by the name Gregorry, when ever he turns human. He is a black haired, slim man with cat like nails, in a black suit, a cheshire cat smile and black with a small heel gentlemen boots, his skin is the same as mine, we have been asked if we are twins or brother and sister before. With him is his choker with our communication stone, thats a light purple color, he looks alright when he shifts into his human form.

Looking around I see him again, but this time he is with a girl who could pass like his sister, well dogs do have a liter of pups, that goes for wolves and dogs in general. Humans not so much, but a human can have a wolf, however they die after giving birth the poor thing, thats one reason I refuse to be with a wolf. If I do end up with one I would have to choose to become a she-wolf or stay as a witch, two choices wich I will always choose to be a witch, I can end the life of many that harmed and remain as young as always. Just as I am thinking I did not pay attention to my suorundings because that wolf guy is standing right in front of me.

"Kody! What are you doing up here? You can get cough and then we are both in trouble, get down here, now! As your friend please?!" The girl who is with him shouts but he doesnt stop sniffing and then he moves closer.

Before I can tap my Broom to go he bumps me, I hold on to my Broom with my life and a small yelp escapes me I have the must horrible habit of placing my hands on my face when I do these stupid manerisims where ever I go or am. Because as soon as I do I lose my balance and hit the floor, he hears it and places his hand on my hand to then pull me up from the ground.

When the spell is broken my Broom falls to the floor as well, I'm now standin in his face that changed from growling in anger to soft and his eyes change into a bright yellow, his eyes look straight at me and I try to yank my hand but I'm stuck when all of a sudan I hear it, "Mate".