
My Winsome Crony

Love and fantasy are not so very different entities, they are very much related , for where there is love there is fantasy and in very fantasy there will always be love. This feel which always brings forth a sensation of being different from others surrounding us , which is nothing but to say, we are a part of a mysterious fantasy world. It's not everyone who gets to experience this. How I wish my life was in a fantasy world just like the beings in my story. This tale is about a colleen who was forsaken by her family, where she gets the eerie feel that she is being watched by someone the entire time but doesn't know, by whom or by what. To say more it's a love story of a werewolf and his queen. A tale of love which stands beyond time, battles, dark spells, betrayal and power longing just for two heart to amalgamate. A love which stands ever more powerful for they were truly loyal and committed, though they fail in life. He was a true wolf for she was his moon. Mellow Reading...

Dream_Catcher_4103 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Wing - 5

Edward is always surrounded by his group of zealous heads who are also great warriors - his beta to be Dave and gamma to be Jacob. The trio can never be separated and are usually spotted together like the blades of the windmill. The reason why they are very much attached to Edward is because they often feel guilty when they look at his scarred hand and the loss of his finger. Dave and Jacob swore an oath to protect Edward and their pack from that day on, even though it was their alpha who prevented them from supporting their friend.

This trio until official labelled as the pack heads decided to be notorious and live a carefree life. Often their mischief runs so deep that the pack members thought the rogues could be better, not in a bad way though. But they were loved by everyone and we're often kept in check by their mates, except Edward-for his love is still out there somewhere. At times it worries Eric, Edward's wolf as he misses having a mate, but often senses her presence. Eric used to be the strongest among the three Diego and Jake - the wolves of Dave and Jacob respectively, but Eric has been silent for quite some time which worries Diego and Jake.

Eric, Diego and Jake patrol around the endless mountains together but they never get to see the happy side of Eric except when he has a rogue or witches head under his paws. Eric becomes furious often especially when hunting and literally nothing could stop him. The human side of - Eric-Edward is not very difficult to keep in check as he often behaves very normally and is never ill tempered. This makes Dave and Jacob think both his halves operate with different hearts and minds which is impossible. After the battle of the endless mountains when the dark witches and wolves were defeated, all the packs lived in harmony but in recent times the rogues started increasing in number with the return of the witches.

Dave's mate Daisy and Jacob's mate Jane were very much eager to meet Edward's future mate as they had planned to become a trio just like their men. These ladies were nothing but pure and welcoming souls with strong hearts and minds destined to accompany the beta and gamma of the pack. There is somebody in the shadow hoping to take up the place of Edward's mate, Tauriel - Jacob's step sister. She is quite selfish but a great warrior and trained her wolf, Talia worthy of a higher wolf. For some reason Edward could not sense his mate and Eric was not ready for it which worried the entire pack, as only a Luna could make her Alpha and entire pack complete. It made him often question the moon goddess, if he was gifted with a mate but after his dream encounter with his soul mate he was sure he had a mate. He often remembered her voice "Yes, we are mates" more like an answer to an unasked question. Unlike other werewolves Daisy and Jane did not have their wolf from birth, so they were said. This did not affect their bonds with their mates and indeed their men took great care of them. Though they had only human strength, they trained like any other warriors would but were mocked especially by "the wanna be Luna" Tauriel. Indeed there were times when their combined strength had defeated Talia, Tauriel's wolf which made them become rivals both in heart and mind. There was always a cold war amongst the three, for Tauriel often said Daisy and Jane did not belong to their pack.

Edward knew very well about Tauriel for he treated Daisy and Jane like sisters and often defended them. This was one of the reasons the girls eagerly awaited Edward's mate to find him soon, so that they could put down Tauriel's ego. But she seemed to be a little head strong as she knew an erased part of history which others did not know or remember. It could not be called forgotten but simply erased from the history for the betterment of the pack. This made Tauriel stronger than others for she knew something which none could remember. Though it haunted her at times she was ready to overcome the thought and wanted to be on Edward's side as the Luna of the Blue crescent pack.

Isn't Edward's pack called Emerald moon pack? Then why did she say Blue crescent pack? What part of history does she know which others do not? Who erased the history and why? Why did Tauriel hate Daisy and Jane so much? Is it really true they did not have wolves from birth? Why was Eric different from Edward?Does Eric know something Edward doesn't remember?Why is Eric weak now ? Why did the alpha prevent Dave and Jacob from fighting in the battle? Travel with me to know the answers.

I am Dream Catcher and I hope you like my work. Mellow Reading...