

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 4: Crying Ose

"I killed two people, why are they having three heads" she imagined in her mind. She went closer to the heads to check it only to discover that one of the heads belong to Ose her daughter, she carried the head. Blood was all over her body, she ran to and fro looking for other parts of her body. She cried for help but no one came to her rescue "what have I done to myself please somebody help me she cried. She was able to pick back her body, she arranged it on the floor but it was too late "who killed my child?" She asked, she turned round putting her two hands on her head trying to figure out who had killed her child but when she discovered that she was alone she cried disappointedly "I killed my child, when did I killed my child? How did I kill my child? She was not here a while ago where did I kill her?"She picked up every single part of her body hoping to merge them together to no avail. She placed her head on Ose head and cried more, the more she cried blood started oozing out from the ground. In the twinkle of the eyes she was surrounded with a pool of blood. The blood started growing up until it covered the dead children on the field. She stood up immediately afraid; as the blood grew higher she cried more for help until she began to swim on top of the blood crying for help as she was afraid of death "I don't want to die, somebody help" she cried!!!!!!!!!!!Itoya was on her bed struggling and crying for help, her husband quickly try to wake her up by shaking her body , sweat was all over her body and she was breathing heavily. Immediately she opened her eyes, she screamed, ran to the door and ran back to the bed when she realized that she could only have comfort in her husband, she held him tight."Please compose your mind" Ifada told her. She was still dumb like someone who had come in contact with a ghost. Ifada was shocked because he hadn't seen his wife behaving like this for once, he was shocked and continued "put yourself together" he used his hand to check her temperature "your body is hot what happened to you" why do you want to bring down the roof of our house with your shouting ? Are you ok?""Water" she said faintly. Ifada left the bedroom and came back with a cup of water. After drinking the water down she gave her husband the cup. Ifada couldn't figure out what was wrong with his wife. He patiently watched his wife putting herself together. When she realized that she had been dreaming, she tried to relax her mind by putting her hand on her chest to compress the tension in her mind "Nightmare" she said half breathing "I was swimming in a pool of blood" she whispered "I, I, I!!!!!!Ifada cuts in "can you please tell me what happened" Itoya narrated her dream to her husband, but omitted the part that he used cutlass to cut the children into pieces. "At dawn we will visit the village chief priest" he said.She cuts in almost immediately "But I will be going to the hospital for the abortion very early""My dear when trees fall on each other in a bush and you need to clear the way, you start cutting from the top not from down; we need to look for solution to our problem first before going for the abortion. Remember a bird at hand worth ten in the bush "he said calmly"when t5here is no time to cut off the upper trees all you need to do is to drag out the first tree that fell from under" she said angrily because she felt that her husband was looking for ways to stop her from going for the abortion."Am doing this for your good, my good, our good as a family, please see reason with me" he saidI"I don't care "she replied. Itoya shift to the opposite edge of the bed, coiled like a little child and started sucking, Ifada could not help but watch the childish display of his wife, when he could no longer bear the sight of seeing his wife behaving strangely he said "suit yourself" he turned his back on Itoya and slept off, while Itoya sat on the bed thinking about the dream she just had. She imagined herself killing her very daughter while killing the unknown kids "who are they" she imagined "I did not see Ose among them, but how come she was there; I was left flowing on top blood why? Whose blood was that, that could over flow like a river? I will protect Ose and nothing will ever happen to her" she said sighing, she manage to lay on the bed looking at the ceiling before falling asleepThe morning is so calm; farmers were on their way to farm, grown up and responsible children were going to farm with their parents, while those doing white collar jobs were on their heels so as to meet up with time, children like Eseiwi that have to take care of the home was doing their chores. She had parked out clothes very early in the morning, washed, swept the compound and went to the kitchen to help Itoya, when they were through Itoya went to take her bath and was about to leave when Ose ran out holding her mother`s leg crying .Itoya sent Eseiwi to buy biscuit for her, she did but Ose was so determined not to let go of her mother. She forced Ose to leave her leg, Ose had no choice than to sit on the floor to cry "what do you want" she asked her "Eseiwi bring wrapper to carry this child" Eseiwi moved closer to Itoya and whispered into her ear "sister why don't you just carry her along"