

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 3: Nightmare

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked" Ifada said and looked at her to see her reactions"It's ok, am doing it for her, I want to see you as my sister although you cannot replace my sister I lost years ago" Itoya took her in and treated her as her own child, they bought her clothes. Ifada went to the city with her to collect her First Leaving certificate, immediately enrolled her in a community secondary school at the resumption of a new section, at that time Itoya was getting set for her senior secondary final examination. They would go to school and come back together; schooling became fun again for Eseiwi. Even after having Ose Itoya never changed for one day. She only sees Eseiwi as her younger sister that she must take care of. Eseiwi was so found of this small family of three. She got the warmth so missed when her parent diedWhen the food was ready they eat and charted happily while Ose fought to feed herself, "she is growing too fast for her age" Eseiwi said while looking at Ose galloping the food through her mouth. she attempted walking at six months and two weeks a woman that saw Ose walking asked the mother to push the child down so that owls will not come and pick her away, although she had not started talking but she could go to few messages for her parents, carry things a child of her age can carry and picking things off the ground like clothes. At times she drags broom intending to sweep. Every person that comes in contact with little Ose will easily like her, Eseiwi was so found of her. She receives gift almost every day. She is the community sun shine, Ose forced herself down from her mother's lap; sitting on the floor she pointed at the food and also pointed to the floor. Ifada understood what she was demonstrating, he asked Itoya to bring a small plate so as to dish food for his child. Ose fed herself peacefully, drank water and started crying restlessly .Eseiwi tried to comfort her to no avail."She wants to sleep, please bath her so she can sleep well "Ifada saidItoya carried Ose to the veranda and asked Eseiwi to bring warm water for her to bath; she bathed Ose while Eseiwi carried her on her back. She sang a lullaby for Ose moving to and fro until she slept off."Eseiwi please go and sleep there is a lot waiting for you tomorrow" Itoya told her "Ok ma, but I will like to revise my books before going to bed" "I wish you all the best then" Itoya said taking Ose away.Eseiwi studied till midnight before going to bed, she had been the best in her class since she came to Ewosa community, and she wants to finish her junior secondary education with good grades. After this examination she will be in junior secondary school class three classes. Even with her current condition; a child that was born and brought up in the city staying in a rural environment, she still tries to keep up with the moral values her parents had inculcated in her. Her motto is I WILL MARRY MY BOOK AND GIVE BIRTH TO SUCCESS. After reading Eseiwi put off her lantern and slept off.The environment was so calm as if it just stopped raining. Drips of rain falls from upper leaves to the lower ones and from there to other parts of leaves of trees to the ground .The chirps sound or crickets could be heard in the environment Itoya was standing in an unknown place close to a mountain her eyes were as red as blood, she was holding a cutlass and a syringe , while two babies were tied to a tree with a strong rope beside her .They were so adorable, very tender but they could speak to her."Please don't hurt us; we will bring you good fortune "the first baby said "What fortune do you control you bug "Itoya said laughing mockingly "Please we want to be with you don't hurt us" cried the second baby"am not only going to hurt you but am also going to make sure that you do not exist on this planet" She eyed them with disgust"We will bring you peace" the second baby cried looking at Itoya with pleading eyes "Do you know what peace means?" she asked irritably"Yes mama" they answered simultaneously, Itoya was shocked because she didn't sight anyone while she was with the babies, she scanned her environment to make sure no one was look at her"Who is your mother? Or are you dreaming" she asked looking away"I don't want you and am not ready to accept you now, please stay away from me now " but immediately she said those words the rope used to tie the babies to the tree loose and they ran towards Itoya holding her legs ; one on the left while the other on the right"Leave me now or I will be left with no choice but to harm you the way I will not want" an intense feeling of fear flood over her as she spoke. The babies were not listening to her; they were holding her as firm as they could "you leave me with no choice then" she raised her cutlass and started cutting their body into pieces ; cutting off their hands ,separating their head from their bodies to removing their legs, she continued until every single part of their bodies was separated, she smiled victoriously while looking at what she had done ."Let me see if you can run towards me again, hold my legs to talk of calling me your mother again" she said breathing heavily. She scanned through the dead bodies on the floor smiling to herself with a sense of accomplishment, until she discovered that the heads on the floor was three instead of two, she was awe.