

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 23: Sorry for what?

"They are married" Eseiwi knew that she could not hide the truth from her so she told her sadly. Itoya was shocked at the answer she got, just barely few weeks that she lost her daughter her husband is already married to another woman she was so disappointed in her husband."How long had they been married" wanting to probe more?"About two weeks now". "Was it after you uncle buried Ose?" "Yes but you must stay out of trouble so as not to be in my Uncle bad side" Eseiwi had missed Itoya so much, Itoya was not the best but she love her so much, all this while that Ifada married Itohan Eseiwi had observed that the love Ifada had for Itohan is not less than what he had for Itoya Now that Itoya had a rival at home, Eseiwi figured that staying away from trouble was the only way to live peacefully. Itoya looked at her with admiration and said "You are such a good child, who could have thought that you will encourage me this way". Itoya looked away and continued "please don't take side between me and your other aunt any time we have disagreement, its normal for us to" Itoya was so sad because she could not imagine fighting for the love of a man with another woman in her life but she have to because only then will she get pregnant again and not return to her father house. After discussing with Itoya Eseiwi left the room and went back to the party, seeing Eseiwi leaving the room Ifada whispered into Itohan ear and went straight to the room he saw Eseiwi coming out from. When he entered the room he saw Itoya looking through the window. "Why did you come back" Ifada said standing at the door way, not wanting to go closer to her". "Don't you want me here or are you planning of marring another wife apart from Itohan" she turned, and looked straight to Ifada eyes " I can marry as many as I want, because you don't have me in your mind, you do whatever comes out from your mind alone, I begged you not to abort that pregnancy but you refused and not only lost the pregnancy but also...…" the remaining words stock in his throat "Is that the reason you rushed into marriage with your childhood sweetheart" Ifada was dumb founded on his wife assertion meanwhile Itoya didn't know how the statement came out of her mouth "I rushed into marriage? But who first left me to stay with someone that she said was her mother" Itoya broke down and started crying after thinking about how she left the hospital without telling him, she knew she had offended her husband. "I was wrong I should have told you my plans, I did not want my mother to cause you trouble that was why I left with her" "Do you know all I had to bear when my parents wanted me to marry another woman, do you how painful it was for me when you were in the hospital and I just lost Ose to the cold hands of death, do you know how it felt to have a dead loved one to be in the mortuary without burial. Have you ever considered that you Ose spirit will need to rest in peace earlier? What were you thinking? Tell me" he asked angrily "I was not able to tell you my plan because I left earlier than expected, I don't want my mother to cause a scene at the hospital" she said in regret "What happened to your biro and sheet of paper, all your excuse are useless" Ifada was not ready to listen to her anymore as he was about to go out of the room Itoya held his leg. "Am sorry" she cried "Sorry for what, tell me. Are you sorry for aborting my child or for causing Ose death or for running away without telling me? Or for not burring my...…"Before he could finish talking Itoya cuts in "all am guilty, punish me whatever way you want but don't send me away" Itoya was not ready to continue arguing with Ifada so she had to beg for mercy. Seeing Itoya in this mood made the heart of stone in Ifada to melt down, he moved closer to Itoya and carried her up, Itoya on the other hand also was looking for a chest to cry on so she leaned on Ifada to pour her heart down. Ifada felt pity for her because he was not the only one that suffered during this period Itoya also had her own share of the pain. When everyone left the party Ifada called Itohan and Itoya to the room both Ifada and Itoya are currently sharing, Itohan had long expected Itoya to return home that was the main reason she asked Ifada beforehand what he will do with Itoya when she returns. As expected Ifada told Itohan that he will have to accept his first wife and that she is the senior among them. Itohan had no choice than to agree to it, she had wished to be Ifada second wife and be controlled by Itoya even if she was senior to her. "You will have to behave as sisters since you are both married to the same man". Ifada said with all seriousness.The two women only stared at him without uttering anything "no fighting, no back biting. Everything is going to be shared equally including sleeping in my room" even after knowing that Itoya could not give birth Ifada had promised himself that he would always treat Itoya well because they loved each other. The both women were both ready to impress their husband. They had already reasoned in their mind that they needed to live in peace. From time to time Itohan goes to Ubiaja to apply for job as a teacher leaving Itoya at home to do house chores. One day she was invited for an interview in Edo. Since Itohan was about having an interview in Edo she was reading her book while Itoya was cooking.