

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 24: You are not my wife

Itoya called her to come to the kitchen, she had been in the kitchen for long yet the food was not ready and Ifada will soon be home, she did not know what to do so she called unto Itohan to come and join her in the kitchen but the lady told her that she was reading and will not have time to join her in the kitchen. Itoya was so angry she felt Itohan was using her book to show off, unknown to her Itohan was trying her best to study hard so as to be among the best in the interview, she marched towards Itohan and collect the book and threw it away on the floor. "How dare you, are you tired of living" Itohan went into rage, she removed her artificial hair, with her two hands on her waist she became a different person. Itoya tried to slap her on her face but before the slap could land on her face Itohan held her hand and twisted it.Itohan was no longer that fragile and self restrained girl she was before she went for her teacher training education and since she has accepted to be a second wife she was will not be oppressed in her husband house."Don't you ever in your life again try to slap me else I will crush your bones" .

"My hand aces" she cried she did not know that Itohan has become strong and daring, she wouldn't had being the first to smack. Just as she was crying Ifada came back from the farm.Knowing that Ifada will likely join her she cried in pain, Ifada was not partial he asked what had happened after hearing from both sides Ifada quarreled with Itoya not to try it again. That night ifada slept on a chair in the living room since Itohan was preparing for an interview and he was angry with Itoya. Itoya on the other hand found it difficult to fall asleep. "Where did I go wrong" she asked herself. Her marriage was fine three months ago, Ose's death was an accident. Will she and husband ever live the way they did before now again. After tossing to and fro, she was only able to sleep 4am that morning.

The next day Itohan went for the interview and came back sick, they thought that it was the stress of reading day and night in preparation for the interview. When all drugs did not work, Ifada took Itohan to the hospital at Ubiaja.

On getting there different test were conducted and she was confirmed pregnant. Ifada was so happy he will soon be a father. The news of Itohan pregnancy flew as dried season wild fire. When mama Ifada heard that her daughter in law was pregnant she would prepare food for her daughter in law every day. Eseiwi was also happy because she would be expecting a younger brother or sister soon. Itoya on her part was praying that god should give her a child even if it is one child.

One morning when mama Ifada came to deliver food to her daughter in law she saw Itoya washing clothes, when Itoya greeted her she ignored her greeting but as she was about to pass she almost fell. The old woman became angry and started raining abuses on Itoya.

She remembered how this same woman had taken good care of her when she was pregnant for Ose, but now Ose is gone, she must get pregnant or else this house will not contain her, if she does not get pregnant on time she is going to be a laughing stock in her husband house this one that her mother in law is visiting everyday she does not know what to do.Since she came back she had tried so hard to get pregnant, she later resulted to taking of pills that will improve her immune system He asked himself looking at Ason, the two other women that were sitting with him when the motorcycle arrived were busy waiting for the next line of action, they knew that Ason intention of coming was not good, especially Itoya that had been Ason class mate when they were in secondary school.

They were arch enemies while they were in school so her presence here is dangerous.

What is Ason up to and why is she here. He turned to look at his wives not knowing what to do or say.

They in turn were looking at him to explain what was going on there. Itoya and Itohan had just started getting along few days ago; they had so much in common so things had been peaceful in the house.

Ason placed her things on the ground and strolled towards Itoya and Itohan with a broad smile on her face said "Hello everyone, or what should I refer to you as, uhmm my fellow wives".

The other two women starred at each other dumfounded, she stopped in front of Itoya and said "we meet again, long time no see my old school mate". She said swagging her big back side that has enlarge as a result of the pregnancy. "Don't say nonsense, woman you are not my wife". "It's not nonsense because you are the father of the lovely baby in my womb" she said robbing her tummy, it done on Ifada that there is nothing he can do about Ason but he cannot marry her, he will allow her to stay in his house but his wives needs to be considered. Ifada felt helpless, he looked at his wives expecting them to say something, but their lips were sealed. He could not bear what he was seeing, at least they should scold him for not zipping up, and he had slept with another woman when his wife was in the hospital yet they are saying nothing. If they scold him he will have peace. He was so disappointed in himself so he went into the house sadly.