
My wife is my everything

Huangdi Fei was a man who had everything, so why did he give it up for his wife?!

DaoistWUlCUN · Urban
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6 Chs

chap 1


¨Oh Ah Fei, would it kill you to be a little quieter in the mornings?¨ Mo RuiEn bemoaned, having been waken up by Huangdi Fei.

¨Its fine is it not? Its already time for you to prepare to go to work after all.¨ after Huangdi Fei said that in an attempt to placate her he walked out the door to prepare breakfast for the two of them.

¨That would mean it is 6.30am.¨

¨It is 6.30am¨ Huangdi Fei hollered from the kitchen as he put on his apron

It was times like these that made Mo RuiEn wonder whether her husband was really human, after all he had heard her quietly mumble in the bedroom all the way from the kitchen she quickly dismissed the thought. 

She then slightly propped herself up and squinted her eyes to see the clock on their bedside drawer.

It was really 6.30am, seeing this Mo RuiEn let out a reproachful sigh and went to the bathroom to freshen herself up.

When she went out she saw Huangdi Fei busily preparing their breakfast in the kitchen and couldn´t stop her lips from perking up and breaking into a grin.

I must have saved a country in my past life, to be blessed with such a husband is not common after all. I mean how many people could look better than a supermodel without even trying? Mo RuiEn gleefully thought to herself.


When Mo RuiEn came out of the bathroom, she was pleasantly greeted by the view of Huangdi Fei at the dining table with two exquisite looking meals in front of him.

¨Thank you for making me breakfast Ah Fei, I am sorry I have to keep relying on you for this¨

¨Its no matter at all Xiao En, you know I promised to take care of you when you became my girlfriend. It obviously still stands, besides I am a househusband. My job is to let you focus on yours¨ 

Huangdi Fei then put on a gentle grin before motioning for her to eat.

After they finished their breakfast, Mo RuiEn went to change while Huangdi Fei washed the dishes in the kitchen. 

Though the distance between the kitchen and their bedroom was not a short one, it was roughly 10metres, Huangdi Fei could hear every little noise in the bedroom. 

This of course included Mo RuiEn´s murmurs which he found very cute.

¨This Ah Fei was really serious when he said I would gain weight after marrying him. I can´t even fit into the pants I bought 2 years ago.¨


 Huangdi Fei could not help but heartily chuckle when he heard what she said.

 What made him laugh was not entirely what she said but the fact that she could remember a passing remark he had made from when they first started dating.


The door to the bedroom opened and Mo RuiEn walked out. Though she did not place any importance on her clothing, and did not even put on any makeup aside from some light foundation and lip gloss.

 Any and every compliment would not do her beauty justice, it was not an overstatement to say that she was the most beautiful person anyone would ever meet.

Upon seeing Mo RuiEn, Huangdi Fei could not help but sigh with jealousy. Not because he did not trust Mo RuiEn but because he simply did not trust the men of the world.

 I really wish that we could just stay together all the time, so long as she gives the word I would even buy her company. Why must she be so conservative with our money? Huangdi Fei could not help but have these thoughts upon seeing his seraphic wife.

¨Whats wrong Ah Fei? Do you feel unwell?¨ Mo RuiEn leaned in and placed her hand on Huangdi Fei´s forehead before placing her other hand on her own forehead.

¨Strange… You don´t have a fever so why do you look so out of it?¨ Mo RuiEn could not help but ask Huangdi Fei out of genuine concern.

Huangdi Fei gently took her hand off his forehead and gave it a light kiss.

¨Its because I am sad that you have to work. Didn´t I already tell you that if you just wanted to you can quit whenever you feel like?¨ 

¨Stop kidding Ah Fei, our bank accounts are joint. We both know we do not have nearly enough for us to retire yet… Its not like I want to be away from you but I have no choice but to go to work¨ Upon sheepishly saying that a red tinge spread from her checks to her ears.

Why must my wife be so cute? If only I could just reveal my identity to her! All would be settled then… Huangdi Fei inevitably thought that, after all he was the sole heir to the greatest family in the world.

Huangdi Fei leaned in and gently rested his chin on Mo RuiEn´s shoulder. Mo RuiEn stroked his head a couple of times before raising his head to give him a kiss then leaving the house in a hurry.

On her way out Huangdi Fei saw her nape blush a familiar bright red.

When Mo RuiEn reached the company she worked at…