
My wife is a goddess and im a soloist gamer.

Kindly extend your genius mind and understand this newbie and rookie writer. im new here, thank you. Please copy the link below and search it into the internet world for world island reference. Thanks. https://novels8.godaddysites.com/

DionfhelCuyno · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
166 Chs

Season 2 Ch3

Inside the cafe, jaejin and the tour guide order something for them to drink. Jaejin swipe the tables screen and tap an image of lemonaide and a pasta, then he was asked to key in his Bank Account number and his confirmation and the order was submitted into the standing receptionist, the tour guide then did same thing. Then after his order, a screen saver appears into the screen of the table making it looks like wooden one. At that moment, the receptionist in the cafe received their order and he gave a command button inside the kitchen, and the kitchen is in action once again. Inside the kitchen, there is a large screen, it displays jaejins table number and what kind of dish did they ordered. Then the chef and sou chef started to work as they received the order in the screen. Several minutes passed and the chef send their plate into the robot waiter. This robot has a main task, it is to deliver any dish into the tables which is inside the cafe. The chef then tapped the table 1 and the robotic waiter delivered the dishes into jaejins table. Then the screen inside the kitchen went blank and the crew stop their work.

"What is your purpose here?" Asked by the tour guide. Jaejin then answered "Its been awhile since Ive been here after becoming an adventurer, so its like a vacation for me" at that moment the robot waiter delivered their dish, then as soon as the plate was delivered it went back to where the kitchen is.

Then the tourguide asked "Why did you head to the south portion of the city" Jaejin slurping his pasta with a fork, gulping what is inside his mouth then got chocked and drank a glass of water. "I thought there would be something to see in there, and I failed." said by him as he scratch his hair. Then the tourguide replied "No you did not fail, there is something to see on the south. Actually, what you see is just a mirage image of the Mansion. If you would like to hire me for an hour, I would let you see what is the real beauty of this city is." Said by the tourguide.

"Really a mirrage?"asked by jaejin. Then the tour guide sent a link on jaejins smart phone via email. Then jaejins phone vibrated and he receive a link on his mail, then he tapped the link and a page appear on his phone saying "want to hire this guy?" And jaejin tapped yes. Then the page asked for his bank account number and the last 3 digit. Then he did so, and the tour guide was hired. An email notification appear on his phone deducting money into his bank account. The tourguide also received the confirmation.

Then the two of them ended their plates and gave a 5 star ratings to the cafe. As a congratulatory remark and public promotion for the cafe, an announcement rang out in every edges of the city saying "CAFE BUCKS has been rated with 5 star by the two customers, thank you for your contribution ". Jaejin heard the announcement and he smile saying "Thats nice. Announcing our rating for the cafe". Jaejin and the tourguide then walked together on a side walk. The tourguide then escorted jaejin somewhere inside the city saying "Lets head to an alley that no one has ever has been ever visited". The two of them took a ride and after an hour, they arrived at the citys circle.

They went into the citys circle and enter the center of the hollogram image. Several floating vehicles just let them go, for they too know what is behind the massive hollogram. The tourguide and jaejin then went inside the center of the hollogram and jaejin was surprised. "Dont be surprised, for the main meaning of a hologram is light." Then the tourguide stomp his foot unto the ground and a hidden door appear. The tourguide then put his thumb mark and the door opened up. "SHIT that scared the hell out of me". claimed by jaejin and the tour guide said" Lets go." Then the two of them, went down to the ground floor. 1st floor passed, 2nd floor passed then what welcomes them next was a huge wires. The next floor was like a normal basement. Then the two of them went out of the glass elevator. Jaejin was outspoken and amazed of the circuit wires that he just saw. As they walk on the basement jaejin then saw lots rooms filled with power banks and huge power supply. "Are they storing power on it. Are they using that boxes to support their offices when a power shortage appear." said by jaejin to himself. The two of them continued to walk on the basement and then they saw several cubicles with a tag saying "Power banks". "What is this place?" Jaejin asked, then the tourguide said "It is where electricity runs through." They then walk around the basement and jaejin look above them and saw several huge tubes and there he concluded that it is filled with wires.

Then the both of them walk even further and there they saw another room, it was a room filled with huge screens and monitors. The tourguide said "That room is well maintained, air ventilation and conditioning is fine, beside that as you can see is another set of studio type room filled with towers and servers.". Jaejin nodded and he asked. "So what is the use of those servers?" Asked by jae jin, "As you see, the city is filled with technological advancements, now what you can see is their exoskeleton." The tourguide said, and then he asked"What do you mean?", "Well, dont you remember the announcement that you heard a while ago, the hollograms that you saw, the electronic table that we sat on. Every single thing that you see outside needs, electricity,power and data networks. As you can see, this is the back end of the things that you can see above the surface." Claimed by the tour guide.

Then they went into another door. This time, a horizontal escalator appear. "Where are we going?" asked by jae jin. "Somewhere more interesting" said by the tour guide. Then what welcomes them was a massive waterfall, a huge waterfall, enough to amaze jaejin, it was flowing towards a cylindrical glass and inside of it is constantly rotating blade. In a form of whirlpool. Then the two of them went down on a stairs and beneath them were several white laboratory coated people. Constantly regulating and monitoring the whirlpool inside the cylinder and the powerbank beside it. Then several flat screens and mini computers were around the room.