
My wife is a goddess and im a soloist gamer.

Kindly extend your genius mind and understand this newbie and rookie writer. im new here, thank you. Please copy the link below and search it into the internet world for world island reference. Thanks. https://novels8.godaddysites.com/

DionfhelCuyno · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
166 Chs

S7 Ch17 The judgement day based on the mans mistake

The next day, jaejin woke up from his bed and like usual, he does his daily quest. The physical training, he went out of denise house and activated his shadow clone skills with invisibility skill. Then he started to run around the entire city like a crazy person. Luckily, he is invisible or else they would thought that he is an alien running so fast like motorbike. After completing his daily running session, he then started to do lots of curl ups and sit ups. Then after an hour and a half, he finished his routine. Then he immediately received a message from the company. "Please come to the company, bring your camera for a photography session" so jaejin then went back to denise house and went for a shower. Denise is still inside her bedroom so in return he cooked some normal dish for him. He took some oiled tuna on a can, separated the fish into the oil and took some bowl of rice. He poured the oil into the rice of bowl and he mixed them. Then he added banana at the top of the bowl. He turned the stove on and put the pan on it. He then put some olive oil and heat it enough to fry the tuna. Then he fried it on a blazing pan and he added some ketchup on it. Then the dragons breath appear. In a minute, he then turned off the stove and put the fried tuna into the bowl of rice. He then covered it and start to take a quick rest. After that he tidied, he took a bath, brush his teeth and tidied himself. He then took the camera and went into the companies building.

Inside the office, the secretary greeted jaejin and escorted him into the roof top. There he saw several hot babes wearing revealing swimsuits. Then the manager asked him "Are you the photographer?" Then jaejin answered "Yes". So the manager said "Great, then by all means, use the ray of the sun and make a good image out of these models." Said by the manager, then jaejin did so. Like a professional photographer, jaejin made them like a tiny minions being controlled, doing some great postures. Then a flash covered the model. Several hours later and the camera were filled with lots of photos. Then he said "Ive made 100 shots of them, you may check them anyway you want." Then the manager said "Sure, you may now take your rest". So jaejin did so and went down to the basement. The secretary then said to him "The manager will be reviewing your shots, please wait until he went down". Then jaejin nodded on the basement sit, jaejin asked himself "Why did the angels send me into this world?" Then he probe for it in a lot of time until his manager went down. "I have a good message for you. I have selected dozens of your shots. I will make it sure that it will be included into companies magazine, please signed the paper for your Camera Name." So jaejin went into the receptionist and signed his trade name and he named it "Blue" the manager then saw his name and said "Good name, then it will be pasted on the front page , Image captured by blue, you may now take your rest. Please expect another picture taking with in this week" then the manager, gave the camera back to jaejin. Jaejin then went out of the building holding his own camera. He then said "This civilisation is too outdated. Im bored to hell.". When suddenly the entire surrounding shake. It was a magnitude 11 earthquake, jaejin activated his human made wings and activated his own invisibility skills. He then flew upward as the buildings around him starts to crumble and fall. He then said "What? Destroyed by a mere earthquake?" Then several sirens appear, and lots of rescue team appear into the area. However, too bad, the casualty and deaths are uncountable. He then went into denise house only to see it in shambles, luckily he saw denise is safe. He then hovered into the sky of the city and saw a huge crack. Out of it, sulfuric gasses appear and jaejin said "A city, without proper management under the fault line of a volcano?" So he estimated it and finally realized what the angels want him to do. Yet he still did not act on it. He just let them do as they wanted to. When suddenly, out of the crater, massive locusts appear. It was similar to the locusts that envaded the city of freasts. Then several sirens resonated into the entirety area and zone. Police man fired their guns. However each of the bullets were not enough to kill the locusts. Tanks started to appear and send a barrage of strike. However the never ending strike of locusts made them out of ammo. Out of bullets and ammo, even the soldiers managing the tank retreated. Then the entire people living into the area evacuated. Jaejin saw how they handle the defence and not one of them stood their own ground and run for their life. As soon as the city was turned into a ghosted city. Several fighter planes released atomic bomb. Then jaejin said "Are they that desperate enough?" The atomic bomb landed on the crater and a masive explosion appeared inside of it. The soldiers and the government rejoiced for they think that they successfully killed the army of locusts. Never did they know that them using atomic bomb sending it straight into the crater was a bad choice of move. Another wave of locusts appear and they continue to throw nukes and bombs on it. Yet the wave of locusts is enumerable. Out of ammunition, the citys military and soldier retreated to the nearby city and surrendered their own land. Jaejin shook his head and said "Too bad, they cant even manage to protect their homeland.". The waves of locusts then started to cover the entire city eating every little living things, even trees were not spared. After the locusts, giant beetles appeared on the crater and started to crumble the building of the ghost zone. They eat rubbles and irons that even the tanks of the current world were eaten into bits. The entire event was broadcasted in live telecast and several neighbouring cities started to evacuate even further. Afraid of the upcoming seige, several countries of the world received the live telecast and started to help the area. From the east to the west. The north to the south. Every single soldier gathered their man power and ammunition to subjugate such crater. Even the world government decided to focus their main subject unto the main crater. Hundred thousand of naval ships went into the area with lots of fighter planes. Thousands of air craft carrier also joined them, no matter what nation they come from. Their only target is to kill the alien species that came out of the craters mouth. A swarm of fighting jets fired their artillery and fast bullets into the bettles, good thing they were affected by it and some of the soldiers shouted with joy. However the locusts are far too fast for them. They were then covered in an instant and was destroyed, killing every pilots on it. Blood shed starts to appear. Meanwhile jaejin did not interfere on their affairs, he just let them be. Despite of their fighter plane, it is still not enough. After weeks of fighting, they are out of gas, fuels, ammunition and bombs. Yet the wave of ancient species still kept on increasing. Then the world government announced a global disaster. Unknown to them, it is just the first wave of attack. Meanwhile jaejin is sitting at a nearby rubbles eating his scorpion meat while hidden into the eyes of the insects. The aircraft carriers and naval warships paved their way for a new fighter vehicle. This time, the world government took their resolve and unite for once. Several floating tanks appeared on the area with lots of foot soldier holding high powered guns on their arms. It was like an armageddon to them. Then that day, another bloodied event appeared into their world. Human soldiers were devoured by the insects and they spit their skeleton like a roasted chicken. The beetles then ate the tanks like it was nothing. Due to the terrifying event, the mankind started to evacuate the entire continent. The government does not have any other choice but to evacuate humanity from the brink of extinction. Thus a portion of their land was forsaken and a huge portion of food supply was deducted. The after effects of it was a global famine. In just a year the human in the world suffered in hunger and billions of them died. Quarter of their population was reduced. Due to their belief of burning the dead into ashes. The atmosphere of their world started to be covered with lots of smoke. Then another problem arises into the government. They are already facing a global carbon pollution and the billions of dead daily being burned into ashes added more. Unknown to them, the sulfuric oxide from the opened crater also started to ruin their world. Then it started to affect the planets atmosphere. Then the air temperature of the world rises in a fast phase. Due to this, the fishes under the oceanfloor of the world cannot immediately adjust and quarter of the world ocean turned into blood. Due to this, the food supply of the world was reduced even more. Meanwhile jaejin is still waiting for the system announcement to stop stating "Immediate death if you intervene" so jaejin took another scorpion meat and with out any other choice, he sat unto the ground with a frustrated face. Months passed and jaejin was leisurely enjoying his life in the ghosted continent. Thanks to his technology, he was able to receive televise program from the world government. Due to to resurgence of the red ocean, it then started to scatter and started to poison the rest of its part and the world ocean turned into green. The civilians last hope for food was shut off. So the only thing they could do right now is to do farming. However, too much heat cannot grow even a single crops, so the global famine went even more severe. However survival is a must, thus they started to eat their own flesh. Some of them started to swim the red ocean of the world finding every little bit of living species they could eat. When all of a sudden a huge tremor appear into the world and the once opened crater started to get even more bigger and sulfur produced by it was raised into multiple times. Then the world was covered with dark smoke and a portion of the sun light was deducted. Even the moon and the stars above can no longer helped the civilians beneath the world surface. Due to this, the hot temperature rises even more and due to this, the weather of the world started to change. Lightning storms appear daily sending thunder bolts into the ground. The once annual and monthly severe tropical storm started to change its schedule and even became weekly. Meanwhile jaejin watching the total catastrophe is helpless. Then he said "How can humanity survive this type of calamity." Then jaejin sensed something coming from above. Due to the severe situation, the government family started to evacuate the earth and with their aircrafts rockets, they immediately went straight into the nearby planet, however it is still lightyears away, thus it took them several years to prepare for another journey to an earhlike planet. However, only the chosen, were given a priority. So they went out of their planets surface and stopped into world satellites station for refuel. Several billions of civilians were not included into the flight and their cries resonated into the entire island. When suddenly due to the exposure of the large crater, several hidden volcanoes erupted. Then the entire world was field with fear due to huge quake that some of the continent's were submerged into the molten lava. That day, none of the living under the ocean survived. Then the whole world was shaken. Jaejin raised his head and said "This world suffered too much, and a giant star is about to hit the earths surface. Luckily due to desperation, the remaining living beings, and the smartest among the diamonds in the rough lead the remains, and lead them under ground. They started to use their head out of the severity of the situation. They did their best and start to form an agriculture under ground filtering every valuable life saving things that they could get. Oxygen, water, and grains. Yet never did they know that an upcoming even more disaster is coming to them. Year passed by and the world is no longer filled the sun light nor the moons aluring bright light. The world was filled with lightning bolts and a never ending eruption of volcano. The shuttle above their world started to venture into another world to find an earth like planet. On their way, they saw massive asteroid headed into their once homeland. Then like an angel above their world, they cry, and they mourned for their beloved planet. However they cannot help them and they get their resolve of finding another earth like planet.

Jaejin meanwhile could sense a heavy pressure coming down into the world surface then the cloud of storm was distorted and washed by the massive comet. Finally a ray of hope appear, and the once carbon filled sky was washed out by the massive comet however, like an animated scene, the massive asteroid was engulfed in flame and it hits the worlds ocean. Due to this half of the worlds ocean was drained. It touches the ground and the entire world was shaken and a shockwave cleared the entire atmosphere of the world. The once locusts of the crater was destroyed. It was a perfect plan, like they are summoned to make the mankind suffer in length of time. Satellites above started to explode and started to fall like another meteorite. The shockwave even travels into the moon pushing it away further and the gravitational field was shifted. The last bit of hope started to destroy the soul of the remaining survivors. Then like a key, from the door, a certain thing that is not supposed to opened was publicly displayed. The planets core and like the wrath of the god, no other living beings were saved. But not jaejin. Thanks to his immense suplly of scorpion meat he was able to see the last stand of mankind from total catastrophy. Then in the last bit of second, an angel appear in jaejins side covering him from the upcoming disaster. Then just like that, the world exploded and the planet was destroyed. The angel then asked "Did you recorded everything?" and jaejin said "Yes, everthing from the start". Then the angel nodded. "Then used that footage and send it to them right after this". Then jaejin said "What?".