
My Wife is a Goddess: 99 Secret Kisses

He praised her, “Wifey, you are a genius!” She coughed to hide her embarrassment. “Of course, I am. But hey, don’t call me ‘wifey’. It sounds so weird.” He smiled calmly and pulled her closer. “If I don’t call my beloved my wife ‘wifey’ then whom should I call ‘wifey’? I don’t want my wifey to get jealous…” “I won’t be jealous. Cross my heart and hope to die.” She struggled to move away from him. His close proximity was making her heart race. She couldn't understand how he could speak like that with his calm and collected appearance. “Wifey, don’t say so ominous. Let me give you something that will make you feel better.” He hugged her warmly and planted a soft kiss on her nape. She almost jumped feeling that sensation. “Eek! Don’t do something so shameless!” Her face instantly turned red. “Wifey, I love you…” Ignoring her pretest, he kissed her again. “Mm! I said don’t do this!” If this continues, she will lose her reasoning and melt like water. When the first time they had met in the bar she avoided him like a plague, even though she was drunk. The second time they had met was at a birthday party. She protected him and stood between a gun and him, thinking that he was just an innocent bodyguard. The third time they had met was in a garage. She trembled in fear as she faced a terrorist; however, she did not back down. He found her intriguing, but she found freedom intriguing. Even still, her hope for freedom was torn when she had to return to China, only to be met with a family threat to get married. He saw this as his chance and seized her – his soon-to-be sister-in-law – from this marriage. He made her his bride. When they agreed to get married, she thought that he was just a simple bodyguard, and he thought that she was just a simple psychiatrist. But things changed soon after that. He noticed how she was different from others. He noticed how she avoided him like a plague. That's why he secretly created a honey trap for her. Serious and stoic Xue Lin has fallen right into her husband's sweet trap. Will she be able to understand his feelings and accept him? **WARNING: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE OR PUBLISH THIS WORK ON OTHER SITES. IF YOU LIKE THE WORK, TELL OTHERS TO READ IN WEBNOVEL.COM -------------- Cover credit: Dearest Reader @waphels -------------- Book series: 1. Handsome CEO's Darling Wife 2. My Wife is a Goddess: 99 Secret Kisses 3. Lost Happiness 4. The Cobra Another book: My Beloved Tangled by Fate ------------- All the announcements, spoilers, and updates will be given on the Discord channel. So keep in touch. Discord server- http://discord.gg/MaJMCyb Instagram: flow07.author Facebook page: Flow07

Flow07 · Fantasy
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234 Chs


Xue Lin also noticed him. She gazed at him, top to bottom, and realized that it was his wedding clothes too. She closed her eyes. For some reason, the handsome, hot guy in red looked weird. He looked more tempting than usual. Last time she saw Mu Lan wearing red. At that time, she thought that the red dress made girls look tempting. It was the first time she saw a man looking god damn hot in red. She started blushing for no reason.

"It looks like you are ready. Guests will be coming soon. I'll go and welcome them. You two try to relax." Gu Xiali stood up from her seat and walked out of the room."

Ge Chen slightly bowed at her. "Thank you, grandmother."

Gu Xiali nodded and said in a low tone so that Xue Lin couldn't hear, "Hmm, treat her well."

"I will." Ge Chen smiled. He closed the door and sat beside her. He reached out while mumbling softly, "May I?"

Before Xue Lin could understand what's going on, Ge Chen lifted her veil. The breathtaking view came at his sight. Her white jade skin glowed in the middle of the red veil and black hair. The black eyeliner around her eyes vividly proclaimed her pair of grey eyes. Her lips were so red that he felt if he poked a little, droplets of blood spill out from her lips. She turned out to be the most attractive woman in the world.

Ge Chen sensed that his heart was going numb. He whispered, "You are gorgeous."

Xue Lin averted her gaze. She couldn't look at him in the eyes. She mumbled, "…You too… I've never seen… a guy looking… that good in red."

Ge Chen's expression changed. His grey eyes dangerously narrowed and his lips parted. He didn't think that she would put it so bluntly while feeling shy. At that moment, he wanted to push her down and have his way with her till she cried out for mercy. 'No, I don't think I will let her go even if she cries. If she does, it'll make me let her cry even harder.' If Xue Lin knew what he was thinking, she would regret speaking like that.

He felt scorching heat in his chest. His eyes landed on a bottle of mineral water on the table. He grabbed it, opened the lid, and drank the whole bottle of water.

"Are you alright?" Xue Lin asked. She thought that he was feeling nervous because of the ceremony. Many people feel nervous before the marriage ceremony. Certainly, he was nervous but not because of the ceremony. He was nervous because of her beauty and his urge for having her.

"I'm okay." Ge Chen said after wiping his mouth with the back of his right hand.

Xue Lin touched his left hand gently and said, "It's okay to be nervous. I'm nervous too."

Seeing how supporting she was, Ge Chen's stiff body relaxed. He said with a smile, "I'm here for you, just do whatever you wish to do."

"Okay…" Xue Lin nodded. She recalled the time they went to the temple and met the priest. "Aren't you worried about what the priest said?"

"Not at all." Ge Chen calmly said as he gazed at her immensely.

Xue Lin felt uncomfortable not because of his gaze but thinking of the priest's words. "According to the Chinese zodiac and the four gods we are polar opposite."

"Don't you know the polar opposite attracts each other?" Ge Chaen took her right hand in his and gently patted. "Don't worry too much about it. Do you know Chinese zodiac animals?"

Xue Lin replied, "I've liked mythology since I'm a child. So, I know certain things about them. Chinese zodiac animals have lucky meanings. Chinese people associate each animal with certain characteristics. It's believed that people born in a given year have the personality of that year's animal. In order, the 12 Chinese animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig."

She continued, "According to the story of the Great Race, the most famous Chinese zodiac story: in ancient china, the jade Emperor who ruled over everything, decided to hold a race and honor the first 12 animals to get across the river, with their very own year. Many moons ago, it is said that the Rat and the Cat were good friends. The Cat spent most of the day napping, so he asked the Rat to wake him up in the time for the race, and the Rat promised he would. But when the race day arrived, the Rat just set off and forgot to wake up the Cat. With the race underway, the Rat made it to the river first and stood there seeking a way across. The Rat slyly asked for help from the next animal who arrived – the Ox who is strong and kind. The Rat jumped onto the Ox's back to cross the river and then jumped down on the other side before the Ox could cross the finish line first. So, the Rat became the first of the zodiac animals to win the race. By the time the Cat woke up from his nap, the race was already finished. That's why the twelve zodiac animals do not include the Cat, and the Rat always avoids the Cat… I think I know why I don't like cats. It's because I'm the Rat."

"If you need any help, let me know. I would love to become your Ox." Ge Chen smiled at her.

'Did he just make a move on me?' Xue Lin blinked. She said, "You can't. You are the Rooster and you aren't strong enough."

Ge Chen's expression fell. He never imagined that there would be a time when his wife would say that he was weak. 'I have to demonstrate it properly to her so that she can understand I'm strong.'

**Warning to all the girls, never tell your husband that you think he is weak or you might suffer later in bed. XD**

*Chinese zodiac story was taken from this link: https://www.chinahighlights.com/travelguide/chinese-zodiac/