
90 to 91

After taking stock of everything, Su Liang woke up and slowly opened his eyes.


At a glance, he saw Tan Qingya curled up in his arms.

Feeling the touch of the beauty in her arms, the plump and delicate body of the cold and beautiful woman is soft and delicate, with a fiery temperature, like a piece of warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms. It is simply irresistible and makes people want to play with it endlessly.

As if his wish had been fulfilled, and with love and pity, Su Liang couldn't help but hold the beautiful body in his arms tightly, unwilling to let go for a long time.

Scenes from the Sims' dream appeared in his mind one after another. The boy had been guarding the witch for ten years, and finally the witch finally confessed, but it was already too late.

We obviously love each other, but we still can't get it. We obviously confess it, but it's too late, and we can no longer feel the warmth of the other person's arms.

Such a regret, Su Liang never wants to make the same mistake again.

The witch Qingya shattered her life and promised to meet again in the next life, but how could that young man A Liang not want to hold that beauty in his arms?


Su Liang sighed, shook his head, and got rid of all the images and emotions in his mind.

After all, I was still influenced by The Sims.

Speaking of which, the dream experience, although very hazy, was finally experienced personally.

We have been together for ten years, and everything about our relationship, daily life, and feelings is all true.

In this case, even if you knew it was a Sim, you would still be affected, right?

But, is that really just The Sims?

But everything in it is clearly so real, almost like what happened before.

Moreover, after the simulated life, both Qin Bingyao and Tan Qingya firmly believed that it was their previous life, and even Su Liang was deeply affected.

This seems a little too unreasonable.

Thinking in his mind, Su Liang became more and more suspicious. There was a big problem with this so-called simulated life!

at this time.

The system's voice suddenly sounded, seriously reminding him, "Sims are also human beings. We have already explained this problem to the host from the very beginning."

Listening to the system's words, Su Liang was speechless for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

And just then.

Su Liang suddenly felt that Tan Qingya's breathing in his arms was slightly messy.

Looking over subconsciously, she saw that Tan Qingya's eyes were closed tightly, but her eyelids were trembling unconsciously, her breathing became more and more messy, and even her beautiful face had crimson cheeks and was extremely beautiful.

This is…

Already awake, but are you pretending to be asleep?

Su Liang immediately saw through Tan Qingya's disguise and couldn't help but start teasing her.


Su Liang stretched out his hand and pinched Tan Qingya's delicate nose.

This scene is completely different from the one in The Sims.

Although A Liang in The Sims also wanted to do this, he didn't have the chance after all. With the witch's elegant and unfrank manner, if A Liang did this, he would probably be beaten to death.

But now, all the regrets in the Sims' life have disappeared. The boy and the beautiful woman have confessed their feelings and achieved positive results. This kind of intimate gesture is naturally the more the better.

Just for a moment.

Tan Qingya woke up faintly, puffed her cheeks and stared at Su Liang, "Let go."

After hearing this, Su Liang immediately let go of his hand, and then tightened his hold on Tan Qingya.

(It's a new day, thank you all for your support)

Volume 1 # Chapter 90: It's a great job, the beautiful woman is so ashamed

"Sister, I finally woke up. The sun is already high in the sky now."


Tan Qingya felt the heat of Su Liang's body, and the legendary fire joy was still pressed against her body. She blushed and said, "You, you, how dare you do such a thing to me."

"You, don't worry..."

But the words are not finished yet.

Su Liang leaned down and wanted to kiss her passionately.


Just when he was about to touch Tan Qingya, Tan Qingya stopped him directly.

"do not do that…"

Tan Qingya put her hand on Su Liang's chest and said with some guilt, "You, you are Yao'er's man, and I am Yao'er's master. If Yao'er knows about the two of us, she will be sad. ."

As she said that, Tan Qingya's mind appeared in the scene where her apprentice questioned him heartbrokenly after seeing the two of them like this.


At the critical moment when everything had happened to the two of them and they were about to achieve enlightenment, Tan Qingya gave up, shook her head and said, "Even for Yao'er, we, we can't go on like this."

Just once is enough, right?

It's enough for me to reminisce and taste it in the future.

After all, I was a step too late...


Faced with Tan Qingya's concerns, Su Liang was extremely calm, "I have a way to make her forgive you."


After hearing this, Tan Qingya's eyes immediately lit up and she asked, "What?"

If she could, how could she be willing to leave Su Liang?

Su Liang smiled slightly, leaned close to Tan Qingya's ear, opened his mouth, and whispered.


Tan Qingya was not used to this.

Her ears were too sensitive. Just by Su Liang's approach, she felt something was wrong. When Su Liang spoke, the hot breath sprayed in her ears, which almost aroused her senses again.

But this method was too important to her, so Tan Qingya could only endure her discomfort and listen attentively.

After some words.

Tan Qingya was angry.

Leaning over Tan Qingya's ear, Su Liang said softly, "It's very simple. As long as you call Sister Bingyao, she will definitely forgive you."

"This is what Bingyao has wanted to do for a long time."


Call your apprentice sister?

This traitor!

How dare you do this!

In an instant, Tan Qingya was angry!

"You dare to ask me, the master, to call her my apprentice sister, Yao'er, haha, you did a great job..."

Tan Qingya smiled coldly, raised her head, kept a straight face, and said with a steely look, "Just wait, when Yao'er comes back, I will make Yao'er cry and call my sister, and be punished obediently. "

Seeing Tan Qingya like this, Su Liang couldn't help but laugh.

This is right.

At this moment, Tan Qingya looked confident, not at all like the heartache, guilt, and worry about gains and losses just now.

This kind of Tan Qingya is the real her.

Don't worry, sister, just stay with me and leave everything else to me.

Thinking in his mind, Su Liang gave Tan Qingya a thumbs up, "What a strong-willed sister Tan. Sister, you can remember what you say now. When Bingyao comes back, you must make her cry and call you sister." "

"of course!"

Tan Qingya nodded naturally.


Su Liang shook his head and smiled, looking forward to it, "I hope you can be so tough when Bingyao comes back."

But I didn't expect it.

His words directly made Tan Qingya unhappy.


Tan Qingya squinted her eyes and looked at Su Liang, "Are you questioning my authority as master and sister?"


Su Liang coughed twice and quickly waved his hands, "I didn't mean that."

Just kidding, Su Liang clearly felt the danger emanating from Tan Qingya. Is he still waiting to be beaten to death?

But it was too late to deny it at this time!


Tan Qingya chuckled twice and raised the corners of her mouth in a charming but dangerous arc, "My little brother is very naughty. It seems that he needs some punishment."

Say it!

He immediately got on his horse and sat on Su Liang's body.

Looking at Su Liang condescendingly, Tan Qingya looked cold and arrogant. She passed her slender hand across Su Liang's face, looking like a queen, "Little brother, are you ready to accept the punishment?"

the other side.

The plan failed and everything was defeated by Tan Qingya alone. Ren Changsheng, Yu Jie and the elders fled all the way, panicking and not choosing their way out.


While running away, Ren Changsheng roared in his heart.

I had been forbearing for ten years and had planned a counterattack for a long time, but why did I lose everything!

It was clear that he had controlled those elders, and he had also endured cultivation, pushing his cultivation to the peak of the Dragon Transformation Realm, a height rarely seen in Tiandao Sect in ancient times.

Just in case, I have also found the elders of the Shang Sect, who are powerful in the Immortality Realm. They are far more powerful than this area!

The most important thing is that he has successfully restrained Qingya.

But why, I still lose!

The more he thought about it, the more Ren Changsheng gritted his teeth. Silently, the darkened fate of the protagonist began to bite back.

In just a few moments, Ren Changsheng was already haunted by inner demons. His brain was becoming increasingly blurry, and his heart was full of rage. Countless whispers were ringing in his ears, torturing him all the time!

Su Liang, is it all that Su Liang's fault?

If he hadn't seen through his plan and used it together with Qingya, how could he be like this!

What does it mean to lose to such a small character in the Xiantian realm!

Qingya, she must be mine!

The deep reluctance filled his whole heart, so much so that he unconsciously whispered, "Qingya, Qingya... just wait for me. Soon, I will go back to find you..."

Hearing this, Elder Sister Yu on the side began to sarcastically say, "Oh, after ten years of marriage, you still haven't got a wife. In the end, you took advantage of others. Ren Changsheng, how do you still have the nerve to live in this world?"

"You have been planning it for several years, but in the end it fell into the hands of a young man and was beaten up by the woman you loved. Gee, this is your plan? I was really blind at the time, but I believed you!"

"In my opinion, you have become like this, your wife is gone, and your sect belongs to someone else. You should just kill yourself. You don't deserve to continue to live."

Elder Sister Yu didn't realize it.

These words she said, every word, every sentence, were deeply pierced into Ren Changsheng's heart!

"Shut up!"

Ren Changsheng scolded angrily, looking at the elder Yu Jie beside him who had been seriously injured and whose strength had declined, a crazy idea suddenly emerged in his heart.

"you say…"

Ren Changsheng whispered, as if to himself, "If I devour you, will I have the strength to take Qing Ya back?"

The words just fell!

This crazy idea has become a reality!

Without saying a word, before Elder Sister Yu could react, Ren Changsheng pounced directly on him, so fiercely that he wanted to devour the elder of Shangzong!


The Immortal Realm is the Immortal Realm after all, even if it has been seriously injured, it is still not a match for the peak of the Dragon Transformation Realm.

In just an instant, Elder Sister Yu reacted and took action frantically to suppress Ren Changsheng.

Seeing that this devouring is about to fail!

But at this moment.

A voice, with a hint of hatred that iron cannot be transformed into steel, suddenly sounded, "Oh, Ren Changsheng, we gave you a chance and gave you assistance, but you still turned the plan into this."

"Now, I have turned myself into this horrible state."

"The hard work we put into you is really wasted!"

"who is it?"

The beautiful woman suddenly became alert. While holding down Ren Changsheng, who was still struggling, she looked around vigilantly, but could not see anyone.

At this time, the voice appeared again, "Forget it, Ren Changsheng, I will help you again. This time, you must not let us down again..."

As the words fell, a mysterious black shadow suddenly appeared behind Elder Sister Yu, but Elder Sister Yu knew nothing about it.

Immediately afterwards.

The mysterious black shadow suddenly took action, and with just one blow, it severely injured Elder Sister Yu!


Ren Changsheng spit out the blood from his mouth, stood up, and glanced at the mysterious black figure.

Even though his mind was a little unclear now, he still recognized the identity of this dark figure!

Without saying anything else, Ren Changsheng pounced decisively on the elder Yu Jie who had been severely injured and could not move, and began to devour him.

Just for a moment.

Elder Sister Yu was devoured completely, but Ren Changsheng closed his eyes, and the aura on his body fluctuated, rising and falling.


Silk threads appeared from his body and soon wrapped him up, turning him into a giant cocoon.

In order to get Tan Qingya, in order to kill Su Liang...

Ren Changsheng put everything he had into a last-ditch effort!

Tiandao Sect.

Compared to Ren Changsheng who had escaped and was fighting for his life, Su Liang was also engaged in fierce and protracted battles.

"No, I can't do it anymore!"

Tan Qingya's eyes were filled with mist, hazy and confused, and her beautiful cheeks were full of crimson and beads of sweat. At this moment, she really couldn't stand it anymore and begged for mercy, "You, please stop."

While talking.

Tan Qingya's jade hand reached out and pressed against Su Liang's chest, trying to push Su Liang away.


After several battles, this was the first time she set foot on this dangerous battlefield. Tan Qingya had long since lost her strength. She just felt that her whole body was soft and she couldn't use any strength, let alone push Su Liang away.

Seeing Tan Qingya's appearance, Su Liang looked scornful, "That's it? Sister, you said you would punish me, and that's it?"

"I didn't say that, sister, this is too bad for you."

Hearing this, Tan Qingya rolled her eyes at Su Liang and said nothing more.

The fact was already obvious. She, a newbie Si Ji, was definitely no match for Su Liang, an experienced driver.

Seeing that Tan Qingya didn't speak, Su Liang was even more happy. He just said nothing and continued to do his own thing.


Tan Qingya almost rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue.

Without any choice.

Tan Qingya had no choice but to wrap her arms around Su Liang's neck and move closer to Su Liang's ear. Her voice was soft and charming, "Good brother, I know I'm wrong. You, please let me go."

"Well...that's pretty much it."

Su Liang nodded with satisfaction, then stopped, lying next to Tan Qingya, hugging Tan Qingya, his face full of aftertaste.

It feels really good to have a good time in this physical sense.

But at this time, Tan Qingya buried her head in Su Liang's arms and did not dare to see Su Liang at all!

Actually, he was forced to call him good brother?

This, this is too shameful!

With screams in her heart, Tan Qingya felt so ashamed that she was almost embarrassed to see others.

After the two rested for a while, Tan Qingya recovered and stood up softly against Su Liang's body, looking lazy.

Putting on a coat, Tan Qingya stood up.

A simple coat cannot perfectly cover Tan Qingya's plump figure. Under the cover of the wide robe, the graceful figure of the beauty is as if covered with a thin layer of gauze, hazy, but it attracts people's reverie, and even more Show beauty.

The sun shines down on Tan Qingya, casting a layer of divine radiance. At this moment, she is like a goddess, dazzling, holy and charming!

Unable to help himself, Su Liang stood up, came behind Tan Qingya, and hugged her, "Ah, sister is so touching when she looks like this. I couldn't help but hug her. Sister, won't you blame me?"

"Go, just say some nice words to coax me."

Tan Qingya scolded her, "Ah Liang, you must never do this in front of outsiders."

Snuggling gently in Su Liang's arms, Tan Qingya at this moment regained her former composure.

After cleaning up, Tan Qingya and Su Liang came to the yard, basking in the sun, each doing their own thing, looking at each other and smiling from time to time, all without saying a word.

For a moment, it was a pleasant and warm scene.

Sitting on the chair, Tan Qingya felt her situation.

After a while, she discovered that her current condition was surprisingly good!

The charming body that has troubled me all day long and made me have no choice but to close in on love, always fight, and suppress, is now calm and stable, and does not need to be suppressed at all. It has been unblocked.


After Mei's body was unblocked, the huge power was controlled by Tan Qingya. Unknowingly, it helped Tan Qingya's cultivation reach a higher level!

After feeling the power in her body, Tan Qingya was very sure that if she were to meet Ren Changsheng and the elder Yu Jie together again, she would be able to kill them instantly without much effort.

All these changes…

Is it all because of him?

Thinking in her mind, Tan Qingya looked in Su Liang's direction with a smile.

And the other side.

Su Liang is practicing the Taoist martial arts he just acquired, and he has no regrets with one sword strike!

Dao-level martial arts has touched the edge of Dao, and its power and effect are extremely huge, beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Even if your qualifications are mediocre, as long as you have a copy of Dao-level martial arts, you are enough to compete with the geniuses of the same level!

In Shangzong, this is considered a rare and high-quality resource, but in a place like Tiandao Sect, it is almost a legendary treasure!

And this sword without regrets was born out of the sword without regrets struck by a young man before death in The Sims!

The emphasis of this sword is on the sword's intention. When the sword is drawn out, there will be no regrets, and it will move forward without hesitation. It is a sure-kill sword that sacrifices one's life. Once this sword is drawn, either the enemy will die, or we will die.

Volume 1 # Chapter 91 In order to cope with the crisis, dual cultivation is essential

Therefore, this sword is extremely powerful and explosive. If used properly, it is not difficult to fight across levels.

Holding the long sword in front of him, Su Liang closed his eyes. The sword embryo body and the supreme sword inheritance brought him extremely strong sword talent, and Su Liang quickly felt something.

And this time.

The memory of the past life appeared in my mind again, and I personally experienced the young man's Zangfeng for sixteen years, and the regretless sword that moved the nine states with one sword. With the blessing of this memory and experience.

In just half an hour, Su Liang understood the power of the sword without regrets.

But this is just the beginning.

The sword power turned into the sword intention and integrated into his own body. After some attempts, Su Liang soon turned this powerful sword power into his own master's intention.

A sword without regrets, a sword without any return!

"One sword, no regrets!"

Su Liang opened his eyes suddenly, unsheathed the long sword in his hand, and the sharpness filled the entire courtyard in an instant. Many flowers and plants had their branches broken, and the scattered leaves scattered on the ground, but they instantly turned into fly ash!

Immediately afterwards.

Cut it out with one sword!


The sword blade cut through the air, seeming to cut the space into two pieces. Under the strong and determined mood of moving forward, the sword's light was bright and powerful. Wherever the sword light flashed, huge ravines opened on the ground.

The sharp sword intent clings to it and cannot be dissipated for a long time.

Even several buildings on the side began to shake and crumbled under this sword.


The sword light cut out a section, and Su Liang immediately retracted it. Looking at what he had caused, he felt very satisfied.

This sword was caught off guard. Even if it was a normal master, it would not be comfortable.

Tan Qingya, who was watching all this, blinked in surprise.

Having practiced swordsmanship, Tan Qingya naturally knows how difficult it is to learn this martial arts move with such extreme sword intent.

Do you want to master such a move in the Xiantian realm?

It's not impossible, it just takes a lot of time.

And Ah Liang, he actually mastered it in just a short period of time!

This swordsmanship talent is probably unparalleled in the world, right?


The power of this sword is difficult for ordinary masters to withstand, but A Liang is only at the innate level!

Suddenly, an idea came to Tan Qingya's mind, which could definitely avenge A Liang for being disrespectful to her before!


Tan Qingya came to Su Liang and said, "Let me help you hone your sword skills."

Why do you want to sharpen your sword skills? In fact, you just want to bully him back!

Faced with Tan Qingya's request, Su Liang decisively refused, "I don't think it's necessary. I'm already very skilled in sword moves."

Just kidding, after all, the two of them have lived together in The Sims for ten years. Couldn't Su Liang still see what Tan Qingya wants to do?

How could you just agree like that?

I'm afraid I won't be beaten to death.


In order to prevent Tan Qingya from continuing, Su Liang changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, the sect master and the elder of the Shang sect have already escaped. Both of them are very strong. If they have been hiding in the dark, We are looking for trouble, but it is also a problem, and we need to find a way to solve it."

"Moreover, the Fucang Dao Sect behind that elder is much more powerful than our Tiandao Sect. We killed other people's geniuses and beat their elders. If they come to our door, it seems that our Tiandao Sect will not be able to deal with them at all."

Listening to Su Liang's words, Tan Qingya was not worried. Instead, she shook her head and said, "Don't worry, I have left special marks on the two of them in the previous battle. I can know their locations at any time."

"I can feel that the two of them are not out of our range and can catch up at any time."

"The top priority is to recover from their injuries. The combined strength of the two of them is not weak. Only when I recover from my injuries can I catch them."

Nodding, Su Liang then asked, "So, what should Fu Cang Dao Sect do?"

As powerful as the Fucang Dao Sect, there are by no means a few masters of the Immortality Realm, and they even exist in the Transcendence Realm. If the other party insists on taking action against the Tiandao Sect, there is simply no way that Tan Qingya can stop it.

"It doesn't matter."

Tan Qingya was not worried about this and seemed quite calm, "I have my own way to deal with them. They will never dare to touch us at will."

Don't dare to move at will, instead of being unable to defeat?


So, Tan Qingya's background should be very strong, right?

It is powerful enough to intimidate Fucang Daozong. Just a name makes Fucang Daozong afraid to take action.


In such a small place as Tiandaozong, there would be a master who could compete with the Immortality Realm. He was also possessed of a charming body, and the martial arts he used were not ordinary.

Tan Qingya looks indeed very unusual.

Instead of asking any more questions, Su Liang fell into thinking.

That night.

In Tan Qingya's boudoir.

Tan Qingya was wearing a hazy gauze dress, her eyebrows were full of spring, her pretty face was crimson, bright and moving, her pink and waxy lips were biting lightly, and she stood in front of Su Liang with a charming look.

Su Liang looked over and saw that the skirt of Tan Qingya's gauze dress was still slit, revealing her plump, snow-white legs, outlining her perfect curves.

Looking further up, everything is hidden in the gauze, but when the skirt swings, it is vaguely visible, adding a hazy beauty.

Such Tan Qingya's charm was so full that Su Liang couldn't stand it and almost couldn't help but pounce on her.

Looking Tan Qingya up and down, Su Liang knew very well that she must have ulterior motives when dressed like this.


Su Liang asked, "Sister, what are you doing?"

But I didn't expect it.

Although she was dressed charmingly, Tan Qingya explained in a serious manner, "Next, whether it is dealing with Ren Changsheng and the elder, or dealing with the Fucang Dao Sect, it will be a big problem for us."

"In order to cope with these problems, I need to speed up the recovery of my injuries."

"I see…"

Su Liang looked like he suddenly realized, "So you want me to help my sister solve the problem of body charm."


After hearing what Su Liang said, Tan Qingya immediately nodded in agreement.

That's right, I just want Ah Liang to help me solve the problem of my body. I'm not just lusting after his body!

To this.

Su Liang understood immediately, showed an inexplicable smile, and took Tan Qingya's hand, "In that case, sister, let's come quickly. We don't know when the danger will happen, so we'd better not waste time."

Tan Qingya's boudoir, on the bed.

There have been several battles, and Tan Qingya was already familiar with it, but she met her beloved again. All kinds of happiness were added together, and the unimaginable joy only took a few times to make her appreciate it.

With her cheeks red and her lips biting, Tan Qingya obeyed Su Liang's various tricks and continued to enjoy them.

Looking at the obedient Tan Qingya in front of him, Su Liang discovered that there were unexpected similarities between his sister and his fairy girlfriend.

I don't know how much time has passed.

With Su Liang's continuous efforts, Tan Qingya finally achieved a beautiful figure!

From then on, the power of Charming Body has been completely controlled by Tan Qingya. There is no need to exert effort to suppress it, and there is no need to have any scruples.

Tan Qingya has completely gotten rid of the troubles she has suffered for so many years.

Beside the dragon pond.

Refined by the true dragon's blood, Qin Bingyao smelted 50% of the dragon's blood, resulting in a completely transformed person from the inside out!

Regardless of the muscles, bones, skin, flesh, meridians and bones, they are all extremely tough and exude a radiant light. Although they are not comparable to real dragons, they are far superior to ordinary transformed dragons!

And her cultivation realm has even faintly touched the threshold of transforming into a dragon. Over time, after this harvest has been completely settled, she will be sure to be promoted to a dragon!

At this moment, if she faced her before, she would probably be able to beat up a group of people with just one hand!

This kind of entry is extremely terrifying!

Opening her eyes, Qin Bingyao packed everything up and collected the remaining 50% of the dragon's blood.

He had indeed gained benefits and could transform into a dragon, but Su Lang didn't have dragon blood yet.

These will all be left to Su Lang after he returns!

Thinking in her heart, Tan Qingya happily embarked on the road to return to the sect.

When she encountered a fatal crisis before, Su Liang's words still echoed in her ears.

It was Su Lang's words that allowed my double pupils to exert their full power.

This time, it was Su Lang who saved him.

Therefore, after returning home, he must repay Su Lang well!

Not far away from Tiandaozong, in a dark cave.

The cave that was originally empty was now filled with a giant cocoon. The giant cocoon shone with a strange light, and there was a majestic power surging in it, which was very dangerous.

And just then!

The giant cocoon suddenly shattered, and a figure emerged from it, majestic and powerful!

It's none other than Ren Changsheng!

After devouring the essence and blood of an Immortal Realm, Ren Changsheng's cultivation level officially broke through to the Immortal Realm, and his appearance returned to that of his youth.

After getting dressed, Ren Changsheng looked in the direction of Tiandao Sect without saying a word.

During the previous battle, Qingya seemed relaxed, but in fact, she also suffered a lot of injuries.

Thinking about it, she couldn't have recovered so quickly in just a few days.


At this moment, it is a good time to fight back!

The injured Qingya was no match for her now, and how could anyone else stop her?

Thinking in his mind, Ren Changsheng immediately made a decision and decisively attacked Tiandao Sect.

The journey was not long, and in just a few moments, Ren Changsheng reached Tiandao Sect.


With a deafening roar, the gate of Tiandao Sect was directly blasted by Ren Changsheng.

The sect-protecting formation and the indestructible mountain gate were all destroyed by Ren Changsheng's blow, without causing any hindrance to him.

"Su Liang!"

Ren Changsheng gritted his teeth and muttered to himself, step by step, and slowly entered the Tiandao Sect.

Him at this moment.

Wisps of black demonic aura lingered around him. Through the cover of the demonic aura, in the vague shadow, one could see Dao Ren Changsheng's ferocious face, disheveled hair, looking like a madman. He looked like a demon, which was intimidating.


A group of Tiandao Sect disciples who heard the commotion rushed here.


Volume 1 # Chapter 92: Killing the sect leader, the evil deeds of Cao thieves, the unhappy beautiful woman wants to vent her anger

When they saw the demon-like Ren Changsheng, they all showed fear on their faces and stepped back unconsciously. Some of them even lost control of the weapons in their hands.

Whenever Ren Changsheng makes any move, they will immediately flee!

Seeing the disciples like this, Ren Changsheng became even more angry!

"You rebellious traitors, I am your sect master!"

"Do any of you treat the sect leader like this?"

It was enough to just watch him being kicked out. Now that he is back, he still treats himself like this. It is simply unforgivable!

At this moment.

Su Liang and Tan Qingya slowly walked out of the crowd.

Tan Qingya looked at Ren Changsheng's demonic appearance and reminded, "Ren Changsheng, look at your own appearance. Do you still look like a sect master now?"

After hearing this, Ren Changsheng looked at the two people.

Su Liang is a handsome young man, as gentle as jade, and Tan Qingya is stunningly beautiful. The two of them are close together, so close that they are almost touching each other. The deep affection in their eyes when they look at each other is almost irresistible.

Between the two of them, every little inadvertent movement and little look in their eyes showed a perfect understanding.

This is the true couple of gods and immortals, the envy of others!


The one standing there should obviously be me!

Qingya can only belong to herself!

This Su Liang, how could he be treated like this by Qingya, how could he be tempted by Qingya and stay by Qingya's side!

Why should Su Liang be able to do something that he has been trying hard for ten years but failed to achieve? ?

Why, that person can't be me!

At this moment, Ren Changsheng was so jealous that he became twisted.

"Su Liang..."

With a suppressed voice of extreme anger, Ren Changsheng suddenly took action, attacking Su Liang with a powerful attack belonging to the Immortality Realm.

Just a simple punch had the power to destroy mountains, making Su Liang feel unstoppable!

It was only then that Ren Changsheng's second words came through, "Su Liang, no matter what, you will die today!"


After a dull sound, Tan Qingya stepped forward again, stood in front of Su Liang, and blocked Ren Changsheng's fatal blow.

"Want to kill A Liang?"

Tan Qingya's pretty face was sinister, her face was extremely cold, and her voice also contained some coldness of anger, "Then I will kill you!"

After that, he took action decisively and started fighting with Ren Changsheng.

After these few days of continuous practice and reconciliation with Su Liang, Tan Qingya's injuries recovered quickly, and the problem of Mei's body was completely solved. Not only did she no longer need to be distracted to suppress Mei's body, but her cultivation level also increased a lot.

At this moment, she has reached her peak, and all her powerful strength can be used in battle.


Ren Changsheng, who was in the Immortality Realm, faced off against Tan Qingya, who was in her prime. An unprecedented battle began within the Tiandao Sect.

this moment.

Everyone stayed away from the battlefield, retreated, and looked at this super-scale battle with horror on their faces.

Although the building on the side was strong enough and made of special materials, it still collapsed due to the strong strength of the two people.

Almost the entire Tiandao Sect was shrouded in the strong momentum of the collision between the two, and was on the verge of collapse!

As the battle progresses.

Ren Changsheng, who was no match for Tan Qingya, had been suppressed and beaten by Tan Qingya from the very beginning. Until now, his mentality has collapsed after being beaten.


Even so, he gritted his teeth and continued, "Qingya, please be more awake. Look at me. I am Ren Changsheng. We are husband and wife. We shouldn't be facing each other like this!"

"Qingya, wake up quickly and come back to me."

Until now.

Ren Changsheng was unwilling to accept the reality. He still thought that Tan Qingya was deceived by Su Liang and wanted to make Tan Qingya wake up.

Faced with Ren Changsheng's delusion, Tan Qingya directly made a fatal statement, "Ren Changsheng, stop dreaming."

"From the beginning to the end, I have only one sweetheart, and he is Su Liang!"

In just two words, Ren Changsheng was dealt tens of thousands of times the critical damage, instantly severely injuring Ren Changsheng, almost falling into despair and losing all will to fight.

It was at this moment.

"Congratulations to the host for achieving the perfect strategy and killing the incompetent patient!"

"Activate the final mission - show affection in front of the sect master."

"Watching his wife being held in someone else's arms, this is the treatment he deserves as an incompetent patient."

Are you kidding me? How could I do such a thing!

The moment he heard the system sound, Su Liang selectively ignored the task.

Not to mention that the entire Tiandao Sect's disciples and elders are now watching the show of affection between himself and Tan Qingya, this matter has been completely exposed.

Although Ren Changsheng had murderous intentions towards him and targeted him more than once, he was already miserable enough when he stole his lover.

How about showing affection and intimacy with someone you love in front of them?

How many scumbags do you have to do this?

No, no, this kind of request cannot be fulfilled.

the other side.

Ren Changsheng, who was severely beaten after being severely beaten and severely injured by Tan Qingya after just two words from Tan Qingya, his eyes were dull, his eyes were distracted, and his spirit was broken!


Opening his mouth with difficulty, Ren Changsheng began to play the emotional card, talking to himself about the ten years of getting along and accompanying each other, "The year you and I got married, the power in your body could not be suppressed. It was I who went to other sects and begged them one by one. You know how much you paid in exchange for the elixir that can save your life."

"Every late night, when I see candles burning in your room, I will make you some midnight snacks and bring them to you."

"I remember everything you like to eat and will often cook it for you. If you don't like it, I will never find it again in the sect..."

Listening to Ren Changsheng's self-centered talk, even Tan Qingya couldn't help but relax.

The past events are vivid in my mind.

Although Tan Qingya was convinced that she had no feelings for Ren Changsheng at all, and he had done many wrong things, her ten years of companionship and care were not fake.

If there was no other way, who would be willing to come to this point?

And just then!

Seeing Tan Qingya's relaxation, Ren Changsheng suddenly got angry, summoned all the strength in his body, and punched Tan Qingya, "Qingya, if I can't get you alive, then you will go to hell with me!"


This punch is enough to break up rocks. Even if Tan Qingya is unprepared, there is no way he can block it.

Caught off guard, even Tan Qingya couldn't make any response!

Seeing it, the most dangerous moment has arrived!

"One sword, no regrets!"

At this critical moment, a soft chant reached everyone's ears.


A bright sword light flashed past, with an indomitable determination to move forward, directly towards Ren Changsheng, and instantly penetrated Ren Changsheng's chest!

Everyone looked.

I saw.

Su Liang still maintained the posture of drawing the sword, and on the sword body, the aura of no regrets and indomitable momentum still remained.


Ren Changsheng fell to the ground, and Su Liang also withdrew his sword.


The blood was spitting out as if there was no need for money. Su Liang's sword had completely cut off Ren Changsheng's heart. With Su Liang's understanding of the immortal realm, this sword went straight to the vital point. Ren Changsheng would never survive. possible!

At this moment, he was already on the verge of death.

At this moment.

Su Liang walked up to Tan Qingya in a few steps. Without saying a word, he reached out and held Tan Qingya in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her forcefully.


Ren Changsheng, who was on the verge of death, saw this scene, but his eyes burst out with a strange light. He exerted all his strength, Ren Changsheng kept struggling, trying to get up and organize Su Liang's actions!


All of this was in vain. In his situation, it was impossible for him to do anything again.

Su Liang, you, stop it!

Qingya is mine, she is mine, Su Liang, I am going to kill you!

No, this is not true. Qingya must be in love with me, isn't she?

His heart kept roaring, and darkness gradually swallowed up his mind. Gradually, Ren Changsheng lost his breath, but his eyes were wide open, staring in the direction of Su Liang and Tan Qingya.

The director of Tiandao Sect will live forever and never die in peace!

And this moment.

"The final mission is completed. Congratulations on achieving the perfect two-star Cao thief."

late at night.

Under the moonlight, in the courtyard.

Tan Qingya sat on the steps outside the door, looking up at the moonlight, but feeling very sad.

During these ten years of getting along, Ren Changsheng's presence filled every detail of her life.

Although she had never liked Ren Changsheng, his companionship and care over the past ten years had made Tan Qingya regard him as a relative.

The feeling of being betrayed by a loved one is very uncomfortable.

If Ren Changsheng hadn't had such feelings for him that he shouldn't have, hadn't betrayed himself, hadn't done these things, would the outcome of things now be different?

I will definitely fall in love with A-Liang and choose to be with A-Liang, but Ren Changsheng should be alive now, right?

Why, things have come to this point?

Why would Ren Changsheng make such a mistake?

For a moment, Tan Qingya's mood was a little complicated.

Su Liang sat next to Tan Qingya, holding Tan Qingya's waist, and quietly accompanied Tan Qingya to admire the moon without saying a word.


Tan Qingya leaned her head on Su Liang's shoulder, put her slender hand into Su Liang's, and intertwined their fingers. The two looked at each other and smiled, which was extremely warm.

"Do not worry."

Su Liang held Tan Qingya's hand tightly and said softly, "I will always be by your side and will never leave you or betray you."


Tan Qingya nodded and shrank into Su Liang's arms.

After admiring the moon for a while.

Tan Qingya suddenly said, "A-Liang, let's go back to the house."

Su Liang blinked and looked at the expression on Tan Qingya's face that had softened a lot. She didn't seem to be sad at all, so she nodded, "Okay."


The two stood up, turned around and walked into the house.

But just when Su Liang closed the door and turned around.

But I saw it!

Tan Qingya stood behind him, staring at him without saying a word, with a strange light shining in her beautiful eyes, which was extremely aggressive.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Su Liang realized something was wrong and subconsciously took two steps back, almost wanting to run away immediately!

"Ren Changsheng betrayed me, and I am very unhappy."

Tan Qingya said expressionlessly.

"Well...then what?"

Su Lianglue was a little trembling.

If Su Liang reconciled yin and yang with his sister, Su Liang would not be like this, but looking at Tan Qingya's appearance at this time, it is obvious that things will not be so simple!

Su Liang doubted that if he didn't leave now, he wouldn't have to leave in the future...

I'm afraid I'm going to die in bed!

"You just forced me to kiss you in front of everyone. I'm very angry."

Tan Qingya said expressionlessly again.


Su Liang asked slightly tremblingly.


Tan Qingya paused for a moment before saying, "I will vent all this anger to you!"


With a wave of his sleeves, Su Liang felt as if his body was completely out of control and flew straight to Tan Qingya's side.

Immediately afterwards.

The jade finger gently tapped Su Liang's chest and pushed Su Liang down. Tan Qingya leaned over decisively and pressed on!

"Stab it..."

In the darkness, there was a sound of fabric being torn, and then Su Liang exclaimed, "My, my clothes..."

"Shut up!"

Tan Qingya said with some dissatisfaction and continued her actions.


Tan Qingya, who transformed into a Juicer Girl, started squeezing crazily.

I don't know how long it took, but the sun was high in the sky.

The door suddenly opened, and a slightly trembling hand stretched out from inside, but it was pulled back just for a moment.

There was only one scream left, which was thought-provoking.

From that night on, it was a whole day and a night of madness!

The door opened, and Su Liang, who was neatly dressed, looked slightly pale, held his hands on the wall, moved out step by step, and walked out of the door.


Sitting on the chair outside the door, Su Liang took a breath of air, "I'm such an old waist..."

Although it is indeed not as good as before, before the duel between himself and Lin Feng, his girlfriend squeezed him.

But under Tan Qingya's relentless demands, Su Liang felt like he was almost gone.


This day and night is worth it!

Tan Qingya's favorability level was completely increased by Su Liang in this day and night.

"Congratulations to the host, you have achieved 100% success in the strategy, and you have received the reward - Hunyuan Pure Yang Dao Body!"

"The Hunyuan Pure Yang Dao Body is an upgraded version of the Pure Yang Dao Body. It has all the characteristics of the Pure Yang Dao Body, but surpasses it in all aspects. It is a far more domineering and powerful physique than the Pure Yang Dao Body!"

"Warm reminder: The Hunyuan Pure Yang Dao Body comes with additional attributes. If the Yin and Yang are harmonized, you can practice and become stronger."

"As a true Cao thief with ideals and pursuits, you deserve to have the Hunyuan Chunyang Dao Body as a young man!"


Listening to the sound of the system, Su Liang smiled.

Although the introduction of the system is already very complicated, this physique is indeed powerful!

Decisively, Su Liang received the reward.


I just felt a warm current pouring into my body. The extremely powerful and rare Pure Yang Dao Body in the world was upgraded to the Hunyuan Pure Yang Dao Body!

This is a more domineering and powerful physique!

Standing up suddenly, Su Liang instantly felt that his waist no longer hurt, he felt fine again, and he almost wanted to go back and fight his sister for 500 rounds.

(Today is the last day of recommendation. So far, the results are very good. I will work hard to update it. I beg you not to support the book. If you have votes, please vote for me. I am the only one who was so enthusiastic during the same period.

Finally, the fairy is about to return, and the exciting master-disciple drama is about to take place)

Volume 1 # Chapter 93 In front of me, you insist on mentioning my disciple! ?

Qin Bingyao was rushing back to the sect, but halfway through, she passed by a prosperous city.

Standing outside the city gate, Qin Bingyao stopped while looking at the bustling scene of people coming and going at the city gate.

After finally getting out, do you want to pick out some suitable gifts for Su Lang and Master to take back?


As for Master, just buy some jewelry and clothes. Master is naturally beautiful, and she has never used rouge, gouache and other things sparingly. Even if she bought them back, they would just sit idle.

As for Su Lang...

What does Su Lang like?

After thinking for a moment, Qin Bingyao seemed to have thought of something, with a smile on her face, she turned and walked towards the city.

After a while.

Qin Bingyao walked out of the city with a lot of gifts and continued on her way back to her sect.

Hehe, Master and Su Lang must be very happy when they see the gifts he selected for them, right?

Thinking in her heart, Qin Bingyao looked forward to seeing her master and husband look happy after she returned to the sect.

When you go out, you don't forget your master, which shows you are very filial.


She had no idea what was happening in the sect.

Little did he know that the leader of his sect wanted to kill his boyfriend, but was killed instead.

She also has no idea what happened to her master and her boyfriend while she was away.

Tiandao Sect.

Tan Qingya's beautiful face was no longer cold, but had some tenderness. Her brows and eyes were full of residual charm, and she served Su Liang obediently with a gentle look.

Su Liang, on the other hand, enjoys the treatment brought by Tan Qingya, which can be called an emperor's level!

On the bed.

Su Liang lay on the bed and let Tan Qingya help relax his muscles, enjoying Tan Qingya's massage.

The cold and beautiful woman's slender fingers kept kneading and pressing on Su Liang's back, with just the right amount of force, making Su Liang feel comfortable.

Feeling the movements of the jade fingers on his body, Su Liang couldn't help but sigh and praised, "I never thought that one day, I could let my sister do this to me."

"I really didn't expect that my sister's technique could be so good."

"Compared with Bingyao, it's only slightly inferior."

Hearing this, she Qingya immediately narrowed her eyes.


Is A Liang's skin itchy?

Just enjoying your own massage, how dare you mention other women?

The most important thing is that that woman is actually his apprentice!

Don't you think this is exciting enough?


Even if you mention apprentice, you still feel that you are inferior to them?

This is too much!

Ah Liang, Ah Liang, is it because your sister has been too kind to you during this period, making you drift away?

No, you must be punished.


Without saying a word, Tan Qingya retracted her hand, then stood up, stepped on her feet decisively, and stepped on Su Liang's body with her snow-white jade feet.

Hum, Ah Liang, look at how your sister will humiliate you!

While thinking about it, Tan Qingya exerted a little strength and looked at Su Liang lying below with a little pride in her eyes.

What's up, Ah Liang, is it time to beg for mercy?

But I didn't expect it!

Su Liang had no feeling at all about this!

Although I did notice that the feeling on my back had changed, the full, soft, and smooth feeling could not be replaced by my hands.

Su Liang knew immediately that it was his sister's jade foot.

But Su Liang didn't feel any shame at all. Instead, he urged, "What's wrong, sister, keep going."

"I, I understand, don't rush me!"

A hint of crimson appeared on Tan Qingya's beautiful face.

With his own A-Liang under his feet, he was looking down from a high position. When A-Liang turned his head slightly, he had an unobstructed view of the alluring scenery.

This gave Tan Qingya an unparalleled sense of shame and guilt!

Will A Liang be angry if he is humiliated like this?

But, but this is what he asked me to continue.

With this feeling, Tan Qingya stepped on both of her jade feet, standing on Su Liang's body, stepping back and forth.

The more she stepped on, the stranger her expression became, and her eyes shone with a strange light.

It seems that some incredible hobby has been activated!

In your spare time.

Tan Qingya still did not forget to guide Su Liang's practice.

Her own cultivation level far surpasses that of Dragon Transformation, and Qin Bingyao's strength has also reached the level of Grandmaster. When she comes back this time, it won't take long to reach the Dragon Transformation realm.

In comparison, Su Liang's Xiantian realm cultivation is indeed weaker, and it is just the time for him to practice hard and improve his cultivation.

In terms of cultivation, just like the demon Qingya in the dream treated young A Liang, Tan Qingya will naturally not relax in any way towards Su Liang.

But compared to before, the two people's movements were more casual and intimate.

Not only did the two of them not mind the occasional physical contact at this moment, they actually enjoyed it.

By teaching you the correct way to practice step by step, Tan Qingya openly took advantage of Su Liang.

On the training ground.

Tan Qingya taught Su Liang the sword moves, holding a long sword and waving it move by move to demonstrate.

She had discovered that Su Liang's talent in swordsmanship was terrifyingly strong, so she naturally trained Su Liang in this aspect.

After the demonstration, Tan Qingya looked at Su Liang, "Have you learned it?"

Before Su Liang could speak, Tan Qingya directly put the sword into Su Liang's hand and said, "Come on, you can demonstrate it to me."

"Okay, okay..."

Su Liang nodded, but it didn't feel too forced.

The sword moves taught by Tan Qingya are indeed advanced. Su Liang's talent can be understood after just one look.

There are definitely some mistakes and omissions in it, but the overall moves and artistic conception are very different.

But even so!

Tan Qingya was still dissatisfied.

Seeing that Su Liang made a wrong move, Tan Qingya immediately stopped and said with a cold face, "Wrong, this move is not used like this."

Immediately afterwards.

Not only did he not mean to demonstrate it again, but he directly approached Su Liang, came behind Su Liang, and pressed his whole body against Su Liang's body!

Tan Qingya held Su Liang's sword-holding hand with her slender hand. Tan Qingya took it directly, approached Su Liang's ear, and said softly, "Come, follow my movements."

Say it.

The body began to move, and Su Liang's body moved together, performing perfect sword moves.


Feeling that soft and delicate body sticking to his body, with the movement, the pair of proud peaks would be squeezed into various shapes, and wisps of fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose, Su Liang felt a different kind of stimulation.

Under such circumstances, who can practice well?


Su Liang, whose talent in swordsmanship was unparalleled in the world, was making many mistakes at this moment.


Tan Qingya didn't dislike it at all, and kept maintaining this posture, teaching Su Liang over and over again.

this moment.

This cold and charming queen showed a different kind of femininity.

Moreover, whether it is this softness or the intimacy between her and Su Liang, they are all aboveboard!

"That's it."

After an unknown amount of time, Tan Qingya finally led Su Liang to perform a perfect set of sword moves and nodded with satisfaction.


Su Liang breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that everything he had just experienced was really hard to bear.

While feeling Tan Qingya's plump and delicate body, practicing sword moves, what kind of devil's punishment is this?

If he were in the room, he would probably have practiced this sword move on the bed long ago, but this was at the training ground, and Su Liang couldn't do anything but endure it while practicing this sword move.


This feeling is also very comfortable, Su Liang is very satisfied.

Immediately afterwards.

Tan Qingya added, "The next step is combat training."

Looking at Su Liang, Tan Qingya said softly in her voice, "You have learned a lot of sword moves and sword skills, but your combat experience is still lacking. Next, we will make up for your combat experience through battles. ."


Su Liang nodded and agreed.


After the two sides set up their posture, they soon started fighting!

Under this huge strength gap, Su Liang was naturally no match for Tan Qingya. After a battle, Su Liang attacked fiercely, but Tan Qingya blocked Su Liang's attack with ease and pointed out the flaws and flaws in Su Liang's moves. defect.


This way of giving guidance is a little different.

"This sword is too powerful, so hold back some strength."

Blocking Su Liang's sword, Tan Qingya immediately appeared behind Su Liang, brushed her slender hand on Su Liang's face, and spoke softly.


Su Liang's heart skipped a beat when he was touched by Tan Qingya's hand, and he quickly came back to his senses and responded.


Another sword strike was blocked by Tan Qingya with one finger, and then she knocked Su Liang to the ground with her backhand. She stepped on Su Liang's chest with her jade feet and said condescendingly, "It missed by three inches. It should have been aimed at the heart." The sword only hit the right chest, why, do you think you can hurt me?"


Su Liang couldn't help but swallow. The small jade feet stepped on his chest, and the white and round jade legs were close to his eyes. When he raised his head and looked up, he could see the beautiful scenery at a glance.

Tan Qingya didn't seem to notice it. She twisted her jade feet on Su Liang's body and pulled away, "Come again."


In such a battle, Tan Qingya kept reminding Su Liang of his shortcomings, but Su Liang was tempted by Tan Qingya.


For Tan Qingya, he could only see but not touch, so he could only endure it silently, keep getting stronger, hone himself, and strive to knock Tan Qingya to the ground and teach her a lesson by pressing her on her lap.

Time passes little by little.

In Tan Qingya's devil (body) training, Su Liang was forced to accelerate and become stronger, and he could faintly touch the threshold of a master!

When training is over!

Su Liang felt the power in his body and had an idea in his mind.

At this moment, he doesn't need any chance encounters at all. The only thing left to break through to the master level is to improve his realm!

I have to say that although this training process is a little painful (and refreshing), the advancement of strength is also quite terrifying!

While following Tan Qingya back, Su Liang sighed silently.


In the bath.

After a day of training, Su Liang lay in the bathtub, taking a bath and relaxing.

Feeling the warm water washing over his body, Su Liang sighed, feeling that life was infinitely beautiful.

And just then!


The sound of water entering suddenly rang in Su Liang's ears.

Su Liang turned around and saw that Tan Qingya was wearing a bathrobe at the moment, with her legs immersed in the water. Her plump and perfect figure was perfectly displayed against the bathrobe, and she was constantly sliding into the water. in water.

"elder sister?"

Su Liang asked with some confusion, "What are you doing?"

Tan Qingya came to Su Liang's side and said, "Of course I'm going to rub your back."

After hearing this, Su Liang looked at Tan Qingya and lost his mind for a moment.

In the mist, Tan Qingya's beautiful face has crimson cheeks, soft and waxy lips that are even more rosy, her brows are springy, and the water is flowing in her big and beautiful eyes. Under the cover of the mist, it adds a hazy beauty. .

Even though Su Liang was well-informed, he had to admit that the words Tan Qingya and beauty at this time were not enough to describe her.

"Is this...is this appropriate?"

Su Liang said in a daze.

Tan Qingya, however, started role-playing, holding a towel in her hand, looking astringent but reserved, "Official, please rest assured, the slave family will serve you well."

Say it.

Then he took care of himself and got up his hands.

See this.

Su Liang didn't say much, just closed his eyes and enjoyed it in peace.

After a while.

Tan Qingya's voice came, "The official didn't say anything. How are the officials serving the slave family?"


Su Liang waved his hand and said, "Just so so..."

Halfway through her words, she heard Tan Qingya ask, "What, can't you compare to Yao'er?"

After hearing this, Su Liang hesitated for a moment.

After a moment, he praised, "Of course my sister's is better. Oh my, my sister's strength is just right and her technique is very comfortable..."

Listening to Su Liang's praise, Tan Qingya noticed something was wrong and immediately asked, "If it's really my fault, why are you hesitating?"

"After all, I'm still not as good as Yao'er, right?"


After coughing twice, Su Liang said awkwardly, "Bingyao is someone who has been here after all. It's normal that my sister can't compare to her."

He actually let Yaoer compete again!

Hum hum, someone here?

Obviously, Aliang, you should be mine!

It's just that Yao'er took the lead and met you first. Why should I always belittle Yao'er?

Thinking rather amusingly, Tan Qingya lowered her head subconsciously and inadvertently saw her pair of proud peaks.

Maybe...in this case, I can win back a victory?

A bold idea appeared in Tan Qingya's mind.

Yao'er can never do this kind of water washing and massage!

Because Yao'er's is not proud enough!

Even if you do it, you will definitely not be as good as yourself!

Hum, Yao'er, let me show you the advantages of being a teacher!

Thinking in her mind, Tan Qingya immediately squatted down and let her proud peak be filled with water. Then, she lay on Su Liang's back and kept moving, using her proud peak to help her. Massage and wash with water.

While moving, Tan Qingya said proudly, "A-Liang, Yao'er must not be able to do this kind of thing, right?"

Where did you and your apprentice's competitive spirit come from?

Listening to Tan Qingya's words, Su Liang was speechless.

As a master, why are you arguing with your disciple?

It seems that education is not enough, and education is needed again.


Volume 1 # Chapter 94 The beautiful woman doesn't understand why she is always the one begging for mercy.

Su Liang chuckled, "Sister, on this beautiful occasion, shouldn't we also do some small activities that we like to see and hear?"

Hearing this, Tan Qingya was stunned, "Wha, what?"

This time, Su Liang did not answer, but turned around and pulled Tan Qingya in front of him.

Immediately afterwards.

In the bathtub, there was a sound of water splashing.

early morning.

Tan Qingya opened her eyes and stretched, revealing her plump figure and her impressive height.

But she didn't care about it. She just lazily hugged Su Liang beside her and put her head on Su Liang's shoulder. Her beautiful eyes were half-squinted, looking lazy.

Feeling the increasingly handy power in her body, Tan Qingya couldn't help but reveal a smile on her beautiful face.

In just a few days, with Su Liang's hard work, Tan Qingya had already achieved a perfect figure!

Not only is she able to control the power in her body so easily and is no longer sluggish, but her strength has also increased significantly, far exceeding what she was before!

And what's more important!

The perfection of her charming body seemed to give Tan Qingya an extra sense of charm.

With every move she made, Tan Qingya's charm and style increased several times!

She is charming enough as she is, making people reluctant to turn away their eyes once they take one look at her.

But at this moment, she is even more exaggerated!

Regardless of whether they are men or women, as long as they take one look at her, they will be deeply fascinated by Tan Qingya, even a little crazy. Their hearts are all tied to her, and they will never tolerate anyone else.

This has been confirmed by Su Liang and Tan Qingya in the past few days.

after all.

Whenever Tan Qingya was walking in the sect, the passing disciples would look obsessed with her when they saw Tan Qingya. What's more, when they saw Su Liang and Tan Qingya behaving intimately, they almost wanted to fight Su Liang to death. .

Regarding this…

Su Liang didn't care.

Anyway, those disciples were nothing more than a trick to him, and Tan Qingya was a member of his own family. This kind of charm only bloomed for him alone. What else could Su Liang be dissatisfied with?


Looking at Tan Qingya beside him, Su Liang hugged her tightly and couldn't help but joked, "Sister, in the past few days, you are about to transform from a cold and glamorous queen to a man-eating goblin."


In the past few days, Tan Qingya held Su Liang's hand, day and night, and couldn't stop.

It seemed that he wanted to make up for everything that was missing between him and Su Liang.

Su Liang was in pain and happiness at the same time. It was unimaginable that Tan Qingya could persevere.

after all.

If he hadn't had the Hunyuan Chunyang Dao Body, he would have been so weak long ago.

Thank you Daoti for saving my life...

Faced with Su Liang's teasing, Tan Qingya rolled her eyes, but she looked cute and cute, "Go, why, you dare to tease my sister?"

But at the same time.

Looking at his plump and delicate body, his snow-white skin was covered with red marks from the fierce battle, which have not faded away yet.

This made her confused.

She remembered that it was said in the book that the last ones to beg for mercy were men.

But why do I have to beg for mercy every time I get here?


She felt uncomfortable when she thought that at her age, she was being yelled at every day to roll her eyes and stick out her tongue, and was forced to act coquettishly and act cute and call her "good brother" in order to be let go.

This, this, the level of shame is simply overwhelming!

Even if it's the one she loves, she doesn't want to show such a posture!

Looking at Su Liang's face, even though Tan Qingya felt ashamed and dissatisfied, she did not dare to provoke anymore.

Wouldn't it be even more shameful if, after the provocation, he had to act coquettishly and call him brother to escape?

After cleaning up, the two stood up.

In front of the dressing table.

Tan Qingya was sitting on a chair, her long black hair scattered on her back, flowing as smoothly as ink.

At this moment.

Su Liang came over and said with a smile, "Sister, let me help you."

Say it.

Without waiting for Tan Qingya's consent, she stood behind Tan Qingya, with a gentle expression and gentle movements, helping Tan Qingya tidy up her hair bit by bit, very patiently.

Su Liang's series of actions, such as straightening out the scattered hair and untangling the tangled hair, was very skillful and very serious, as if he was creating a work of art.

Looking at Su Liang's movements through the mirror, Tan Qingya admired, "A-Liang, I didn't expect that you could be so skilled at doing such a delicate thing."

Hearing this, Su Liang smiled and subconsciously replied, "That's natural. It's all the result of training while helping your apprentice."

"After we got together, Bingyao asked me to fix his hair every day when he got up. I was also happy to do it. After doing it more often, I naturally became proficient in it."


Su Liang didn't expect that his words were completely life-threatening!

Humph, it's Yao'er again!

Isn't it because I was a little late and met you after Yao'er? Otherwise, how could I have taken advantage of Yao'er.

Enjoying A Liang's hair combing every day, it is clearly his own thing!

Thinking in her heart, Tan Qingya was using the mirror, staring closely at Su Liang's face, full of disgust.

But all this was seen by Su Liang, and he couldn't help but ask, "Sister, what's wrong?"


Tan Qingya shook her head, "I don't care. I don't care about this kind of thing at all. After all, you are my own disciple. What is there to care about?"


Although she said this on her lips, she clearly cared about it in her heart.

Damn it...

This is clearly something that only you can enjoy.

Why, Yao'er must be the first to do so!

Obviously, it was obvious that he had made an appointment with A-Liang in his previous life. It was obvious that he and A-Liang had experienced so much and had such unforgettable love. Why was he a step too late?


The first kiss, the first harmony of yin and yang, the first time he combed his hair, there were so many firsts for A Liang, none of them were his!


I must have A Liang's first time, and I can't let Yao'er take away everything.

Even if this person is Yao'er, he should grab it and he can't let it go.

Thinking in her mind, Tan Qingya opened her red lips and said softly, "A-Liang, please come and help me draw my eyebrows."


Su Liang was stunned, "But, I've never done it before, and I'm not skilled at it at all."

"Not skilled?"

Hearing this, Tan Qingya showed a faint smile, what she wants is your unskilledness!

If you become proficient, wouldn't your actions be meaningless?


Tan Qingya looked unconcerned and said, "No problem. If you're not proficient, just practice more."


Su Liang hesitated for a moment, looked at Tan Qingya's expectant look, and finally nodded, "Okay, I'll give it a try."


Picked up the eyebrow pencil and started to draw Tan Qingya's eyebrows.

Volume 1 # Chapter 95 The fairy returns and steals your man for my master?

Looking at Su Liang's serious look in front of her and feeling the lines between her eyebrows, Tan Qingya couldn't help but smile.

My first eyebrow tattooing, I got it!


Not long after, a voice filled with anger suddenly sounded, "Su Liang, stop!"

Immediately afterwards.

Su Liang screamed and ran out of the room quickly, while Tan Qingya was following closely behind her, looking like she was chasing him!

"Su Liang, how could you draw my eyebrows crooked like this!"

Tan Qingya pointed at the crooked lines between her eyebrows, full of anger.

To this.

Su Liang looked innocent, "Didn't my sister say that if you're not proficient, you should practice more?"

"This is my first time doing it too, so I need some practice."

Su Liang found that since Tan Qingya and him established their current intimate relationship, the contrast between Tan Qingya and him has become bigger and bigger.

At the sect meeting.

After the civil strife in Tiandao Sect, it was inevitable that there would be some chaotic scenes that needed to be sorted out.

Tan Qingya sat high on the throne, with a cold expression, majestic demeanor, graceful and luxurious, looking like a cool queen.

The elders below, under the pressure of Tan Qingya's aura, all began to report honestly.

An elder stood up and said, "Husband... Madam, Sect Master Ren is dead, the position of Sect Master is vacant, and people in the sect are in panic. What should we do?"

Tan Qingya thought for a moment and said, "I will take over the position of sect leader for the time being. When a suitable person is available later, I will hand over the position of sect leader to him."

"After the meeting, you will inform the whole sect about this matter, so as to appease the disciples."

After hearing this, several elders hesitated for a moment, and then suggested, "Instead of acting as the sect leader temporarily, madam, it is better to directly take the position of sect leader. With madam's strength, sitting as the sect leader of our Tiandao Sect is considered as our Tiandao Sect." Gao Pan, this arrangement is perfect."

Tan Qingya shook her head, "This matter will be discussed later."

Just a word of understatement and no one dared to mention this topic again!

Immediately afterwards.

Tan Qingya asked again, "Is there anything else?"

However, the Great Elder stepped out from the crowd and said respectfully, "Madam, the one who made trouble with Sect Leader Ren a few days ago is also the elder of the Fu Cang Dao Sect. Now that I have waited for several days and found no trace of her, I am afraid that the situation is more dire. ."

"If Fu Cang Dao Sect comes to ask for an explanation, how should we respond?"

After hearing this, Tan Qingya waved her hand, "You don't need to worry about this matter, I will handle it."


Several elders immediately obeyed the order.

After the entire meeting, Tan Qingya handled the sect matters in an orderly manner, and with just a few words, she convinced the elders.

Sitting high on the throne of the sect leader, Tan Qingya looked like a cold queen. She seemed inviolable and intimidating, and everyone couldn't help but bow down to Her Highness the Queen!

When only Su Liang and Tan Qingya were left, Tan Qingya changed her posture of a cold queen and changed into another soft look.

while eating.

Tan Qingya laid out a table full of food and looked at Su Liang, "A-Liang, is it still to your liking?"

As she spoke, Tan Qingya had a faint smile on her face, and there was a gentle feeling in her magnetic voice.

Su Liang was startled, then smiled and said, "It's already very good."

"In that case, let's eat more."

While holding dishes for Su Liang, Tan Qingya looked at Su Liang's slightly frowning brows and immediately guessed Su Liang's thoughts. She patted Su Liang's head and said with a smile, "Don't be anxious about cultivation. What's the matter?" If you can't figure it out, I will teach you later, so don't think about it so much now."

These gentle words, coupled with her change from a cold and delicate look to a gentle and caring big sister, make people feel like a spring breeze and warm in their hearts.


Su Liang felt warm and immediately agreed.

Can be followed immediately.

But they saw Tan Qingya stood up, walked directly to Su Liang, and walked directly to Su Liang's lap.


He picked up the chopsticks, picked up the food in the bowl, and put it to Su Liang's mouth, "Ah..."

Su Liang blinked and subconsciously opened his mouth to be fed by Tan Qingya.

A meal full of wine and food.

Su Liang hugged Tan Qingya, who was still sitting on his lap, and joked with a smile, "There is a big difference between the way my sister looks in front of me and in front of others."

"Who would have thought that my sister, who is as cold and charming as a queen, would actually look like a caring big sister to me."

"Go, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Faced with Su Liang's beating, Tan Qingya wrinkled her nose, patted Su Liang's head, and said angrily, "Humph, Ah Liang, you are so brave. You dare to make fun of your sister. Let's see how she punishes her." you."

Say it.

He grabbed Su Liang's head and pressed it on his chest, above the pair of proud peaks.

Tan Qingya held Su Liang's head tightly with both arms, letting Su Liang struggle in front of her chest. Her clothes were messy, and a touch of snow-white color appeared. Her eyes gradually became blurry. This movement became more and more skillful. .

And Su Liang, feeling the soft and elastic squeeze on his face, took a deep breath, and the fragrance of milk hit his nostrils. How could it be said that it was so refreshing?

Gradually, as the two people moved, a strange feeling seemed to be filled in the air. Su Liang hugged Tan Qingya with his backhand, and his hands kept moving. When the two looked at each other, they could see something in each other's eyes. That strange emotion.

The air gradually became hot, the atmosphere was just right, and before our eyes, a big war broke out.

But right now!

Tan Qingya suddenly stiffened and her eyes suddenly became clear.

"A Liang, let go."

Tan Qingya patted Su Liang's shoulder and said, "Yao'er is back!"


Su Liang was stunned and subconsciously let go of his hand. Tan Qingya also stood up decisively.

next moment.

There was a knock on the door, and Qin Bingyao's voice sounded outside the house, "Master, are you there?"

"You, please wait a moment."

Tan Qingya said and looked at Su Liang, feeling quite guilty.

after all.

It is true that he reconciled his yin and yang with other men countless times when his disciple was not around.

After hurriedly arranging her clothes, Tan Qingya said to Su Liang, "A-Liang, you are Yao'er's man now. I am Yao'er and my master. In front of Yao'er, you and I have to stand upright."

Su Liang was indifferent to this, "I think we should confess, right?"

After hearing this, Tan Qingya immediately refused, "No, you absolutely cannot confess, this is absolutely forbidden!"

Su Liang blinked, "Anyway, we have to let Yao'er know sooner or later. It's better to tell her now."

"Absolutely not!"

Tan Qingya refused again, "What do you want me to tell Yao'er? Just say that Master stole your man?"

"No, no, I also want to lose face."

After hearing these few words, Su Liang was extremely speechless, "Why, sister, you secretly eat it, why do you still want to show shame?"

How fresh.

But he didn't expect that his words would directly anger Tan Qingya, and he would be beaten severely by Tan Qingya.

If Qin Bingyao hadn't been outside and Tan Qingya had controlled her strength, Su Liang would have been beaten until he screamed.

After cleaning up for a while, Tan Qingya opened the door, and the two appeared in front of Qin Bingyao.

Facing his girlfriend whom he had not seen for many days, Su Liang missed her very much. He immediately opened his arms and greeted her, "Bingyao, you have worked hard all the way. Welcome home."

However, I didn't expect it!

Qin Bingyao ignored Su Liang, threw herself into Tan Qingya's arms, hugged Tan Qingya tightly, "Master, my disciple is back."

"Yeah, it's good to be back."

Holding her disciple in her arms, Tan Qingya didn't know what kind of expression she should have.

We haven't seen each other like this, and my girlfriend didn't hug me first?

Su Liang was a little disappointed and hurriedly walked over, "Bingyao Bingyao, look at me!"

But I didn't expect it.

Qin Bingyao, who came back this time, gave Su Liang a cold treatment and played a placement game!

Looking at Su Liang, who was standing aside with a slumped face and a look of disappointment, Qin Bingyao showed a narrow smile.

By doing this, she was deliberately irritating Su Liang!

Although he is his own boyfriend, occasionally he needs some little calculations.


The two masters and apprentices, who had not seen each other for a long time, seemed close and eager. After talking together for a day, they still looked like they still had something to say.

Just when Su Liang felt that he could go back to rest with his girlfriend.

Then I heard Qin Bingyao say, "Master, master, let's take a bath together?"

Hearing this, Su Liang was dumbfounded.

What does your girlfriend want to do?

After leaving it alone for a whole day, forget it and ignore him all the time. Why don't you plan to go back with yourself at night?

Bingyao, look at me, Bingyao, tell me quickly, what is going on? Do you not love me anymore, Bingyao?

With constant thoughts in his heart, Su Liang looked at Tan Qingya, hoping that Tan Qingya would say a word of rejection at this time.


Tan Qingya nodded and said, "Okay."

"Then...what about me?"

Su Liang pointed at himself and asked in confusion.

"Su Lang, it's better to go home quickly. Master and apprentice, we will take a bath together and talk some gossip. Why do you want to join in the fun, Su Lang?"

As he spoke, there was even a hint of suspicion.


Su Liang almost cried without tears. Is it okay to be rejected by his girlfriend?


Before he could say anything, Qin Bingyao continued to urge, "Su Lang, why haven't you left yet?"

At this time, Su Liang was completely speechless. He could only look at Tan Qingya with a resentful look on his face, hoping that Tan Qingya could say something.

But I didn't expect it!

Tan Qingya actually helped Qin Bingyao start driving people away, "Yao'er is right, Su Liang, why are you still here?"

Why are you two still fighting against the same enemy? ?

Su Liang looked at the two people in front of him who all wanted to drive him away, and completely lost his temper, "Okay, okay, I'll just leave."

After that, I left here alone and miserable,

In the bathroom.

The master and the apprentice were soaking in the bath together. Under the mist of water vapor, two hazy snow-white figures appeared in the water. They were uneven, but each had its own merits.

Tan Qingya has a slender figure and a perfect and holy face. Although her pair of proud peaks still have room for growth, they are still delicate and tall.

Her slender white legs were soaked in the water, and her two jade-white little feet were slapping the water. While chatting with her master, Qin Bingyao was having a great time.

Tan Qingya on the side has a charming face and a plump and perfect figure. Those two proud peaks are simply beyond the reach of the apprentice.

The plump and beautiful legs are raised, and the small white feet draw a graceful arc in the water. She is elegant and graceful. She occasionally whispers something, showing her luxury and grace.

Looking at her master's plump and perfect figure, Qin Bingyao looked at her own again, and said with great envy, "Wow, your master's figure is really great. I don't know if I will ever have the chance to be able to do that in my life." Catch up with Master."

"You are still young now. In a few years, you will be able to do it."

Tan Qingya touched her apprentice's smooth silver hair with a slight smile, "Besides, every body type has its own merits, and Master's may not be the most suitable for you."

"Master is right!"

Qin Bingyao nodded and looked at her master with admiration.


Seeing her apprentice who admired her so much, and then thinking about what she had done, Tan Qingya felt very guilty.

No matter how much you like it, no matter what happened in your previous life, no matter how many reasons you have.

He couldn't change the fact that he knew Su Liang was Yao'er's man, but he still attacked him.

If you do this yourself, you would be very sorry for Yao'er.

If Yao'er discovers her one day, I don't know how sad Yao'er will be.


Should I tell Yao'er?

Thinking in her mind, Tan Qingya opened her mouth, but she hesitated and couldn't say complete words, "Yao'er, I am a teacher, I am a teacher..."

Seeing her master like this, Qin Bingyao asked doubtfully, "Master, what's wrong with you? Do you have something to say to your disciple?"

No, I'm completely speechless!

Facing his innocent disciple in front of him, with the admiring eyes and innocent face he looked at him, he never imagined that his master would actually steal his man.

This makes Tan Qingya feel even more guilty!

Yao'er trusts me so much and admires me so much. I, I actually did something that was equivalent to betraying Yao'er.

I, I'm sorry for Yao'er...


Tan Qingya shook her head and changed the subject, "I went to the Dragon Pond to kill the dragon. Did it go well?"

"Did you encounter any danger?"

After hearing this, Qin Bingyao began to complain nervously as if she were really facing her parents, "Master, Master, you don't know, I have lived in the open and had nothing to do, and my life has been very bad!"

"Moreover, after being beheaded by my disciple, the dragon actually passed through the tribulation of death and transformed into a real dragon. It is much stronger. My disciple almost died in the hands of that real dragon!"

Immediately afterwards, he started to show off his man's help again, "Hey, fortunately, Su Lang took action in the end. I don't know what method he used, but he used words to attract my attention and let me use the full power of my trump card. This Only then did I kill the real dragon and obtain the dragon's blood."

"If it weren't for Su Lang, Yao'er would really have no chance to come back and see you this time."

Listening to Qin Bingyao's words, Tan Qingya felt very clearly that Qin Bingyao's heart was full of love for Su Liang.

This time, Tan Qingya was even more unable to tell the truth!

How to say this?

Did you just say that my master stole your man?

This simply won't work!

(Push it down, the plot is getting more exciting, I beg you all to stop reading books as much as possible)

Volume 1 # Chapter 96 The Natural Black Fairy, the Super Brave Girlfriend

Just now she was talking about how good her man was, but I told her later that your man is mine!

Wouldn't this be turning into enemies on the spot, a loving mother and a filial daughter, staining the bath with blood?

No, no, we have to find another way.

After thinking for a moment, Tan Qingya had a new plan.

Telling Yao'er this kind of thing rashly is indeed too exciting for her.

It's better to let her adapt step by step first, and then show her cards, it doesn't seem too late.

Thinking in her mind, Tan Qingya looked at her apprentice with a serious face and kept nodding.

After taking a bath, Qin Bingyao said goodbye and went home. Only then did Shanshan arrive late and find Su Liang.

inside the room.

Looking at his fairy girlfriend, Su Liang turned away and said, "Go away, I don't want to care about you."

"Didn't you want to talk to me during the day? You wanted to drive me away just now. If that's the case, why are you coming to see me now?"


Qin Bingyao whimpered softly, held Su Liang's hand, and begged softly, "Su Lang, I know I was wrong. Just forgive me and don't be angry with me, okay?"