
80 to 89

He has realized that Tan Qingya does not trust him at all!

Ten years, ten years of hard work, but still can't get her trust?

At this moment, Ren Changsheng clearly felt that Tan Qingya, who had not been able to open her heart in the past ten years, was becoming more and more distant from him.

The night was getting deeper, but Ren Changsheng was not sleepy at all. He sat blankly at the table without saying a word.

The candlelight danced, bringing a dim color, but under the candlelight, a dark figure was sitting opposite Ren Changsheng.


You laughed hoarsely at the shadow, "Ren Changsheng, you have sacrificed everything for others in the past ten years and have almost nothing. But in the end, you can't even get back a single trust."

"It would be better for that boy who appeared not long ago to have a fierce fight with Tan Qingya."

"I said, you are really stupid."

"What does this have to do with you!"

Ren Changsheng retorted rather irritably.

"What does it have to do with me?"

The dark figure laughed again, "Ren Changsheng, it's time for you to make a decision."

"You should understand that the humbler you are, the less chance you have. Only by showing her how powerful and omnipotent you are can she look at you more, right?"

Listening to the black shadow's words, the scene of Tan Qingya taking the initiative to embrace her with a bright smile came to mind.

Gritting his teeth, Ren Changsheng said, "Okay, it's easy for me to cooperate with you!"

"Then, happy cooperation."

The black figure laughed hoarsely twice more and stretched out his hand to Ren Changsheng.


In the room, the only sounds left were the two people discussing quietly.

After a while, the black shadow disappeared, and Ren Changsheng had reached some kind of agreement with the secret force represented by the black shadow.

After leaving Ren Changsheng's room, Tan Qingya immediately came to Su Liang.

Entering the room, Tan Qingya asked with concern, "Su Liang, are you okay?"

Su Liang shook his head, "The elder took action very quickly, and that person didn't hurt me."

"That's good..."

Tan Qingya breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat next to Su Liang very naturally.

"The assassination attempt on you failed, but that person will definitely not give up and will most likely attack you again."

"Tonight, I will stay with you to protect you, and reluctantly, I will sleep with you."

After hearing this, Su Liang immediately protested, "I don't think it's necessary. I can't do it myself."

"Isn't it just right that you and I sleep in our own beds?"


This protest was of no use at all. Tan Qingya found a very justified reason, "No!"

"I am doing this for my apprentice."

"If something happens to you, I don't know how sad Yao'er is. I can't make Yao'er sad."


Su Liang sighed.

He really couldn't refute this reason.

Su Liang was speechless as he looked at Tan Qingya who had already started to tidy up the bed and bedding and was getting ready to go to bed.

Just after your apprentice left, you occupied her bed and slept with her man?

Su Liang said quietly, "I just realized now that sister, you are getting worse and worse."

But I didn't expect it.

Tan Qingya said frankly

"so what?"

"Only people like bad women, right?"

These words made Su Liang even more speechless.

Okay, okay, you admit frankly that you are bad, what else can I do?

Get out?

Can't beat it.

In desperation, Su Liang could only let him occupy his girlfriend's place on the bed.

And right there in the wild.

Qin Bingyao, who randomly found a place to camp, hugged her poor self tightly in front of the fire.

Look at the surrounding environment. With the sky as a quilt, the earth as a bed, and surrounded by grass and land, this environment cannot be more primitive.

Ah, the bed at home is better, big and soft.

Moreover, there is Su Lang's hug, which is the most comfortable!

Looking at the bonfire in front of her, Qin Bingyao was in a daze and began to miss it.

in the room.

Tan Qingya is a mortal who naturally undresses her robe and takes off her palace skirt.

That plump figure was revealed without reservation under a layer of gauze.

The curves are astonishing. The moonlight falls down and shines on her body, as if covering her with a layer of silver gauze. On the contrary, it makes her even more beautiful, like a goddess under the moon, making people reluctant to look away.

Su Liang turned away with some disapproval and asked in confusion, "Sister, why are you taking off your clothes?"

Tan Qingya was very calm and took it for granted, "Isn't it normal to take off your clothes while sleeping?"

Yes, you are right, I really have nothing to say.

At this time, Su Liang was completely speechless and could only let Tan Qingya lie beside him.


Su Liang still wanted to make one last effort.

Drawing a line on the bed, Su Liang said, "We must draw a strict line and no one is allowed to cross it."

Facing Su Liang's words, Tan Qingya looked playful, "But, I am your sister. As a younger brother, you naturally have to listen to me."

Say it.

Tan Qingya decisively crossed the line and hugged Su Liang generously.


Su Liang was confused.

But Tan Qingya continued, "Don't think too much, you are just my sister's pillow. The pillow cannot be moved."

But at this moment, Su Liang couldn't follow her words at all.

The pair of proud peaks tightly covered Su Liang's face. When the Luo shirt was lightly untied, the plump and smooth feeling was clearly visible, even the bulges on the two peaks. , all without cover and with clear shapes.

Vaguely, Su Liang could still feel the scent of milk coming to his face.

This scale, this touch, tsk tsk, it's so fierce!

Being hugged tightly by Tan Qingya, Su Liang originally thought that Tan Qingya would make other moves next.

after all.

Every time she tortured herself, it wouldn't end so quickly.


A long time passed, but Tan Qingya still didn't take any action.

Su Liang raised his head curiously and saw Tan Qingya hugging him and quickly fell asleep.


Su Liang finally breathed a sigh of relief and was finally relieved temporarily.

After carefully freeing his face and arms, Su Liang looked at Tan Qingya's sleepy eyes without blinking.

She usually has a cold and majestic look, but unexpectedly, when she is sleeping, she is very peaceful, quietly nestling in his arms with a smile on her face, looking warm.

Gradually, Su Liang became fascinated and couldn't help but raise her hand to gently straighten the messy hair on her forehead.

The memory of the past life appeared at this time, gradually overlapping with the beautiful woman in front of him, and they were no longer distinguishable from each other.

The seemingly cold and ruthless female devil is actually the one who fears loneliness the most.

So much so, that even though he kept saying that he was driving him away, in his heart, he was really afraid of that young man leaving.

Fortunately, until the end, she didn't become a human again.

Thinking in his heart, Su Liang felt infinite pity and tenderness towards Tan Qingya in front of him.

The night was already deep, but Su Liang still stared at Tan Qingya in front of him with his eyes wide open, his face full of despair.

He couldn't sleep at all!

It's really because Tan Qingya's sense of oppression is too strong.

The hot, plump and delicate body of the cold and beautiful woman is close to him, the hot and delicate body is transmitted to her body all the time, and the fragrance lingers on the tip of her nose, which is already very difficult to resist.

Not to mention, Tan Qingya's pair of plump, snow-white legs are often placed on her body. They are just right smooth, elastic, and soft, and they move back and forth on her body, which makes people want to do something!

Under this situation, Su Liang felt that he was doing very well if he didn't make any mistakes. How could he still fall asleep!

In desperation, Su Liang had no choice but to divert his attention and asked the system, "System, what's going on with the darkening of the protagonist?"

Faced with Su Liang's question, this time, the system gave a rare answer, "The dark protagonist is a dark stream that is completely different from the orthodox protagonist. Such protagonists are decisive, ruthless, and merciless, but they always It's about getting the most benefit."

"Therefore, it will be more difficult and more thrilling to deal with the darkened protagonist."


Hearing the system's words, Su Liang almost wanted to take a breath of air.

Those protagonists are already difficult enough to deal with, but now there's a dark protagonist?

Moreover, his strength far exceeds his own.

How to play this?

At this time, the system's voice sounded again, "Since the host has encountered blackened intuition for the first time, we can provide the host with new help."

"Special reward - simulate the seven-day action route of the darkened protagonist."

Hearing this, Su Liang immediately became excited.

This is exactly what you need!

The darkened protagonist is certainly difficult to deal with, but now that I know his course of action in the next seven days, can I still think of a way to target him?

Immediately, Su Liang wanted to receive this special reward.


He did not expect that this dog system actually had a prerequisite, "The prerequisite is to ask the host to perform the duties of a thief and humiliate the sleeping wife in front of him."


What is this stuff?

Dog system, do you want me to die! ?

At this moment, Su Liangren was dumbfounded.

Not to mention that Tan Qingya is his girlfriend's master, and she is also very good to him.

Just because of her strength, if she was humiliated by herself, she might be able to slap herself to death with a backhand! ?

How could I do such a thing!

But then, as if it was aware of Su Liang's rejection, the system continued to sound, "Warning, the darkening of the protagonist is extremely dangerous, the methods are vicious, and the system will not give up until the goal is achieved."

"If you are targeted by the darkened protagonist, you will be in danger of death at all times."


All right!

Or your own life is more important.

In desperation, Su Liang compromised.

Looking at Tan Qingya, who was sleeping soundly and defenseless in front of him, Su Liang almost wanted to cry without tears.

Sister, I'm sorry, for your and my safety, I can only humiliate you.

Thinking in his mind, Su Liang reached out his hand, placed it on Tan Qingya's cheek, and squeezed it gently.

Feel the elasticity and smoothness in your hands. After you let go, the fragrance remains on your fingertips. I have to say, this feeling is really great!

"Pinching your cheeks, does that count as humiliation?"

Su Liang tried to ask the system.

After a moment of silence, the system voice appeared, "Please host, follow the system guidance and carry out humiliating actions."

"What Cao Cao desires most is to conquer the peak that no one has ever climbed before."


The dog system actually guided it personally?


Conquer the heights?

After thinking about it for a while, Su Liang reacted.

You're a dog system. You speak so righteously. Don't you just want me to attack a bear?

I think you want me to die early, right? ?

No, no, you absolutely can't do this!

Volume 1 # Chapter 85 The Fall of Scum, Please Sister

Su Liang immediately refused. He did such an animal thing while others were sleeping. He couldn't be such a scumbag!

But this time, in the face of Su Liang's rejection, the system went silent.

Obviously, he told Su Liang that he could only do this.

Faced with the system's insistence, Su Liang remained silent.

If you do it, you will obviously become a scumbag who can no longer be a scumbag!

But don't do it.

He was not sure how to deal with Ren Changsheng, who had become a darkened protagonist.

Su furrowed his brows tightly, wondering if he was convinced, and started a difficult struggle.

After a moment, Su Liang gritted his teeth and made a decision.


Anyway, as long as you are gentle and don't wake up Tan Qingya, that's all.

But that simulation, if I don't have it, it will be really difficult to deal with Ren Changsheng, I'm afraid my life will be lost.


Stretching out his hand tremblingly, Su Liang climbed to the proud peak.

The soft yet elastic peak cannot be held at all. As long as you use a little strength, the peak will show a turbulent side.

This feeling is simply superb!

This scale is simply astonishing, far more impressive than my girlfriend!

Playing in his hands, Su Liang forgot all his reservations and hesitations just now, and almost got addicted to it.

at this time.


A muffled sound came from Tan Qingya's mouth, causing Su Liang to stop immediately.

After waiting for a while, Su Liang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Tan Qingya showed no sign of waking up.

Fortunately, it was not discovered.

"Congratulations to the host, the mission is completed and the simulation is started."

At this moment, the system sound appeared in Su Liang's ears.

After a while.

At the end of the simulation, Su Liang had a smile on his face and said confidently, "That's it."

"I already understand Ren Changsheng's overall plan. The next step is to think of ways to break the situation."


Su Liang, who was immersed in thought, didn't notice it at all.

Just when he let go of his hand, Tan Qingya had already opened her eyes, looking at him with shy eyes and blushing cheeks.

Hmm... So Su Liang, does he like this?

Humph, you dare to treat yourself like this while you are sleeping. It seems that your brother is not a bad person.

Early morning hours.

Tan Qingya woke up from her sleep, opened her eyes in confusion, and stretched.

I saw.

The beautiful woman who had just woken up was so beautiful that her beautiful face still looked a little sleepy, her eyes were slightly confused, the water was flowing, and her plump figure was unreservedly displayed, full of charm.

As the saying goes, Begonia sleeps in spring and is charming and charming, but that's all.

When Su Liang looked at it, he felt that the charming and beautiful woman in front of him was completely different from the clingy little kitten that his girlfriend looked like when she just woke up, but each had its own merits.

The Tan Qingya in front of her is full of graceful and luxurious laziness. Every frown and smile is full of charm, which makes people daydream.


Rubbing her eyes, Tan Qingya saw Su Liang at a glance and said hello, "Su Liang, good morning."


Su Liang waved and stood up quickly.

I really can't stand being with such a beautiful and charming creature!

Especially when he had just gotten up early, when the giant sword was about to move and thirsty for blood, Su Liang was afraid that if he stayed for a little longer, he would really drink blood!


At this moment.

Tan Qingya saw Su Liang's two big dark circles. Immediately, she moved closer to him, hugged Su Liang, and asked with concern, "What's the matter? Didn't you sleep last night? Why do you have dark circles under your eyes?" Are they all out?"

While talking.

Tan Qingya's soft and delicate body pressed tightly against Su Liang's body, and her pair of proud peaks oppressed Su Liang, bringing unparalleled pressure.

"I'm fine."

Su Liang shook his head. He couldn't complain to Tan Qingya, who took advantage of him first thing after waking up. He could only say, "Sister, please get up quickly. I have something serious to talk to my sister."

"All right."

Although she still wanted to hold Su Liang like this for a while, it was business after all. Tan Qingya did not refuse, let go of Su Liang, and the two of them got up.

Sitting at the table, looking at Tan Qingya who was already dressed up and looking cool and elegant again, he had some doubts in his heart.

After the simulation last night, Su Liang knew Ren Changsheng's course of action in the next seven days, so he naturally had to determine a way to break the situation.

Among them, Tan Qingya's strength is a crucial part.

However, I don't know if Tan Qingya can defeat a master in the immortal realm?


Su Liang asked, "Sister, what is your real strength? Can you beat the masters of the Immortality Realm?"

"Want to know?"

Tan Qingya looked at Su Liang with amusement, "There is a price to pay for this."

Seeing this, Su Liang immediately understood what Tan Qingya was going to do, and couldn't help complaining, "Isn't my sister too unscrupulous?"

"It is very immoral for a man to treat his apprentice like this."


Tan Qingya simply ignored Su Liang's complaints.

Don't look away, Tan Qingya's expression was cold, and she knew from the look that if she didn't do something, Su Liang would really not know the answer to this question.

Okay, okay, I really impressed you!

Su Liang sighed and had no choice but to sacrifice himself again.

Jumping into Tan Qingya's arms, Su Liang arched his head in Tan Qingya's arms and acted coquettishly to his sister, "Good sister, just tell me, this is very important to me..."

Humiliation, simply humiliation!

Su Liangzhong kept shouting, "When did I, Su Liang, become like this? I have to be forced to act like a spoiled brat!" ?

Tan Qingya, just wait for me until my strength improves...

"That's right."

Tan Qingya touched Su Liang's head with satisfaction and finally answered Su Liang, "Don't worry, sister, my strength is enough to cope with the ordinary immortality state."

After hearing this, Su Liang felt relieved.

In this case, then my biggest problem is solved.


Su Liang sat up and looked at Tan Qingya seriously, "Sister, I have a plan, maybe it can be solved once and for all."


Tan Qingya raised her eyebrows and said, "Let's talk about it."

After thinking for a moment, Su Liang informed Tan Qingya of his further plans, "Sister, in a few days it will be the centenary celebration of the founding of Tiandao Sect. At the same time, it will also be the tenth anniversary of your wedding to the sect master."

"Such a critical moment will definitely be a breaking point."

Hearing this, Tan Qingya nodded subconsciously, "That's true."

Su Liang continued to reveal the future direction in the name of analysis, "In the past few days, my sister's attitude towards him has become worse and worse, and she is a little too close to me. Ren Changsheng must have noticed this. inside."

"So, when that day comes, he will definitely make a desperate move, and even, in order to ensure that he will succeed, he will find help."

"We still need to prepare as early as possible so that we can cope with the changes that day."

After the words fell, Su Liang looked at Tan Qingya, but saw that Tan Qingya looked a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, Tan Qingya's attention was completely distracted!

He and Ren Changsheng's tenth wedding anniversary?

Su Liang, does he care about his married status?

Obviously, they loved each other so much in the previous life, and they clearly made an appointment to meet again in this life. It was clear that he had paid so much for himself in the previous life.

But if he actually married someone else, even if it was only in name, it would make Su Liang unhappy, right?

Moreover, Su Liang didn't seem to know that he and Ren Changsheng were only a couple in name.

What if it was Su Liang who cared about this?

No, I have to prove my innocence to Su Liang!

Thinking in her mind, Tan Qingya said hesitantly, "Su Liang, don't get me wrong, my marriage to Ren Changsheng is only in name only. In fact, we haven't spoken a few words at all in the past ten years."

"If you don't believe it, I, I will find a way to prove it to you..."

But she hasn't finished speaking yet!

Su Liang came over and hugged her gently, without saying a word.

The silence speaks.

Feeling the warmth and stability in Su Liang's arms, Tan Qingya's mood immediately relaxed.

This kind of silent trust is the most reassuring.

Outside Su Liang's room.

Early in the morning, Ren Changsheng saw Tan Qingya walking out of Su Liang's room. Immediately, his eyes were about to burst, and his whole person was about to be enveloped in anger!

Walking forward quickly, Ren Changsheng's extreme anger made him ignore everything, and asked angrily, "What have you done? Tan Qingya, you are my wife!"


Tan Qingya didn't bother to pay attention to Ren Changsheng's question, and just reminded him lightly, "It's in name only."

The words fell.

Tan Qingya thought for a moment and then said, "Ren Changsheng, I'm warning you, don't do anything stupid."

But she didn't expect it.

It was her words that directly caused Ren Changsheng to become darker!

Don't do anything stupid?

You and I have been married for ten years, but we are still married in name only. You don't even bother to look at me. What can I do?

A mere Xiantian realm boy who has only been here for a while can actually let you come out of his room early in the morning and obviously stay together all night long. What can you do to me?

As a husband, can't I fight back? ?

Tan Qingya, just wait, I will definitely kill that Su Liang and get you completely!

Looking at Tan Qingya's leaving figure, Ren Changsheng's face was gloomy, his fate completely distorted!

After learning about Ren Changsheng's subsequent actions, Tan Qingya and Su Liang divided their forces into two groups and acted separately.

Tan Qingya started her preparations. Since Su Liang said that Ren Changsheng might be there to help on that day, and he might even take action against the masters of the Immortality Realm, then she would naturally be prepared to fight against the Immortality Realm masters.

Su Liang, on the other hand, began to practice and strive to improve his strength as much as possible before that day!

After several days of hard work!

Su Liang's cultivation level has successfully broken through to the sixth level of Xiantian!

On the training ground, Su Liang clenched his fists. Feeling the abundant strength in his body and the roaring true energy, Su Liang was full of confidence.

(Three updates, just in case!)

Volume 1 # Chapter 86: The dragon has a rebellious scale and cannot be humiliated, so he beheads the proud son of the Shangzong

The current him could probably kill the former him with one punch!

This improvement in strength is not a big one.

That's not all!

After several days of hard training, his Ming Hai Gui Yuan Jin has been completely transformed into sword energy.

"Here comes the sword!"

With a soft drink, hundreds of sword energies appeared around Su Liang, exuding sharpness!

These hundred sword energies can all be manipulated by Su Liang and used for his own use. At this moment, he is equivalent to a mobile fort, powerful and fast!

Even opponents with peak innate abilities would probably be cut into hedgehogs by Su Liang's sword energy.

Nodding with satisfaction, Su Liang removed the sword energy with a wave of his hand.

One day, in the Tiandao Sect, the Sect came to visit!

Fu Cang Dao Sect, one of the rulers of the Northern Territory, is the top sect in the world!

An elder sister, Yi Yujie, led the young pride to come to Tiandao Sect to hone their skills.

After learning about the arrival of these people, Ren Changsheng led the Tiandao Sect people and went out to greet them in person!

"The envoy of the Shangzong has come from afar. Our Tiandao Sect is really full of glory. We welcome him very much!"

Ren Changsheng bowed slightly, with a smile on his face, and received several people from the Sect into the sect.

In Tiandao Sect.

"Tsk, is this the Tiandao Sect?"

The proud son Chen Xuan stood in the Tiandao Sect, looking at the disciples and buildings around him, and said with disdain and speechlessness, "The so-called Tianjiao can only build a Tibetan realm, and other disciples can't even build a Tibetan realm."

"The spiritual energy is thin, why is this house so shabby and rustic, and the area is too small."

"I really don't know why the elder brought me to this shabby little sect. What kind of training? I can kill all the disciples of the entire sect by myself, right?"

Chen Xuan spoke in a loud voice, and the surrounding disciples could hear him clearly, but no one dared to step forward to refute.

After all, he is a disciple of the Shang Sect. If he is provoked, it will probably bring disaster to the entire Tiandao Sect!

But even though they didn't say a word, they also caused disaster!

I saw.

After wandering around the sect boringly for a few times, Chen Xuan lost his temper and pointed at a disciple and said, "Come here, let me give you some pointers on your cultivation."


The disciple who was pointed at was stunned and looked at Chen Xuan's unruly and disdainful look. Although he was reluctant in his heart, he still stood up and said, "Then, thank you for the guidance."

The words just fell!


Chen Xuan suddenly took action. Under the suppression of his strong cultivation, coupled with the sudden sneak attack, the Dao Sect disciple was immediately seriously injured that day and fell to the ground, wailing in pain!

"Tch, it's too weak."

With a disdainful snort, Chen Xuan pointed to another disciple, "Come here, let me give you some guidance."

In this way, in the name of giving guidance to the disciples, he ended up seriously injuring the disciples. In just half a day, Chen Xuan caused the entire Tiandao Sect to complain!

But despite this, no one in the entire Tiandao Sect dared to have an opinion!

This is the proud son of the Shang Sect. If he speaks out rashly and provokes him, not only will he be dead, but the sect will also be destroyed!

For Shang Zong who has the Digital Immortality Realm and even the Transcendence Realm, destroying a Tiandao Sect is as easy as crushing an ant!


They had no choice but to endure it silently.


Chen Xuan pointed at a female disciple, "Come here and let me give you some advice."


The female disciple hesitated and did not dare to step forward for a long time.

See this.

Chen Xuan frowned and walked towards the female disciple!

Seeing that this female disciple was about to suffer another disaster.

But right now!

A bright sword light appeared out of thin air in front of everyone, and instantly cut between the female disciple and Chen Xuan, dividing life and death with one sword!

And this was just what Su Liang casually chopped off without showing up!

"Who? How dare you draw a sword against me?"

Chen Xuan was disturbed and shouted angrily,

"Oh, being too arrogant and unruly is not a good thing. I'll give it a little punishment."

Su Liang chuckled, and with a wave of his hand, hundreds of sword energies appeared. Then, under Su Liang's control, they all surrounded Chen Xuan!

Not to be outdone, Chen Xuan decisively struck back!

The first confrontation between the two was a brief one, but it ended in just a moment. From the looks of it, they were evenly matched.

After the sword energy dissipated, Chen Xuan exclaimed, "I never expected that there could be someone like this in the Zuer sect."

With his hands behind his back, Chen Xuan pretended to be alright, but in fact, the palms of his hands were already covered with sword marks!

In the previous fight, after all, he was just one move away.

Standing there, Chen Xuan thought carefully.

In such a small sect, the person who can achieve such a level of cultivation must be an elder, right?

But he didn't expect that the Su Liang who took action was not only not an elder, but also had a much lower level than him!

At noon, the celebration officially begins!

Ren Changsheng was solely responsible for organizing the anniversary banquet.

At first glance, the banquet was of a very high standard, with all the delicacies and wines available. The place was well organized, which showed that they had good intentions.

The elders all praised in unison, "It is really admirable to be able to organize the banquet in such an orderly manner, which is rare and grand. The master's affection for his wife is so deep that it is rare in the world."

"Yeah, after ten years of marriage, it's really not easy for the sect master to still have such passionate thoughts."

But for these banquets and compliments, Tan Qingya remained cold and indifferent.

She is waiting for an opportunity.

Whether he lives or dies depends on whether Ren Changsheng can control it.

Halfway through the banquet, the atmosphere is lively.

At this moment.

The elder Sister Yu from Shangzong suddenly said, "I heard that your Tiandao Sect has a person named Qin Bingyao who is very good?"

Hearing this, the elders praised her one after another, "It's true, Bingyao's beauty is rare in the world, and her talent is unparalleled. At a young age, she has already broken through to become a master. She has a bright future."

But the words just fell!

Then they saw that Elder Sister Yu said very forcefully, "It's okay, then let her get engaged to a disciple of my sect."

Say it.

She even put on a charity gesture, "It is a blessing to be able to marry into our Fucang Dao Sect, become the wife of our Fucang Dao Sect's genius, and enjoy our sect's resources, even if she is allowed to be a concubine. ."

Be bold!

My sect's fairy sister is extremely gifted and is rarely seen in the world. She is a being that everyone longs for. How can I allow you to arrange things like this?

Even if you are from Shangzong, we don't agree!

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused public anger among the crowd!

All the disciples looked at Elder Sister Yu and the proud son Chen Xuan angrily. One of the elders said angrily, "Bingyao is the most valued disciple of our Tiandao Sect. How can a marriage be such a trivial matter? Even if you are from Shangzong, you can't do it casually." designated."

"Oh, why, for the sake of that girl, I became the concubine of the Tianjiao disciple of my Fucang Dao Sect. Being able to enjoy the resources of my Fucang Dao Sect is better than wasting my life in your small sect. On the contrary, It's a waste of her talent."

"Besides, as an elder of Fucang Dao Sect, when I go out, I represent my Fucang Dao Sect. Do you, Tiandao Sect, dare to violate the decisions of my Fucang Dao Sect?"

The elder Sister Yu showed no mercy and retorted directly. This gesture could not be described as arrogant.

This clearly means that Tiandao Sect is not taken seriously.


For a while, the atmosphere was deadlocked.

And just then.

But Ren Changsheng stood up and said in a smooth tone, "Everyone, please be patient. Today is a happy day for our Tiandao Sect, so we don't dare to use weapons."


Then he said to Elder Sister Yu, "You have the intention to let the sect's talented disciple marry Bingyao. This is a good thing. If you follow him to Fucang Dao Sect, Bingyao's unparalleled talent can be best developed."

"But, after all, this is a matter for the younger generation. We, the elders, forcefully intervene and in the end, things will not look good."

"not to mention…"

While speaking, Ren Changsheng looked at Su Liang's position intentionally or unintentionally, "Bingyao already has a sweetheart. Now that Bingyao is not here, he has the most say in this matter."

Both inside and outside the words, he perfectly pointed the finger at Su Liang!

Before Elder Sister Yu could speak, Chen Xuan, the arrogant man who followed, said with disdain, "What a bullshit sweetheart, I think, it's just a person who clings to power. I saw Qin Bingyao in your place before." If you have a high status in a small sect, you will take the initiative to climb up."

"Now I see people from Fucang Dao Sect trying to rob him, but they don't dare to let go. Maybe they plan to use Qin Bingyao to exchange him for some resource benefits?"

"Otherwise, why didn't he dare to show up after we talked for so long?"

"Besides, if Qin Bingyao marries me as my concubine, Qin Bingyao will have to thank me. By then, who will care about my sweetheart."

As he spoke, Chen Xuan kept looking at Su Liang and continued, "Oh, I, Chen Xuan, want someone, why do I need others' consent? No matter what he does."

Obviously, Chen Xuan's look of contempt and constant slander was just to force Su Liang to take action, so that he could take the opportunity to attack and kill Su Liang in one fell swoop.

"No need to provoke me, I'm here."

Su Liang, who was not far away, stood up slowly and walked in front of everyone with a calm look on his face.

Su Liang had long known that this was a game against him.

But so what?

How can my girlfriend allow others to talk nonsense at will?

"Are you that Qin Bingyao's sweetheart?"

Chen Xuan looked Su Liang up and down. When he determined that Su Liang was only at the sixth level of innate cultivation, he sneered disdainfully, "You are quite brave."

"Okay, since you are Qin Bingyao's sweetheart, then as long as I kill you, will Qin Bingyao have to follow me?"

Say it.

Without any warning, he struck at Su Liang with one palm!

This palm carried great momentum and the wind was so strong that Su Liang could feel the strong wind hitting his face from a few meters away.

Obviously, Su Liang is going to be killed here!

But facing Chen Xuan's sure-kill move, Su Liang slowly put his hand on the sword, lightly touched it with his fingers, and unsheathed the sword for three seconds.



A bright sword light flashed past, and a sharp and cold intention rushed towards his face. Everyone nearby turned away unconsciously.

But when they looked over again, they were shocked to see that the proud man Chen Xuan had been nailed to the ground by Su Liang's sword, his heart was cut off, and he was vomiting blood. He was already breathing out too much and not taking in much.

One sword, an instant!

This is beyond everyone's expectation!

Chen Xuan looked at Su Liang with wide eyes, full of astonishment.

This sword light... is exactly the same as the one struck by the elder in the morning. It was clearly made by the same person.

Su Liang, is he that elder?

What nonsense!

With a cultivation level much weaker than his own, he was able to kill himself, the proud son of the Shang Zong, with one sword. This was the real evildoer!

If you are not waiting for your good sect, why would you travel thousands of miles to come to Tiandao Sect to provoke this evildoer! ?

The breath was cut off, and Chen Xuan, the proud son of Fu Cang Dao Sect, died with his eyes open!

After being stunned for a moment, Elder Sister Yu finally came to his senses and hurriedly rushed forward to check Chen Xuan's condition and try to find a way to treat him.

But it's too late!

At this moment, Chen Xuan was completely dead.

Looking at Chen Xuan's body, everyone present was dumbfounded!

Su Liang (Senior Brother Su) actually killed the proud son of Shang Zong with one sword! ?

At this moment.

Elder Sister Yu, who had confirmed the death of her disciple, was completely furious!

What's going on!

I just received some benefits, reached a deal, and came to help Ren Changsheng.

I thought I was just going to show up and take action, but who would have thought that I could even lose my own disciple?

This time, Dafa will be compensated!


Elder Sister Yu immediately stood up and glared at Su Liang, "How dare you kill me, the genius of Fucang Dao Sect, you will die today!"

As she spoke, Elder Sister Yu's peak powerful aura surged out, heading straight towards Su Liang!

Obviously, he was going to kill Su Liang.

But this time.

Tan Qingya appeared in front of Su Liang in one step, her aura unabashedly displayed, her expression cold, "Kill my people, just try."

The two extremely powerful momentums collided together, and for a moment, they were evenly matched!


Elder Sister Yu snorted coldly, but she also knew that the woman in front of her was not weaker than herself, and for a while, she did not dare to mess around again.

"Okay, okay, calm down."

Ren Changsheng came out again and comforted the two of them, "On such an important day, it's really not good for both sides to fight and lose."

"How about we discuss this later?"

After hearing this, Elder Sister Yu had no choice but to suppress her anger and said in a cold voice, "You, Tiandao Sect, must give me an explanation."

After the luncheon, the sacrifice officially began in the afternoon.

This sacrifice is the real highlight!

On top of the grand founding ceremony.

Everyone was dressed in sacrificial attire. Ren Changsheng said to Tan Qingya, "You are the one who has been really in charge of Tiandao Sect these years. So, Qingya, how about you preside over this sacrificial ceremony?"

After hearing this, Tan Qingya did not hesitate and agreed directly, "Okay."


After changing into the costume of a sacrificial witch, Tan Qingya stood on the stage in front of everyone.

I saw.

The white witch dress is dotted with some red decorations. Although it is a bit wide, it makes Tan Qingya's plump figure more hazy and beautiful.

Under the influence of Tan Qingya's beautiful face, the plain white and complicated witch costume became more charming.

Standing in front of people, Tan Qingya folded her hands in front of her belly, showing a sacred posture.


At this time, her heart became more solemn.

(This chapter ends. I strive to end it today. I will soon knock down the beautiful woman~!)

Volume 1 # Chapter 87 The Taoist Formation locks up a beautiful woman, and the sect master who flips the table is unprecedentedly dangerous.

Someone from the Shangzong came to force Su Liang to take action on the grounds of forcibly marrying Yao'er. Now, he was entrusted with the task of hosting the sacrifice.

The development of things is not much different from what Su Liang analyzed that day.

Next, according to Su Liang's analysis, it should be his turn!

Under the auspices of Tan Qingya, the most important event of the founding ceremony, Carrying the Heavens and Carrying the Way, officially began!

The so-called Carrying the Heavenly Dao is the person who presides over the grand ceremony. He enters the Liutian Dao Formation and strengthens the formation, making it more powerful and protecting a sect's destiny!

"Inherit the path of Heaven, bless my Heavenly Dao Sect, and keep my luck forever."

Tan Qingya shouted loudly, and then stepped down from the high platform, step by step, into the Liutian Dao Formation.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened inside the Liutian Dao Formation!

There was a sudden flash of light, and the Liutian Dao Formation that had been maintaining its autonomous operation began to be driven by others!

That's not all!

I don't know if someone had tampered with it, but the Liutian Dao Formation started to reverse the blockade. Vaguely, many iron chains seemed to appear, wrapping around Tan Qingya's body, and instantly restrained Tan Qingya.

After struggling for a while, Tan Qingya discovered that as a large formation to protect the destiny of the sect, the power of the Liutian Dao Formation was indeed powerful. Even if he was blocked, he could not move for a while.

at this time!


An arrogant voice appeared, and everyone looked and saw that the Yujie elder of Fu Cang Dao Sect actually appeared outside the Liutian Dao Formation, holding the formation plate and personally controlling the formation eye.

"This time, I want to see how you can protect him!"

Elder Sister Yu laughed loudly, and the true energy continued to pour into the formation eyes, turning into the purest power, blessing the formation, and suppressing Tan Qingya who was in the formation.

Seeing this sudden change, everyone was shocked.

The elder of Fucang Dao Sect actually obtained the array disk, and could control the array eye to suppress his wife?

Isn't this array disk and the ability to control the array eyes all in the hands of the sect master?

What exactly is going on! ?

Tan Qingya, who was in the formation, looked at Ren Changsheng with a clear look on her face, "Ren Changsheng, you were the one who assassinated Su Liang earlier and led all of this."

After hearing Tan Qingya's words, Ren Changsheng seemed to have no intention of pretending anymore. He stood up, spread his hands and said, "Yes, I admit it. I did it. I showed my cards, so what if it's me?"

"I wanted to get along with you as an ordinary sect leader, but I didn't expect that what I got in exchange was alienation. I have to do this."

A wave of honest people's blackening was performed on the spot.

As soon as he finished speaking, the great elder on the side scolded, "Sect Master, how dare you do this!"

"At the sect's grand ceremony, you unite with people from other sects to deal with your own sect's masters and talented disciples, and do such perverse and rebellious actions. How can you be worthy of being the sect leader!"

"Huh, my business is too much for you to talk about!"

Ren Changsheng glanced sideways at Mr. Zhan and said calmly.

"you you…"

The Great Elder was so angry that he pointed at Ren Changsheng and said angrily, "Okay, since you are stubborn, then I will capture you first and bring order to the chaos!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Great Elder jumped up high and punched Ren Changsheng with a powerful punch.

At a distance of more than ten meters, the ground around Ren Changsheng was cracked inch by inch!


Facing the great elder's powerful punch, Ren Changsheng waved his sleeves casually!


A powerful force suddenly appeared and struck hard at the great elder. Before he could resist, the great elder was hit in the chest!

Visible to the naked eye, the great elder's chest immediately collapsed, and then he vomited blood and flew backwards for dozens of meters, landing on the ground and creating a crater several meters deep!

Someone hurried forward to check and saw that the great elder in the pit had already closed his eyes and passed out.

He actually crushed the Great Elder with one move?

Everyone looked at Ren Changsheng, with indescribable horror in their eyes.

Ren Changsheng chuckled twice, "I have been patient for ten years, and now I have reached the peak level of dragon transformation. Is there anyone else who wants to fight me?"

The words fell, but no one dared to speak out.

The peak of dragon transformation has already surpassed all the elders!


These elders, apart from the people from the Shang Sect, have never seen a master in the Dragon Transformation Realm in their entire lives.

How can we fight this!

At this time, Ren Changsheng said, "Elders, I have already poisoned each of you in the past ten years. Now, it is time to activate it."

The words fell.

Ren Changsheng suddenly snapped his fingers.


All the elders present had dull eyes, and they came behind Ren Changsheng like puppets, seemingly extremely loyal.

This is…

The soul is controlled! ?

There were well-informed people present who immediately saw the situation in front of them.

No one expected that Ren Changsheng could really spend ten years to control the souls of all the elders with poison and shackle them in his hands.

After doing all this, Ren Changsheng looked up at the sky, with a confident smile representing victory on his face, "Oh, the power of the sect leader has been controlled by others for ten years, and the elders of the sect are all loyal to Qingya."

"It's only now that I have truly unified the sect. I have truly become the leader of the Tiandao Sect!"

Looking at the series of changes that happened in front of him, Su Liang couldn't help but feel a little emotional even though Su Liang had predicted it.

As expected of the darkened protagonist, he is truly powerful and terrifying.

If you have a tough mind, you can endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens, and you can endure it for ten years. If you don't move, you will be dead. If you move, you will be shocked and will definitely kill you.

Su Liang had to admit that if he hadn't known about Ren Changsheng's actions in advance and made preparations, he might not have been able to deal with such a scene.

After some emotion, Ren Changsheng immediately looked at Su Liang.

It's you. After you appeared, Qingya didn't even want to talk to me.

It's you, who is obviously just a junior and has only been around for a few months, but you can be so close to Qingya and you, and even let Qingya stay in your room all night and leave early in the morning.

With murderous intent boiling in his heart, and with the situation at his fingertips, Ren Changsheng's first target is still Su Liang!

The hatred between Cao and the thief is irreconcilable.

No matter what, today, Su Liang must be killed!

"Su Liang!"

Ren Changsheng shouted angrily, "Today, you will die!"

After saying that, as if he wanted to torture Su Liang, Ren Changsheng walked towards Su Liang step by step and slowly.

Just let Su Liang give it a try, this feeling of death approaching but being unable to do anything.

However, in the face of the life-threatening crisis, Su Liang remained calm, with one hand behind his back. Young Master Mo Shang was as graceful as jade, not panicking at all.


On the contrary, Su Liang was very confident and began to analyze, "I have to say, Master, your serial plan is indeed extremely clever."

"But you made a fatal mistake."

The words just fell.


There was a roar, and everyone looked along the sound, and immediately saw that Tan Qingya, who was sealed in the formation, had forcibly broken out of the formation!

But the beautiful woman who controlled the formation was vomiting blood and falling back, looking embarrassed.

At this moment.

Just listening, Su Liang added softly, "Sect Master, you overestimate your own calculations and underestimate your opponent's strength."

"Neither I nor she can be dealt with by just finding a helper."

Breaking free from the restraints of the formation, Tan Qingya walked slowly to Ren Changsheng, whose body was frozen.

Although there was still a cold expression on that beautiful face, Tan Qingya's eyes looked at Ren Changsheng, but there was a rare emotion in her eyes.



With a slight sigh, Tan Qingya said in disappointment, "Ren Changsheng, I really didn't expect that you could actually do such a thing for your own selfish desires. What does Tiandao Sect mean to you?"

"I'm really disappointed in you."

"I gave you a chance before, but you didn't cherish it at all and lost the last chance I gave you."

"I won't be polite to you anymore."

Listening to Tan Qingya's words, Ren Changsheng's face was full of disbelief.

He looked at Su Liang, who was resting at the side, and Tan Qingya, who had a cold expression in front of him and was obviously not hurt in any way.

Ren Changsheng finally realized that he was being plotted!

The two of them actually knew their plan in advance, and they followed it, and in turn, they plotted against themselves!


At this moment, Ren Changsheng still didn't feel that he was at fault, "Disappointed in me? I'm not at fault!"

Ren Changsheng shouted angrily, "Qingya, I have been with you for ten years. Ten years. In these ten years, I have cared for you and obeyed all your requests. I even gave up the Tiandao Sect to you."

"But, it's already like this, but I can't even get you to look back at me once. How can I tolerate it, how can I tolerate it!"

"Everything I did was just to get everything that should belong to me. What's wrong with that?"

Listening to Ren Changsheng's words, Tan Qingya shook her head and said, "Ren Changsheng, you are too pretentious."

"When you and I got married, it was a fake marriage agreed in advance. You and I had no relationship at all between men and women. From the beginning, this shouldn't be taken seriously, right?"

"It's not that I did anything wrong, it's just that your own feelings have changed."

Those light words directly became the final blow to Ren Changsheng!

"I see…"

Ren Changsheng looked up to the sky and laughed, "It turns out that from the beginning, it was my own passion. It turns out that from the beginning, all of this was fake!"

At this moment, he finally understood.

No wonder no matter how much she sacrifices, Qingya doesn't want to take another look at herself.

It was a mistake, a false beginning. After that, no matter how hard you try, it won't become true, right?


From the beginning, I had no chance.

On the other side, Su Liang, who was listening to all this, finally understood what the system meant by wishful thinking at the beginning.

Yes, feelings are not what you pay, you will get in return.

After all, this is something you and I wish for.


In the past ten years, all Ren Changsheng's efforts, care, and even darkening for this were all in vain.

Even if he succeeded in the end, even if he lost himself, Su Liang didn't think that Ren Changsheng would have any chance of success.

At this moment, Su Liang was quite emotional.

Ren Changsheng is indeed ruthless, but he is also really infatuated, which is really miserable.

And just when Su Liang was sighing.

Ren Changsheng, who had been denied everything by Tan Qingya, was gradually going crazy!

His eyes were blood red, and Ren Changsheng failed to manage his expression completely. He clenched his fists tightly and released the powerful aura of peak dragon transformation without any concealment!

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Ren Changsheng murmured in a low voice.

"Qingya, even if you say all of this is false, I will find a way to make it true."

"Only for you, I will never give up."

"Since you don't agree to be with me sincerely, then don't blame me for being rude to you."

"This... is also for our better future..."

After finishing his words, Ren Changsheng suddenly turned his head and looked at Elder Sister Yu, who was silently vomiting blood and cultivating himself, "You and I will join forces to take down Qingya first."

"She is just a person, and you are in the immortal realm. We are two against one, there is no way we will lose!"

"You caused such a big thing in our Tiandao Sect. Do you think you can leave our Tiandao Sect well?"

"She, Qingya, may not necessarily be afraid of your Fucang Dao Sect."

After hearing this, Elder Sister Yu's expression changed.


Able to injure himself and break through large formations, Tan Qingya's cultivation is definitely no weaker than his own.

Even if he really kills himself and angers the sect, a strong person in the Immortality Realm can still calmly leave even if he is surrounded by several masters of the same level.

Tan Qingya is indeed not afraid of anything.


Elder Sister Yu immediately nodded in agreement, "Okay, join forces!"

As soon as the words fell, the two of them attacked Tan Qingya at the same time, with unparalleled powerful attacks, with the ultimate intention of attack and destruction.

Tan Qingya immediately responded, and the three of them immediately got into a fight, regardless of each other!


Just a moment!

Ren Changsheng and Elder Sister Yu were both defeated by Tan Qingya and fell to the ground, seriously injured and unable to get up!

But Tan Qingya is still intact, not even a trace of dust on her body!

To be able to achieve such a record against two against one is enough to show how powerful Tan Qingya is.

"This, how is this possible!"

Looking at Tan Qingya who was still full of energy, Elder Sister Yu was inexplicably frightened.

Obviously, her cultivation level is weaker than his, but how could she crush him so easily?

There were also those attacks that were extremely powerful and whose artistic conception was almost Taoist, making it even more difficult for her to resist!

With such powerful strength and extremely rare martial arts skills...

Elder Sister Yu was immediately sure.

Tan Qingya is definitely not from the lower realm!

At the scene of the defeat, looking at Tan Qingya who was looking at him coldly, Ren Changsheng gritted his teeth and directly commanded the elders on the side, "You guys, get up here and take down Qingya!"

"Human wave tactics?"

Looking at the elders in front of her, Tan Qingya shook her head, "Have you ever thought about it, Su Liang has predicted all of this in advance."

"So, I have already left a backup plan for the elders."

The words fell.

Tan Qingya snapped her fingers, and the elders all stopped in place. Then, their eyes rolled up and they passed out.

After trying to control them again, they found that all the poisons on these elders had been released.

Volume 1 # Chapter 88 Because I like you, I push you down

At this time, Tan Qingya's voice came again, "The reason why I let you control these elders and let you start all this is just to expose the truth."


After hearing this, Ren Changsheng vomited blood again!

He really didn't expect that from beginning to end, he was someone else's pawn?

Moreover, in the end, he fell into the hands of the woman he most desired!

The plan went so smoothly thanks to his planning!

Then, what is the meaning of all this planning?

Or in other words, is everything he planned playing into someone's hands?

Thinking in his mind, Ren Changsheng's heart gradually began to waver and he began to become less confident.

But he didn't expect it.

All of this is actually because Su Liang simulated the protagonist's action route in advance and set up a way to break the situation.

The plan was exposed and completely failed. If I stay here any longer, I'm afraid death is not far away!

Ren Changsheng and Elder Sister Yu had no doubt that Tan Qingya and Su Liang would kill them both to avoid future troubles.


Ren Changsheng staggered to Elder Sister Yu's side, pulled her up, and whispered, "Quickly go!"

The words fell.

The two people circulated their true energy, used their body skills, and escaped quickly.

One is in the Immortal Realm, the other is at the peak of the Dragon Transformation Realm, and even though the Tiandao Sect is an elder who has just woken up, it is difficult for him to fight and he does not have that level of cultivation.

The two of them insisted on running away, and no one in the entire Tiandao Sect could stop them or catch up.

But Tan Qingya, the only one with this ability, did not pursue it.


He continued to stand there, looking at the direction in which the two people were escaping, without saying a word.

Su Liang looked at Tan Qingya, frowned slightly, and noticed something strange.

Based on Tan Qingya's cold character, since Ren Changsheng had made a move on her, she would never let him go even if they had been together for ten years.

If this is the case, does it mean that she is no longer capable of chasing?

Thinking of this, Su Liang walked forward quickly, held Tan Qingya's arm, and asked in a low voice, "Sister, are you okay?"


Tan Qingya opened her mouth and was about to say something.

But before he finished speaking, his delicate body softened and fell directly on Su Liang.

But simply, with Su Liang's support, no one could tell.

"elder sister!"

Su Liang quickly supported Tan Qingya with worried eyes.

"I'm fine."

Tan Qingya shook her head and looked at the elder beside her, "You should take care of the funeral affairs."

Immediately, he took Su Liang and drifted away.

And when the two of them reached a place where no one was around.

Tan Qingya's face, which was pretending to be cold, could no longer hold on, showing an unprecedented level of fatigue, and her whole body slumped against Su Liang's body.

Immediately afterwards.


Tan Qingya spat out a mouthful of blood and her face turned pale. It was obvious that she had been injured in the battle just now.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Su Liang said with concern, "Just wait, I'll get you some elixirs."


Tan Qingya stopped Su Liang directly, shook her head and said, "It's useless."

"I am subject to the disadvantages of this charming body. I have to be distracted and suppressed at ordinary times, and I cannot fight with all my strength."

"But just now, with all my strength, I relaxed the suppression on Mei Ti, but I didn't expect that it would lead to Mei Ti's full counterattack, and she almost couldn't hold on anymore."

After hearing this, Su Liang immediately held Tan Qingya's wrist and explored it consciously.


Su Liang sensed that all kinds of forces in Tan Qingya's body were mixed and confused, and there were so many threads that it was impossible to regulate them!

Frowning slightly, Su Liang asked, "Sister, how should I save you?"

But I didn't expect it.

Facing Su Liang's inquiry, Tan Qingya's beautiful face turned a blush, and she said something shyly.

But the voice was really too quiet, and it took a lot of effort for Su Liang to finally hear the four words clearly.

"Yin and Yang harmonize."


Su Liang almost gasped. He was very familiar with this word.

I remember back then, my fairy girlfriend used the dual cultivation technique of harmonizing yin and yang to do this and that with me every day, almost making me unable to get out of bed!

Could it be that now is the time to reconcile the yin and yang of Tan Qingya?

at the same time.

Tan Qingya looked at Su Liang's face, a little lost in thought.

Thinking about this method, Su Liang wouldn't agree to it so simply, right?

After all, he already had his own apprentice. Even if he dared to fight back against him before, how could he accept this yin-yang harmonious contact so smoothly even if it was to save himself?

This is undoubtedly a betrayal of Yao'er.

He will definitely be confused and hesitant.

Forget it, it's better not to embarrass him, I'll find another way.

But right now!

Tan Qingya saw that Su Liang bent down and picked her up, holding the princess in his arms.

"Where are you going now?"

Tan Qingya asked in a daze.

"Your room."

Su Liang answered very naturally.

Hearing this, Tan Qingya was dumbfounded.

No, no, no, I was struggling so much just now, and I even thought Su Liang would be entangled and hesitant, but who knew that he would agree so simply?

Su Liang, do you know that you are betraying Yao'er?


If Su Liang really wants to reconcile yin and yang later, will he agree, or will he agree half-heartedly, or will he pretend to resist fiercely, but in the end he will be unable to do so?

Su Liang walked quickly, and while Tan Qingya was thinking and tangled, the two of them had already arrived at Tan Qingya's room.

Immediately afterwards.

Tan Qingya was put on the bed by Su Liang, and he also sat on it, and even quickly took off his shirt.

Finally, is it time?

But, will it be too fast?

Will Yaoer accept this?

It was obviously something she had been looking forward to for a long time, but when it came to the end, Tan Qingya still bit her lower lip uneasily, still hesitant and hesitant in her heart.

But the next moment, a pair of palms pressed against her back.

Immediately afterwards.

The huge pure Yang energy entered her body through these palms, and quickly entangled with the power of the charming body in her body, neutralized it, and began to reconcile.

Sensing this change, Tan Qingya was dumbfounded.

She asked in a daze, "Yin and yang are harmonious, no, it shouldn't be..."


Su Liang said seriously, "Yes, this is the reconciliation of yin and yang. Don't worry, sister, I am good at this kind of thing, and I will definitely cure you."


Hearing Su Liang's words, Tan Qingya snorted and said nothing more.

But in her heart, there was a lot of resentment.

Obviously, I am already ready.

Moreover, this is obviously a good opportunity to establish a relationship with him and confess everything completely.

But Su Liang, he actually did such a thing! ?

Does he really not know, or is he just pretending to be stupid?


As time goes by, I have to say that Su Liang's method of harmonizing yin and yang is indeed very effective.

In an instant, Tan Qingya's injuries were stabilized.


Tan Qingya's mood was not good at all!

After some yin and yang harmonious treatment, Tan Qingya's charming body was successfully suppressed, and the remaining injuries were much better.


Tan Qingya said to Su Liang with a cold face, "The treatment is over. You, put on your clothes and leave quickly."

But I didn't expect it!

Faced with Tan Qingya's expulsion, Su Liang made an unexpected move!

Su Liang looked at Tan Qingya's back, but there was no movement for a long time.

But just when Tan Qingya couldn't bear the silence and was about to say something, Su Liang stretched out his hand and pulled her into his arms!

Holding the beautiful lady in his arms, Su Liang felt the plumpness and softness of the beautiful lady in his arms. He buried his head in the beautiful lady's hair and smelled the delicate fragrance. He couldn't help but feel a little lost.

But Tan Qingya, at this moment, could feel the heat and hardness all over Su Liang's body. She could feel the hot breath Su Liang exhaled on her neck. The big hands hugged her tightly, and the touch across her skin was extremely clear. .

All this made Tan Qingya couldn't help but her delicate body began to tremble.

The current environment is really too ambiguous. Just now, the two of them were talking about the reconciliation of yin and yang. Now, Su Liang is acting like this. It's hard not to think of something.

"Su, Su Liang, what are you going to do?"

Tan Qingya asked with some confusion.

"do what?"

Su Liang raised his head, smiled softly, and confessed, "Of course, I have disrespectful thoughts towards my sister."

Hearing this, Tan Qingya's pretty face turned red instantly.

Even if Su Liang didn't say it clearly, she knew exactly what Su Liang wanted to do.

But what followed was disdain.

Bah, bah, bah, now you think of such a thing?

What were you doing earlier?


Tan Qingya said decisively and disdainfully, "Then why didn't you take advantage of the opportunity just now and pretend to be a good person who doesn't understand anything?"

"Hmph, I despise you."

But the words are not finished yet.

Su Liang leaned down directly and pressed his lips to Tan Qingya's soft red lips.

One kiss, and it felt like forever. At this moment, Tan Qingya felt that her mind went blank, and all the sensations in her body seemed to be adjusted to the position on her lips.

Whatever he said with contempt and whatever he wanted to say, they were all blocked and could no longer be thought of.

The two hugged tightly, greedily plundering everything that belonged to each other. It was not until they kissed Tan Qingya that her pretty face turned red, she was panting, her eyes were confused and speechless, and Su Liang stopped.

Parted lips.

A transparent silk thread was pulled up from between the two people, shining with a strange light.

Looking at the beautiful face of the beauty in front of him, Su Liang saw this gentle smile on his face and confessed, "Sister, I don't want the relationship between the two of us, or even the one time that the two of us will always cherish memories, to be mixed with other things." thing."

"What I'm doing now is not to heal my wounds, but to simply like you."

"Because I like you, that's why I want to push you down."

"Su Liang, you..."

Listening to Su Liang's words and looking at the familiar face of the young man in front of her, Tan Qingya gradually became obsessed.

next moment.

Su Liang's boyfriend was so powerful that he used both arms to push Tan Qingya down, covering her up slowly.

All the restraints on the two of them disappeared.

The delicate body of the beauty in his arms gradually became hot, and patches of pink appeared. Su Liang moved his hands up and down, and after a good taste, the giant sword that thirsted for blood finally reached the dangerous entrance of the cave filled with streams.

But at this moment.

Tan Qingya suddenly hugged Su Liang's neck and explained, "Su Liang, my relationship with Ren Changsheng was actually just a fake marriage to get rid of the family."

"I, I am still innocent and have no experience at all."

Tan Qingya spoke stammeringly, her words were very pure, but her expression was particularly charming.

Her eyes were watery, her eyelids were drooped, and her eyebrows were full of charming charm. Tan Qingya Tan's mouth was slightly open, and her fragrant tongue came out from time to time, licking her moist red lips.

How can the word "sultry" be enough to describe such a charming appearance?

Raising her head, Tan Qingya hooked her arms around Su Liang's neck and kissed her deeply, "Please have mercy."

The beauty who had always been as cold as an iceberg and as majestic as an empress spoke such words in such a charming and seductive manner.

In an instant, Su Liang couldn't bear it anymore and felt like he was going to explode!


Tan Qingya groaned, and under the bed beneath the two of them, plum blossoms fell red.

in the room.

Su Liang and Tan Qingya officially started a new round of dual cultivation.

the other side.

They traveled hard all the way, sleeping in the open air, and encountered many ferocious beasts on the way.


Qin Bingyao finally arrived outside the Dragon Pond!

But at this moment.

It seemed that Qin Bingyao was feeling particularly irritable.

Just as if.

It was as if the thing he loved the most was cut in two by someone who didn't know where it came from, and was forcibly snatched from his hand.

at the same time.

Vaguely, Qin Bingyao even felt that her head was a little heavier, as if there was a grassland above her head.

What exactly is going on?

It seems that this feeling has occurred before, right?

Only this time, it was heavier.

Qin Bingyao frowned and thought for a long time, but still had no clue.

And this irritable mood cannot be suppressed at all.

Forget it, forget it, don't think about it anymore!

Shaking her head, Qin Bingyao gave up thinking.

Looking at the Jiaolong Pond in the distance, Qin Bingyao showed a warm smile on her face that was no longer cold.

It has been several days since you came out this time, right?

I don't know if Su Lang misses me.

It's better to kill this dragon quickly so that we can go back to find Su Lang.


I haven't felt Su Lang's embrace for a long time, I miss it so much.

Moreover, although I was very tired from Su Lang's torture every night, didn't I feel very comfortable and like it very much?

Thinking in her heart, Qin Bingyao walked quickly towards the dragon pond.

When he came to the edge of the pool and took the weapon in his hand, Qin Bingyao did not hesitate, and unreservedly released his aura and murderous intent towards the deep water.


In the Jiaolong Pond, Jiaolong felt Qin Bingyao's aura and revealed his figure.


The pool exploded and the dragon emerged from the water.

The hundred-foot-long dragon was suspended in mid-air. Its eyes as big as a human were looking straight at the creatures by the pool. With a roar, it was like thunder exploding and a hurricane coming out. As the body moved, trees and rocks were shattered.

(Originally I only wanted to post 10,000 words, but it seemed I couldn't finish it. I was afraid that you might not get enough of it, so I decided to post only 12,000 words. Is it dedicated enough and worthy of a monthly vote?)

Volume 1 # Chapter 89: Cao Cao's attributes are off the charts, and the fairy misses her husband very much.

No matter who you are standing in front of such a giant beast, you will feel an extremely strong sense of oppression!

"Is this the dragon?"

Looking at the dragon in the sky, Qin Bingyao did not hesitate at all and took action directly. Powerful attacks belonging to the master level were launched frequently, and she started fighting with the dragon!

The two fought hard for half the night. In the end, Qin Bingyao finally defeated Jiaolong with the power of his heavy pupils!

In this battle, the mountains and the earth almost collapsed, and even the dragon pond was vaguely destroyed by a small part!


Standing next to the dragon pond, looking at the dragon with closed eyes, it seemed that he had killed it. For some reason, Qin Bingyao clearly felt that the oppressive feeling was becoming more and more terrifying.

And the source of this sense of oppression...

It is the dead dragon in front of me!

what happened?

Qin Bingyao thought intently, could it be that this dragon is not dead yet?

at this time!


Thunder light flashed in the sky, and in an instant, strong winds blew, and the entire sky was illuminated by the continuous thunder light.

"The assessment of the two-star Cao thief is completed. Congratulations to the host for killing the incompetent patient."

"Wishful thinking is nothing compared to mutual love. Ten years of caring and caring have not been able to open her heart. She is destined to be cheated by Cao."

"You have received a reward - Taoist martial arts·One sword without regrets!"

Taoist martial arts?

Hearing the sound of the system, Su Liang felt a sense of surprise.

The grade of Taoist martial arts is not low. In the entire Tiandao Sect and the surrounding area, Taoist martial arts is almost a legend. If it is obtained, it will be treasured.

As long as there is a Taoist martial arts school, Tiandao Sect and several other sects will probably join in the fight and fight to the death!

The most important thing is that this martial arts is also a sword technique that is extremely suitable for Su Liang.

Su Liang was sure that as long as he learned this sword without regrets, his strength would be greatly enhanced!

At this moment, the system's voice rang again, "Special location detected, wedding room bed!"

"How can you be so shameless as a thief on someone else's wedding bed? The thief's attributes are off the charts!"

"Congratulations to the host, for achieving a special achievement and forcibly plundering 70% of the protagonist's fate!"

The system sound just dropped.

Before Su Liang took any action, Ren Changsheng, who had already escaped, saw the fate of the protagonist that he had snatched shrink sharply.

In the blink of an eye, only 30% of its original size was left.

And the lost part turned into the purest luck, flew to Su Liang from afar, and instilled it all!


There was a shattering sound in the void. Under the impact of this huge luck, the first shackles of the blocked Emperor Luo Chongpu on Su Liang were immediately released!


At this moment, Su Liang burst out with a powerful pressure. The heaven and earth shook, mountains and rivers flowed backwards, the wind and clouds changed color, thunder rolled in the sky, and the thunder with golden light struck from the sky, seeming to destroy the world. generally.

Immediately afterwards.

Golden dew fell from the sky, and the shimmering golden dew fell from the sky, covering the entire Tiandao Sect.

at this moment.

Almost all the disciples and elders of Tiandao Sect have increased a lot in cultivation!

Those whose cultivation was stuck at the bottleneck, broke through in one fell swoop with the help of golden dew, those who were seriously injured, the golden dew spilled and their injuries recovered, and those who were nearing their end of life, their bodies regained some vitality.

The golden dew brought by Emperor Su Liang's falling double pupil to unblock the first level, blessed the entire Tiandao Sect!

In Tan Qingya's room.

At this moment, Su Liang couldn't care less about Jinlu Fuze.

Just when the Emperor's Chongpupil was unsealed, Su Liang subconsciously opened the Emperor's Chongpupil, wanting to feel the power of this ultimate talent.


The scenery in front of him is constantly changing. With the help of the Emperor's Double Eyes, Su Liang's gaze penetrates the long river of time, and he has a panoramic view of thousands of years!

And these ten thousand years of enlightenment experience have all been fed back to Su Liang, making Su Liang's own realm higher and higher.

Just for a moment.

Su Liang then realized the true meaning of immortality!

"It turns out that this is eternal life."

Muttering to himself in a low voice, Su Liang's eyes revealed the vicissitudes of life.

But then, the eyes became clear again, but the depth and tranquility in them was like an abyss, which made people dare not look directly, but they couldn't help but explore.

Immediately afterwards.

Su Liang cast his sight between heaven and earth again.


The distance between heaven and earth seemed to be nothing in front of Su Liang. From the top to the blue sky and the bottom to the forbidden area, Su Liang had a panoramic view of everything.

From then on, in Su Liang's eyes, there were no more secrets in this world!

And just then.

But he suddenly noticed a embarrassed figure at the foot of a giant dragon on the edge of a pool.

Under the threat of the giant dragon, the figure's body trembled slightly. Whether it was momentum or strength, it was crushed in all directions, and it was about to fall into a fatal crisis!

After careful inspection, Su Liang's heart skipped a beat.

"That's... Bingyao?"

Beside the dragon pond.

Thunder tribulation came to the world and struck hard on the dying dragon next to Qin Bingyao.


The dragon roared to the sky, but instead of looking dead like before, it exploded with great power, flew into the sky, and fought with the thunder calamity in the air.

Just for a moment.

The thunder dispersed, and the huge figure appeared in the clouds.

It is the dragon that has survived the thunder tribulation and completed its transformation!


Qin Bingyao's expression was a little solemn, "This dragon actually transformed into a real dragon with the help of the death barrier. Now, it's going to be troublesome."

On the sky.

The real dragon's human-sized eyes stared closely at Qin Bingyao below, even though it was motionless and did not make any sound.

But that huge body like a mountain exudes a powerful aura that far exceeds the master level. It seems to tear the sky apart at every turn. Just being entrenched there brings great oppression!


The real dragon suddenly roared, the sound was like thunder, shaking the world, and rushed towards Qin Bingyao. His body swayed with such speed that the mountain peaks were about to break apart.

Can't hide!

Can't stop it!

Qin Bingyao only had these two feelings in her heart.

After transforming into a real dragon, the strength of this giant beast has become much stronger, far beyond the limit that she can deal with now!


This is really a fatal situation!

Looking at the real dragon rushing towards him, Qin Bingyao didn't have much fear or fear.

The pictures of this life flashed before his eyes like a revolving lantern, and finally, the picture settled on the face of a young man.

"Su Lang..."

Qin Bingyao murmured in a low voice, as if to see you again.

I really want to be in your arms again and listen to you say those love words that I will never get tired of hearing.

But, there is no chance again, right?

I don't know if Su Lang will feel sad for me after knowing the news?

Thinking in her heart, Qin Bingyao slowly closed her eyes. The young boy she missed was condensed in front of her eyes and became real.

But right now!

A familiar voice rang in my ears, joking, "Bingyao, stop dreaming. Don't lose your concentration during the battle."

At this time, Su Lang's voice?

Qin Bingyao opened her eyes suddenly, and her eyes seemed to be attracted by the sound, bursting out with full power.


In the sky, an ancient eye suddenly opened, and powerful pressure descended. In an instant, it suppressed the dragon to the ground and completely killed it! ,

Qin Bingyao's eyes widened and she looked around in confusion.

Su Lang is not here.

However, that voice just now...

It was that voice that helped him overcome the deadlock in front of him and win the blood of the true dragon, right?

With a hint of warmth in her heart, Qin Bingyao smiled slightly, stepped forward, and obtained the blood of the true dragon.

"It's better to go back quickly."

Qin Bingyao murmured to herself, "I miss Su Lang too."

Northland Center.

In a Taoist palace that exudes an ancient aura.

A graceful and elegant purple-haired mature woman is practicing in seclusion here.

The purple-haired woman wore a shawl. On top of her beautiful face, there was a mature charm that even Tan Qingya could not compare to. Dressed in complicated clothes, the purple-haired woman exuded a majestic and luxurious aura, which was eye-catching, but yet... People can't help but admire it.

As the purple-haired woman practices, the space around her seems to be constantly distorting and healing.

This person is a peerless strong man who truly overlooks the common people!

And suddenly.

The purple-haired woman suddenly opened her eyes.

"This feeling is..."

Feeling the powerful fluctuations in the distance, the purple-haired woman actually sensed a familiar feeling with her master!

But, how is this possible?

The purple-haired woman felt very unbelievable.

This feeling should never happen again.

Could it be...

Suddenly, as if she remembered something, the purple-haired woman became excited.

"The wait for thousands of years is finally coming to fruition!"

Whispering in a low voice, the purple-haired woman looked in the direction where the feeling came from, with inexplicable emotions in her eyes.

After saving his girlfriend, Su Liang breathed a sigh of relief, temporarily closed the Emperor's Double Eyes, and began to take stock of his gains in the recent period.

Ten thousand years later, Su Liang's realm has grown rapidly. Although his cultivation has not changed much, he has already understood the true meaning of immortality. Even though he has hidden everything, he has reached the realm of immortality!

That is to say.

From now on, until he reaches the realm of immortality, Su Liang's cultivation will be smooth without any bottlenecks.

As long as you cultivate enough, you can naturally advance to the next realm without having to comprehend any so-called Tao or so-called realm.

at the same time.

This improvement in realm also represents his understanding of Tao and cultivation far beyond others. When fighting, Su Liang has a greater advantage.

This wave can be described as a great enhancement in all aspects!

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Su Liang's ears again.

"New mission, please host to complete the perfect strategy achievement."

"As I said before, every imperfect strategy is the greatest insult to a true Cao thief."

After hearing this, Su Liang felt nothing at all.

Brushing achievements, it's not like I've never done this before. Although I can't say that I'm familiar with it, I still have some experience.

Anyway, you are already a real thief. That perfect achievement is just a matter of convenience.

Su Liang felt that this task was not stressful for him.