
The search is on

Hearing the devastating news, the sound around Jesscia was deafening. She was on such an up as she headed into a building, after days of things irritating her bit by bit, this was nothing compared to all that. Suddenly, she was wishing that she hadn't slept.

It was a stupid thought to have, but maybe if she was in discomfort, then nothing bad would have happened to the others. She just didn't understand at all, why Stacy and Gabe. Why them two, what had they done?

Eventually, Barbra had moved Jessica to her office. Thankfully, it seemed even though no words were getting through to her, she was just on autopilot following along. In the office, Hikel and Edvard were already present, Quinn was a bit late because he had directly been following Jessica and had heard of the news as well.