
The city of Zoo

While Quinn and the others had been busy hunting for the Demon tier beast, other members of his family hadn't exactly been lazing around either.

Despite the war declaration, Erin and Leo had gone out on their own, continuing the search for the Pure base or at least any of their members. They had already learned that the Pure base was supposed to be on earth, information given to them by Eno.

According to the intel, Layla provided. One of the main bases on earth was located in a well known city by the name of Zoo. Similarly to the Truedreams, another Big Four family had founded the city and located most of their members there, only in this case the one responsible had been Mona Bree.

The reason for the quite bizarre name of the city was due to the many beasts that were roaming around freely. While it might seem dangerous at first, all of those beasts had at one point been tamed by members of the Bree family thanks to their ability.