
Sea beasts (Part 2)

It was obvious that what Sil first thought was just a dark patch in the sea, or a large underground mountain was nothing of the sort. Instead, it was a giant beast, what level or what tier, he had no idea but judging by its size, Sil thought it would at least be at the Demon tier level.

Judging by how far they were, it seemed like the tentacles could stretch miles. In the next second, all of the large tentacles headed straight into the ground. Piles of rocks and rubble from the destroyed ruins were being chucked up all over the place, and immediately the two of them were surrounded by several tentacles.

They started swinging down towards the two of them and using the water jets on his hands, He started to swim out of the way, allowing for the tentacles to miss him.

'To truly test the Dalki, it's best if the two of us split up.' Sil thought.