
Planned or not?

The light from the tablet started to dye down, and Layla could finally see Quinn removing his hand from the tablet. She expected Quinn to look half defeated as so far he had been. Especially based on the faces she had seen him pull while his hand was on the tablet, but instead, she saw a smile on his face.

'Did he find the answer he was looking for?' Layla wondered. Seeing Quinn's smile gave a warm feeling in Layla's heart as well.

'My emotions, they are all over the place. Is it because of the subclass?' Her vampire subclass caused her emotions to be more heightened than usual.

She had experienced this before, sadness, anger, and happiness. All of these emotions would be multiplied compared to before she was turned. But it was also what allowed her to evolve into her other forms. The stronger the emotion, the more strength she had.