
Killing the Marked

The night sky was out in the Shelter. Still, the unique glow from the plants inside the Shelter and outside gave everything a mystic feel and glow. There were all sorts of arrays of colours that would radiate from them and reflect.

The giant tree in the Shelter was shining the brightest. It was so luminous that no beast crystals had to be used as lightning in the Shelter. Everything had a slight pink hue as one would look around. Usually, if people were visiting the Shelter for the first time, they would admire such beauty, but everyone in the Shelter didn't have time for that.

The normal civilians were held up in a large emergency centre. At the same time, many faction members and Graylash members would be guarding on top of the wall. They assumed that with the number of missing people returning, they might have gotten some visitors even at night.