
Falling asleep

The eight students were all lined up in one row, they were standing in the middle of the meeting room. They stood ram rod straight, and all of them were nervous, they constantly kept thinking about why they had been chosen to meet with Jack Truedream. The only exception to this was Erin, who was doing everything she could to keep her cool.

As she looked next to her, on her left, she could see Peter standing calmly beside her, it was like he didn't have a care in the world. Of course, he didn't have to worry about anything, since his powers couldn't be taken away. However, it was different for her, her power was the only thing she had left, if it was taken away, she wouldn't be able to keep the promise to herself to be the best, and get stronger. Constantly moving her head around the room, she was trying to see if there was any way for her to get out.