
Drunken god

It was a strange feeling for Quinn and he didn't know how to get rid of it. His head was pressed against the cold surface of the marble-like bar, but it seemed like the more he kept his head still, the more it would spin.

Still, his ears were working well, perhaps too well, as the echo sound of high heels against the floor were resounding in his head.

"Please, could someone just turn that off." Quinn mumbled.

For some reason, since there was already a third drink in front of him and because he didn't want to waste it, he had gulped that down as well, which only made his situation go from bad to worse.

"Oh, I thought you would be more of a gentleman. I didn't realise you were so rude." The voice said.

From the corner of his eye, Quinn could see the shiny light-red hair he had seen before. It was the female that had latched onto him, and almost gotten him eaten by that giant fish.

"I would have stopped in if he tried to eat you." The voice said.