
A way to Mark

When it came to making a list of those Quinn was close to, the list was a rather long one. It was because even though they might not be those very close to him, there were still those with a connection.

In the end, the list that had been made, was made with the idea of those who Quinn would fight for and protect. The problem again was, that was a pretty broad answer, because he would fight for the whole of earth and the vampires, he had done that before and would do so again.

So, the list was done by order of relation to Quinn. Even Muka's name was on there. When scrolling with her finger, it had landed on Ronkin.

A vampire who was a simple guard, but had been promoted onto one of the expedition teams. After all of the trouble with war and such though, he had been asked to become a guard once again and that was his current job.