
A Crossover?

After leaving Leo to head into the coliseum, Erin had left feeling a little disheartened in a way. She had wished to also perhaps participate in the event. She was sure it would have been an experience she could learn from.

She also felt like kicking herself after saying what she had done in front of her teacher and mentor, Leo. 

'He's right, where did I even get that confidence from? It's okay to be confident in oneself, but I have to know there are plenty of people out there stronger than me, and not just my enemies, either.' 

The one who came to mind was Quinn, whenever she had an image of catching up to someone, it wasn't her teacher, Leo, but Quinn instead. She had seen him improve beyond belief. Although she knew Leo's strength, it was hard to relate because, in her eyes, Leo had always been strong. 

As for Quinn, she had seen him grow in leaps and bounds, and at one point she could defeat him with a single hand.