
A Changed group

The Blades had been on the Amra planet for a while now. They had practically made it their second home and needed to learn a lot of things to make their life more comfortable there.

The first thing that they all had learned that had come as quite a shock to them all, was the fact that they knew the person named Quinn Talen. All of the Blades, due to how far away they were, weren't affected by the memory change.

So they all remembered everything he had done, and his face well. It was obvious upon seeing the giant statue that the Quinn Talen that the Amra knew and the Quinn Talen that they knew, was the same person.

The only thing was, they were struggling to know how that came to be. Luckily they had plenty of time to find out, and Geo was happy to tell them. They learned that Geo wasn't the only leader of the place.