
My Vampire Deskmate

A new family moved into Cindy's neighborhood right next door. Turns out her new neighbor is transferring to her school and is in the same class! Problem after misunderstanding seems to come along with this boy. What's a girl got to do to escape meeting her troublesome neighbor?

Vanilla_IceCream16 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Crazy Talk

Cindy and Quinn successfully finished the first activity. Luckily for Cindy they didn't have another partner activity before splitting into teams and playing ultimate ball. Cindy's quiet rage showed when they played, she played like a soldier during a war. She clenched the ball in her hands before throwing it to her teammate muttering,

"Just you wait..."

The game ended with Cindy's team winning by a landslide. While walking back Cindy thought of ways to get revenge.

"Aha!" She exclaimed. Cindy heard people whisper about her sudden outburst and quieted down.

"I've got it! Muahahah!" Cindy whispered to herself cackling in anticipation.


The school bell went off signaling it was the end of school and everyone started to file out the door. Cindy walked out of the building and looked around for Quinn. Her master-plan was to find out what he hates and his schedule in order give him some of his own medicine and to more perfectly avoid annoying situations. Operation: Annoy and Avoid. She followed Quinn stealthily and silently not even making a peep. At some point Cindy realized something was wrong...She didn't recognize the area they were walking through! The trees branches grew low and the grass had not been cut for what looked like years. Spiders and creepy crawlers were everywhere. The place had an eire feel to it and Cindy could have sworn there wasn't a place like this , so the only reasonable answer was that Quinn misled her. Cindy started to close the gap between Quinn and her as to not get lost in an unknown place.

"Why are you following me?" Quinn said without looking back.

"..." Cindy didn't respond and they continued walking for a few more meters. Sweat started to roll down Cindy's neck as she walked.

"Who are you." Quinn said with a tone unlike that of him with a cutting glare in Cindy's direction. His eyes had a faint glow to them as he took out that odd red juice box and began to sip. We stood in silence for a couple of minutes before Quinn talked again.

"Hah... Go south and you'll be out of this forest." Quinn said without another glance back. Cindy heard this and started to run south.

'Did he know I was there?! Yes! That must be it! That's why he went somewhere random!' Cindy exclaimed trying to calm her frightened heart.

'But why did his eyes glow red? And seriously what is that juicebox? I feel like I see him drinking it almost every day.' Cindy pondered while recalling his eyes with a shiver. And before she realized it, she was home.

"Where were you Cindy?! We called you! Why didn't you pick up?!" Cindy's mother and father shouted with worry.

"Oh I went on a walk, my phone was dead." Cindy said while checking her phone.

'But my phone was charged when I left school and I haven't used it since, so how is it already dead?' Cindy thought with confusion.

"Well were glad you're back now, never know what those vampires could do," Cindy's mother and father sighed.

"Wait, vampires? What are you talking about?!" She cried out with bewilderment.

'What are they talking about?! Vampires?' Cindy was beginning to think her parents were crazy.

"Oh did we never tell her..." Her parents glanced back and forth at Cindy and each other.

"Well sweetie don't be alarmed but... Vampires exist and your father was one." Cindy's mother said with a tired and worried expression.

"What?! A vampire? Are you guys joking with me right now?!" Cindy said with utter shock at how idiotic they thought she was.

"No... Vampires exist and people just don't know about them because they've evolved and can become humans." Her father explained carefully.

"Evolved? Become humans?!" Cindy was getting a headache at all this nonsensical information.

"Yes, vampires can stand in sunlight just fine and can retract their fangs, well young vampires still have to drink some blood. Vampires can become humans too if they drink even a drop of human blood, but after drinking human blood some get addicted." Cindy's father explained calmly.

"An- and with some vampire blood in your veins your blood tastes even sweeter to vampires." Her mother chipped in.

"I'm going to my room..." Cindy felt nauseous and like puking. She wobbled up the stairs and to her room, where she plopped down on her bed.

'Vampires, drink human blood, evolved, can become humans... Crazy! It's ludicrous... This must be some kind of bad dream and I'll wake up with everything back to normal... yeah a bad dream...' Cindy finally convinced herself before falling asleep peacefully.

She awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the sunlight seeping in through her window. She yawned and checked the time, 6:30. She got up and headed to the bathroom.

"What a crazy dream..." Cindy thought while gently massaging the shampoo into her hair. She washed her body, rinsed, and got out of the shower. She dried herself off and got dressed. Then she went downstairs and to the kitchen. Her mother was not there so she just opened the cabinet and grabbed a box of cereal. Cindy opened the fridge and got out the milk. She poured herself a bowl of cereal and sat at the table. She said goodbye to her dad, who was in the living room, and started to walk to school. She met up with Samantha on the way to school and asked how yesterday's lunch went. Cindy listened to Samantha's endless rambling and thought back to her dream.

"And so....Then... He... blah.... blah... blah..." Samantha rambled.

'Seriously did I eat to much sugar before bed?' Cindy was still stuck in the delusion that it was a dream.

"Hey are you even listening?" Samantha called Cindy out of her daydream.

"Huh, yes?" Cindy said with an uncontrollable question mark.

"No you're not, ugh fine I'll stop we're just about at school anyway." Samantha sighed.

Sorry for the long wait :(

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