
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Urban
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90 Chs

The Ursines are fearless

It has to be said that Ye Shu is really unlucky. In previous years, the alliance turned a blind eye to the secret transactions of demon crystals, but this year they sent red-robed law enforcement officers to arrest people.

 He and Liu Youyou were both rookies here for the first time, and they had no strength. They were so frightened at the moment that they were afraid of being arrested and jailed.

 "Hurry up, keep up with the vendors, they know how to run."

 The catfish monster was shouting in front and had already used its demonic power. In the dark narrow passage, bright lights flashed from time to time. It was obviously the escaping monster that was using its demonic power.

 Ye Shu had already heard the rustling behind him, and the law enforcement officer rushed in. But the two of them were falling further and further behind, unable to catch up with the big monster in front of them.

 In desperation, Liu Youyou picked up Ye Shu, stretched out her two tails, and the demonic aura stirred up a strong wind. She carried Ye Shu and ran away.

 Although she is not strong, her aura is very strange, containing the unique charm of a vixen. This demonic aura immediately attracted the attention of many law enforcement officers, and a group of law enforcement officers came to chase Liu Youyou.

 Fortunately, we had already reached the end, but there was a big hole in the ceiling. Many vendors and customers jumped up, rushed out of the big hole above their heads, and ran outside.

 Liu Youyou gathered all her strength and kicked off, then rushed out with Ye Shu on her back.

 Outside is a primitive dense forest, the same in all directions, and it is impossible to tell the direction. The monsters that rushed out also separated and ran away, and Liu Youyou didn't know who to follow.

 "North, north, I saw weird catfish."

 Ye Shu pointed to the north and shouted, the catfish monster had run away. Liu Youyou hurriedly ran to the north. There were higher mountains and denser jungles. If you looked down from a high altitude, you could see that there were groups of mountains in the north, extending for hundreds of kilometers. The forest was so dense that there was no end in sight.

 The two ran for a while, but found that no one was around, and the catfish monster didn't know where it had gone.

 However, there was a loud rustle behind her, and Liu Youyou's charming aura turned into a natural tracking agent, and the law enforcement officer completely locked onto her.

 I'm afraid I won't be able to escape this time. Liu Youyou is too weak to escape at all.

 She gritted her teeth and threw Ye Shu forward. He was thrown dozens of meters away and fell on a pile of thick leaves.

 "Run quickly, humans can't hold up the monster's prison. When you go back, ask Mr. Shu to save me."

 Liu Youyou urged anxiously. Ye Shu was so dizzy from the fall that he couldn't hear clearly in his daze. He only heard Liu Youyou telling him to run quickly.

 He glanced back, but Liu Youyou changed direction and ran away. The evil spirit filled the surrounding area and led the law enforcement officer away.

 Ye Shu was helpless, there was nothing he could do against the monster, so he could only run away.

 He got up and continued running to the north. He was panting and sweating. When he couldn't run anymore, he sat down on the ground and leaned against a big tree. He was almost exhausted.

 I am really unlucky. I have never had a smooth life these days. I am either thrown into a pot or being chased in the forest.

 Liu Youyou is also miserable. She will definitely be caught. She can't escape from the prison, and she doesn't know what kind of torture she will suffer.

 Ye Shu gasped for air and rested for a while before standing up against the tree. As a result, he glanced at the tree trunk with his eyes and discovered several sharp claw marks on it.

 He was startled, frowned and looked at it. The paw print was very big, as big as a bear's paw. It looked like it was caused by a black bear slapping the tree trunk.

 There are bears in the mountains here

 Ye Shu looked around nervously. There were dense jungles all around, and the branches completely blocked the sunlight, making the forest dark and looking very eerie.

 Ye Shu was completely lost and was afraid of a bear in the forest. He quickly grabbed a stick on the ground as a self-defense weapon, and then groped for the way forward with ease.

 It was very dangerous to get lost in the forest. Ye Shu didn't dare to run around anymore. The only way now was to go back. Even if he was caught by the law enforcement officer, it was better than being caught by a bear.

 He walked back while cursing his bad luck. As a result, after walking for half an hour, there were only trees around him, and he had even lost track of where he came from.

 What's even more frightening is that there is a fresh lump on a big rock. Such a big lump is probably pulled by a bear.

 Ye Shu backed away cautiously, feeling the gloomy atmosphere around him. He had the illusion that he was being targeted by something.

 In the land of China, there are countless mountains in Kyushu, and there are countless strange creatures hidden in them. Ye Shu felt like he had entered a devil's cave.

 He continued to retreat, but he stepped on a dead branch under his feet. He only heard a click, and the harsh sound broke the dead silence of the air.

 Ye Shu's heart trembled, and he heard a strange rustling sound in his ears, as if there were countless poisonous snakes approaching from all directions.

 He grabbed the stick and swallowed, staring at the area with sweat on his face.

 The rustling sound became denser and closer, and within a moment, the fallen leaves two or three meters away from Ye Shu were squeezed away, and venomous snakes of different sizes and colors sprang out.

 The smallest one was as big as a thumb, and the largest one was longer than a human arm. There were so many of them that Ye Shu's scalp felt numb.

 He didn't dare to confront the poisonous snake, so he turned around and ran away. However, he was also blocked by poisonous snakes behind him. There were poisonous snakes in all four directions, and there was a sound of breathing above his head.

 Ye Shu looked up and saw a giant python hanging on the tree trunk above. Its body was red and it was spitting messages at him.

 Does this fucking thing have to be so miserable?

 Ye Shu cursed in his heart, and the red python above moved its body and hung down, opening its bloody mouth.

 Ye Shu was so frightened that he peed, but his survival instinct was still there, so he raised the stick and hit it.

 The red python was slapped with a stick and became furious. It turned into lightning and fell down, wrapping around Ye Shu's whole body in the blink of an eye.

 Ye Shu felt it was difficult to breathe on the spot, and all his internal organs were about to be squeezed. Within ten seconds, he would definitely die.

 But at this time, the poisonous snakes nearby suddenly became restless, and some small snakes even got into the fallen leaves and hid.

 The red python also raised its head and looked in one direction. Ye Shu vaguely heard the trembling sound of running, as if a giant beast from the wild was rushing over.

 The next moment, a big tree was broken, and a two-meter-tall black bear appeared in Ye Shu's eyes.

 The big black bear's eyes are as big as copper bells, its pair of iron palms are intimidating, and its huge body makes it look like a Big Mac.

 The many venomous snakes were frightened. The red python wrapped around Ye Shu spat out a message and stared closely at the big black bear.

 The big black bear walked like a human being, strode over, opened its mouth and yelled: "You stinking snakes, I have already told you that this is my territory, do you understand that the shit I pooped on the rocks is a mark?"

 He roared like thunder, shaking the jungle. Many poisonous snakes hid in the fallen leaves, but some thick giant snakes did not hide away. Instead, they stared at the big black bear full of gunpowder.

 The red python even sneered: "I don't admit that this is your territory. Whoever finds the prey first belongs to him. You have to be reasonable."

 Both sides are monsters, not primitive animals. Ye Shu didn't know whether to be happy or worried, as if he was going to die no matter what.

 Seeing how arrogant the red python was, the black bear suddenly became furious and rushed over on all fours: "Then stop talking nonsense and have a good fight. The bear people have nothing to fear."

 The black bear was so angry that he just rushed over. A group of venomous snakes were frightened. The red python sneered, strangled Ye Shu and left: "Okay, if you have the guts, I won't fight you this time."

 The red python left with many poisonous snakes, taking Ye Shu with it. However, the black bear is just for Ye Shu, how can he be allowed to take him away?

 "If you're scared, just leave the person behind. Believe it or not, I'll slap you to pieces and make snake soup out of you."

 The black bear jumped in front of the snakes and blocked the way. The red python was frightened and angry, and seemed to want to attack. However, his men were all timid and obviously did not want to take action.

 "You are cruel enough"

 The red python finally gave in, threw Ye Shu on the ground, and left quickly with the group of snakes.

 Ye Shu breathed a sigh of relief, but still couldn't run away, because the black bear came over and stared at him with eyes as big as copper bells.

 "My mother-in-law said that you have the aura of corpses, ghosts, monsters, and the blood of a Westerner. Have you raised corpses, ghosts, monsters, and Yankees?"