
my vampire daughter

One day I suddenly received a cardboard box, and there was a little lolita in white stockings lying inside. Whether you are a European vampire, a Japanese shikigami, or a zombie girl in the grave, in short, all you weird creatures are here. Come to me, we can cooperate for mutual benefit and raise the cutest daughter.

Daoist2ootOY · Urban
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90 Chs

Take your daughter to do something

This arrogant and stubborn cat had a fight with him.

 Ye Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. You kitten is too sensitive. What's the use of this?

 "I really didn't laugh at you. It's understandable under the circumstances. I deeply sympathize with your experience and I never meant to laugh at you."

 Ye Shu said sincerely, Wu Miao bit her lip, clenched her fists and said: "Stop talking nonsense to me, bring your vampire companion here and see what she is capable of."

 Wu Miao actually understood what Ye Shu meant by "scaring the urine", but she was inexplicably unhappy. She was holding a fire in her heart that would ignite at the slightest moment. She had to make this bastard look good.

 Seeing that she was getting more and more angry, Ye Shu didn't have much to say. He waved his hand and said goodbye: "See you in the evening. I'll leave first."

 He quickly left before the cat exploded.

 When Wu Miao saw him leaving, she took a few deep breaths to calm down her anger, then gritted her teeth and cursed before going to the toilet.

 Outside the Monster Office, Ye Shu took Liu Youyou home and said that he would bring Aiqier to be examined by the auditor.

 Liu Youyou was stunned after hearing this, and then couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised: "Yes, that vampire royal, she is so powerful, and she can also lead a pack of dogs, why didn't I think of that?"

 In fact, Ye Shu didn't expect it, mainly because his daughter was too young. In his heart, Ye Shu just wanted her to grow up peacefully and never thought of letting her do things.

 "The weasel must only come out at night, which is just the right time for Qi'er to show off his skills. Let's let the dog demon set up a dragnet to see how he can escape."

 Ye Shu analyzed, feeling anxious in his heart. After being bored for so many days, he finally had something to do.

 The same goes for Liu Youyou. She is drooling just thinking about the Soul Pill.

 The two of them chatted and took the car home. When they got home, Xiao Leng floated out of the jade pendant, and the first thing he said to Liu Youyou was: "Mr. Pervert has seen that cat peeing in his pants."

 Ye Shu was drinking water, and when he heard this, he spurted out all the water in his mouth. Liu Youyou's face was stunned: "What?"

 "I heard it in the jade pendant. The cat was very angry. She must have peed her pants in front of Mr. Pervert, so she was very ashamed and angry."

 Xiao Lengjiang not only has sharp eyes, but also has a sharp face. Ye Shu shouted with a dark face: "What nonsense are you talking about? Don't spit on others."

 Xiao Lengjiang ignored her and took small steps to the bedroom to have sex. Her two ponytails swayed very cutely.

 Liu Youyou had already narrowed her eyes and stared at Ye Shu coldly. Ye Shu broke out in a cold sweat, scratched his head and laughed dryly: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, all misunderstandings, what the hell is Su Xiaoleng saying, don't listen to her."

 "Really, then why are you sweating? I feel like there's something wrong between you and the review officer. It's amazing, you even got into it, and she peed in front of you. It's really disgusting and perverted."

 Liu Youyou was so jealous that she wanted to beat Ye Shu to death. Ye Shu said bitterly: "It's really unfair. In fact, it was just a misunderstanding. At that time, I"

 He had the guts to tell the story about him and Wu Miao. Liu Youyou was still very angry, and a look of contemplation flashed in her eyes. She used a woman's sixth sense to force doubt: "If it is a normal woman, , being treated like that by you, I have long been furious. The review officer has a grudge against you and has a bad temper, yet he let you go and even let you go through the back door."

 Her implication is that Ye Shu and Wu Miao are having an affair.

 Ye Shu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. How could Wu Miao let her go? She wanted to kill herself so much, but she failed every time and shot herself in the foot. Now she just doesn't dare.

 "Youyou, you don't have to deal with wind and rain. You always want to make a big news and criticize me. I have experienced many battles and have seen a lot. I haven't seen any monsters in the East. Just talk about the group in the monster market. Which one is not? The fairy who is alluring the country, but am I attracted to you? There is also the so-called most beautiful fairy Snake Girl, I don't know how beautiful she is. I chatted and laughed with her and was not moved at all, so I am attracted to you."

 Ye Shu suddenly confessed. There was no trace of jealousy on Liu Youyou's face. Her entire face turned red. She lowered her head and twisted her head, feeling so shy.

 Ye Shu chuckled, and when she saw that she had calmed down, he immediately jumped over and took her into his arms: "Youyou, you are the light of my life and the fire of desire. When I look at you, all kinds of tenderness will flood into my heart. Be good, uncle. Touch your legs."

 The evil big hand stretched out to the vixen's beautiful legs. Liu Youyou was startled, and she no longer felt ashamed. She raised her hand and punched her: "You said all this just because you want to touch the legs, you pervert."

 Ye Shu screamed, covered half of his face and said aggrievedly, "Just a moment."


 "Just a moment."


 The familiar scene reappeared, Liu Youyou ran back to the bedroom angrily, but the corner of her mouth curled up into a snicker.

 Ye Shu sighed, why do I have such a miserable life? I can't touch the fox's and Xiao Leng's, so I can only touch my daughter's. It's such a sin.

 He shook his head, rubbed his cheeks and returned to the room, taking a sneak peek at Xiao Leng.

 Xiao Leng was sitting at the desk reading a book, holding her chin with one hand and sitting cross-legged with two slender legs. The white silk stockings outlined the wonderful curves of her legs.

 It was so cute. Ye Shu looked at it a few more times, but Xiao Leng suddenly turned his head and stared at him: "Mr. Pervert, do you want to go to heaven?"

 Ye Shu turned around and ran away. Damn it. Damn it!

 It was an uneventful day, and when it got dark, Aiqier woke up.

 Ye Shu was waiting for Aiqier. When he saw her waking up, he immediately went over to hug her and gave her a kiss: "Qier, big brother wants to tell you something."

 Aiqier hugged his neck and was reluctant to let go: "What's the matter, big brother, can you give me a bath again?"

 In fact, vampires don't need to bathe so frequently. She doesn't sweat at all. When she wakes up after sleeping for a long time, her face is white and clean, pink and tender, which makes people fall in love with her.

 However, her daughter could take a bath if she liked. Ye Shu smiled slightly, took her to the bathroom to take a bath, and told her that she was going to do something tonight.

 After hearing this, Aiqier jumped up from the bathtub and splashed water on Ye Shu's face.

 "Okay, big brother, I will listen to you in everything, and I want to go do something with you."

 The little Lolita's body was covered with foam and water drops, like a mermaid coming out of the bath.

 Ye Shu quickly pushed her down: "Don't get excited. Sit down. You can't do this. Especially in front of strangers, you must protect your body and don't show it to others."

 Ye Shu educated her quite seriously. Ai Qier arched her nose and smiled sweetly: "I know, big brother, only for big brother to see."


 Ye Shu patted her on the head: "No one can look at it, but don't jump up. Hurry up and finish washing and let's go catch the monster."

 The little loli was very obedient and stopped jumping.

 Ye Shu quickly helped her take a bath, put her into beautiful clothes, and was ready to set off.

 Liu Youyou was also ready. As for Xiao Leng, she got into the jade pendant and became the protector of everyone.

 Aiqier was the most excited and ran ahead. As soon as we got downstairs, the mighty and tall Tibetan Mastiff came running over, wagging its tail and flicking its tongue.

 Aiqier jumped up, hugged the Tibetan Mastiff's neck, touched it, and told him Ye Shu's plan.

 As a powerful dog demon, the Tibetan Mastiff also has a high IQ. After hearing this, he said to Ye Shu: "Brother, catch the weasel, right? I want to call more brothers."

 Ye Shu smiled: "You're still stuttering, thank you very much. But there's no rush, we have to go to the monster office first. You go with Qier on your back. Youyou and I will take the bus."

 The Tibetan Mastiff was so scary that he couldn't get on the bus, so he had to carry Qier on his back and run to the office.

 Fortunately, the Tibetan Mastiff knew the location of the office, and after agreeing, he carried Aiqier and ran to the west of the city.