
My Unique Evolution System

This book is no longer posting chapters because on top of the stress of school I also didn't like the story that I have created. You can read it if you like, I can't stop you from that. I seriously recommend though, instead of reading this book, you should read my new book New Creation. Thank you for stopping by and have a good day!

MrChill · Fantasy
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46 Chs

7th Evolution

Luke had finished reviewing his status and was ready to move around. The first thing Luke wanted to do was evolve, he hadn't evolved in over a year, or over two years if you count training. Luke wanted to learn more about himself, he remembered the merman and the mermaid talking about how he had a soul of a hero. He wanted to know himself and who he was, not just the good parts but also the bad parts.

After Luke's training with the trident, he has learned that everything has a deeper meaning, a deeper backstory. The dirt, the sky, the trees, the ocean, everything. Luke was realized that what makes a person a person, is the experience they gain along the way. If someone only knows what happiness feels like, then they aren't a full person. Once someone learns happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, despair, disappointment, hope, all of them, they will truly learn what it means to be a human. Luke needed to understand more about himself, he needed to experience these emotions, all of them.

Luke pushed his thoughts away for a moment, he needed a plan, 'I could go deeper in the ocean, I do need to evolve soon. The ocean has a lot of things to absorb for gene points, this slow growth skill is horrible. That's it for now on I will focus on evolving and only evolving, If this system is truly a gift then how come I haven't been using it like I should recently. I will eat everything!'

Luke then set out on his adventure to eat everything he could in the ocean.


3 months later.

Luke was fighting with a strong sea creature, it was a very big snake with 12 heads, it spits venom strong enough that it can melt the ground. The snake is in the 9th advanced master spirit realm, and it is very fast, Luke had been trying to hit it with his trident for the past hour they have been fighting to no avail, 'Damn, this snake is too fast. I need to use my brain for this one if I can trap it then its speed will almost have no factor in the battle.'

Luke made a water force field, but not a normal one. This time he made it extremely huge, and the snake wasn't expecting him to do this. He kept on sparring with the fish while slowly making the force field smaller and smaller, eventually, the snake ran into the force field and when it did, its speed halted. Luke took full advantage of this and used the trident and sliced the snake into two different parts with trident intent.

After killing the snake Luke ate it in under a minute, even though it was more than 10 times the size of him.

'That makes 500 gene points, these past months have been crazy. I can only eat strong creatures or I'll end up with a trash evolution. I have to keep on eating!'


3 months later.

Luke was fighting with a scorpion, the scorpion had lighting coursing through its whole body, and a nasty stinger on the end of his tail. Luke was still using his trident, but the scorpion's exoskeleton was extremely hard and Luke could barely make a scratch on it. The scorpion was in the 5th peak master spirit realm, but Luke felt like it was close to making a breakthrough to the 6th.

The scorpion was just tanking the trident with all its might and swiping its tail at Luke aggressively. Luke didn't know what he should do, his trident wasn't strong enough to pierce the scorpion's exoskeleton, nor his trident intent.

Luke thought about it for a bit before coming up with an idea, 'What if I use my water gun to make the trident even faster, and therefore creating more force?"

Luke wasn't sure it would work, but he was gonna give it a try. He made a large gun with the trident as the bullet and shot it out at the scorpion. The trident was way faster than before, and Luke put as much trident intent in the attack as he could, he the trident touched the exoskeleton, it ended up sliced in half.

'Well, that is a strong technique.'

Luke ate the large scorpion and after he had around 750 gene points.


3 months later.

Luke was fighting against and large starfish, and it just kept on blocking the trident with its five tentacles. Whenever Luke hit a tentacle, the tentacle got cut extremely hard, but it just healed a second later.

'This starfish's regeneration is ridiculous! If I want to kill it, I need to kill it all at once.'

Luke threw the trident at the starfish again, but this time was different. The starfish caught it with a tentacle again, but this time the trident intent went around the tentacles, twisting a turning in the water until hitting the starfish. Once the trident intent landed on the starfish, it was cut completely in half, and it died.

'Alright this should be the last one, after eating this starfish, I will be able to evolve.'

Luke started to eat the starfish with care, he ate it all in about 30 minutes. Luke made sure not to leave a single piece of meat.

After Luke finished eating the starfish a notification showed itself to Luke.


'The host has gathered enough gene points to evolve would he please choose one of the options(s) below?'


- Young Winged Water Dragon

- Young Metal Water Dragon

- Young Life Water Dragon


Luke thought about his options for a long time. After a full day of brainstorming, he decided he would go with the winged water dragon. Although the metal water dragon sounds good, Luke feels like if he turns into metal then he will be a lot less mobile than he is, although he would get more defense Luke wouldn't trade speed for defense. The life water dragon is also not as good as the winged water dragon to Luke because he would rather be able to fly than have more life in him.

'System I choose the young winged water dragon.'


'Evolution commencing.'




Luke soon lost touch with reality and fell into a deep slumber.

Thank you for reading. Tomorrow is Christmas, yay! I hope you can all spend time with family and/or friends and have a good time.

Shameless author moment, power stones, and/or a review would be very much appreciated. Happy Holidays.

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