
My Uncle, My First Love

#R18 “I told you, Abri.” He didn’t dare to look up to meet the eyes of the girl in his lap, afraid he will give in to what she wanted. “But intimation is part of a relationship as well. It has been three months since we started dating, I am just afraid you are treating me well because—” Abri’s voice was getting smaller after each word due to the fear that her words may contain some truth. “Because I love you as an uncle, not as a man? Abrielle, I am 32 not 22. I am a man who knows exactly what and who I want.” No man can resist the request of the woman he loves for intimacy. But for Leo, it isn’t the right time. She is just 18! How can he have the heart to ravage a girl who is 14 years younger than him? “Then why?” Living with her uncle for ten years led her to know him like the back of her hand but since their relationship started, she started to feel unsure and lost. “Because…” breathing deeply, Leo responded while looking straight into her pupils, “I like it raw and rough. And you are too young for that, Abri.” Her breathing stopped, and so did her heartbeat. Her eyes widened, and she was left speechless for the next three minutes before she smirked. She ran to the room and she said, “Not because your bones are old that you can no longer do it?” He gave her this ‘Really?’ look before he ran towards her like a leopard. After he caught her, his fingers that were on her waist tickled her and he questioned, “How dare you, little pie? Do you already regret what you said?!” Abri was laughing hard because of the tickles that she can’t seem to finish a single sentence, “P-please, I-I am s-sorry—“ “Too late!” Hearing the laughter of the girl he loves, he can’t help but smile while his heart melted at her adorable look. She is just perfect, perfect for him. ********* ***The cover isn’t mine, credit goes to whoever owns it. Comment if you don’t want me to use it, thank you.***

bag_softies · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


"Guess what we are having for dinner?" The woman who was in the passenger seat asked her 8-year-old daughter who sat in the back.

"I know for sure it isn't my favorite but Abri's." The driver, Mathew, threw a jealous look at his wife, Natalie, who was on his right before checking out his daughter, Abrielle, through the rearview who smiled sweetly.

"We are going to have my favorite, after all, I am Mommy's most favorite person." Abrielle proudly stated while sending a mocking smirk at her dad.

"Second favorite because I am first--" Before Mathew finished his words, he was interrupted by his wife's serious words, "Honey, the truck behind us has been following since we left the skating hall."

"Huh?...you are right. Do you think they...?" The couple nodded at each other with a knowing yet serious look.

These people seem to never give up until they can get rid of them.

"Sweetheart, fast your belt. Daddy wants to get us home fast so that we can eat your favorite shrimp rice." Natalie looked back to witness her daughter fasting her belt with an obedient smile. After checking her daughter, Natalie took out her phone and called someone.

"Mr. Luke, I think we are being followed so can you send your men to Pablo Street, we will be there in like ten minutes." Natalie exhaled in fear when her husband started to speed and the truck followed them without intent of stopping.

"Ms. Natalia, I am sorry but this is already the third time. You THINK you are being followed but that doesn't mean you are--" Interrupting the man called Mr. Like, Natalie yelled, "No, this time it isn't what I think, but we are being followed. It is a white truck and it has been following us for more than 30 minutes--"


"That bastard hung up--" Despite being anxious, Mathew with a calm tone responded, "Words, honey. He is a prideful man and didn't take your interruption kindly. Try again--Damn it! The brakes aren't working anymore."

Mathew has avoided all the traps his enemy set for the past three months and had the feeling they weren't after their lives. But now, he is sure they were just looking for the right time.

Natalie tried to call the man called Mr. Luke again, but he didn't pick it up, so she decided to call the police which was soon picked up by a woman. "Hello, this is Natalie David. Our car is being followed and the brakes aren't working! We are almost in Pablo Street, please send forces, and if possible inform the SFFB--"


What time can be better than right now for them to get rid of his family? They scared them multiple times, making their protectors which Mr. Luke lead, treat this as just another false alarm like what happened in the past three months. And due to the corrupt government, police are the least likely to help, as people with power can order them however they want.

Those bastards found the best time to finish them, with no one helping or proving that they are behind this.

"They hang up. I am sure it's them who is behind this. Honey, what are we going to do?!" Natalie asked her husband in worry. Mathew looked at the outside which was now soaked with water due to the heavy rain. He then looked at his daughter who was equally worried but chose to obediently remain silent.

Happy lives are indeed short. After being helpless orphans for a long time, he and his wife finally made it out of their poor lives and become successful millionaires. But they have also successfully obtained powerful enemies due to their honesty.

They don't know anyone who can save them from such a powerful enemy, because all their friends are just like them. Helpless against them. It is better to not involve them.

"Honey, seems like we can't escape today. I am glad we are together--" Natalie was furious, so she cursed, "What the fuck are you saying, Mathew David?! Do you think you are alone in this car? My Abri--"

"Mommy~" Abrielle who has been quiet all time called her mother in fear. No matter how smart and understanding she was, she can't just handle the situation they are in. The uncomfortable movements in the car, fear of the truck following them, and her parents' arguments, all added up, it scared the little girl.

Natalie consoled her daughter softly, unlike the tone she just used to yell at her husband, "It's going to be alright, sweetheart. Just bear it a little, we were just joking."

Abrielle nodded obediently while fighting her tears that were about to fall. She isn't going to cry. Her mommy said, tears don't solve problems and she is a good girl, and good girls listen to their parents.

Mathew was disappointed in himself because he was selfish enough to think dying with his love, Natalie, is okay but he forgot about his little angel. But it isn't completely his fault, this is not the first time they are facing such a threat and that person seems to have no intention of letting them go this time. They are helpless against such a powerful enemy, who even has hands in the government.

With a determined expression, Mathew told his wife, "Honey, call Mr. Lincoln."

Despite feeling a little guilty for yelling at her husband and scaring their little angel, Natalie decided to do as told because this isn't the time to apologize.

While the phone was ringing, Mathew looked at the outside again. He was glad that there weren't many cars due to the heavy rain, but he was also scared because it was getting harder to see. And without brakes, they were getting close to the resident areas.

After a couple of rings, the man with the surname Lincoln picked up the call and Natalie said in a hurry, "Mr. Lincoln, this is Natalie David. If you remember my husband Mathew and I met you last week. We are being followed and the car brakes aren't working so can you send help for us, please. We will return this favor, please, we have an 8-year-old kid in the car--"

"Where?" A cold voice comes out of the phone, but for Natalie and her husband, it filled their hearts with hope.

"Poblo Street--Honey, careful!!" Natalie's eyes widened in horror and her husband pulled her down for protection. And their car crashed into a white truck that waited for them in the corner of the middle road.

*Boom! Boom!*

*Crack! Crack!*

"M-mommy....d-dad!" Little Abri called her parents to hear nothing back. She felt pain when she tried to move her feet to get up. When she looked down, she saw broken glass in her leg, and her arm was cut by something sharp.

Abri tried to move again but she felt a sharp pain in her head in which the sound of the crash replayed and her head hurt like hell. She pushed herself out through the windowless hole of the car and went to the front of the car to look for her parents.


Maybe because of the pain in her leg or maybe because of the scene she just witnessed, little Abri who was soaked due to the rain fell on her knees.

Her dad was protecting her mommy using his body as a shield, which led to most of the broken pieces getting into his back, but the worst part was the steel in his neck. It was proof for little Abri that her dad was no longer alive, but her mom wasn't any better. Her head was soaked with blood while it rested on the ground where the rain did its job of washing it off.

Abri couldn't say anything as if something was suffocating her throat. Despite the deadly scene, little Abri had hope that her parents would survive, so she forced herself to call them with a little sound coming out of her mouth, "M-m-mom-my! D-dadd!"

Her eyes were red, but one can't tell if her tears falling or if it is the wetness caused by the rain. One, five, and finally ten minutes passed.

The loss of response from her parents, the bloody scene, the pain, and the thunderous rain, left little Abri the most traumatizing event in her life.

She was feeling weak. Having nothing to hold onto, she was falling back, but then, she witnessed a man who come out of the helicopter, running towards her.

Abri wanted to yell, 'Save my mommy and dad!', but she couldn't because she felt herself falling into the deep darkness.

Hi everyone, welcome to my first book!

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