
My Uncle, My First Love

#R18 “I told you, Abri.” He didn’t dare to look up to meet the eyes of the girl in his lap, afraid he will give in to what she wanted. “But intimation is part of a relationship as well. It has been three months since we started dating, I am just afraid you are treating me well because—” Abri’s voice was getting smaller after each word due to the fear that her words may contain some truth. “Because I love you as an uncle, not as a man? Abrielle, I am 32 not 22. I am a man who knows exactly what and who I want.” No man can resist the request of the woman he loves for intimacy. But for Leo, it isn’t the right time. She is just 18! How can he have the heart to ravage a girl who is 14 years younger than him? “Then why?” Living with her uncle for ten years led her to know him like the back of her hand but since their relationship started, she started to feel unsure and lost. “Because…” breathing deeply, Leo responded while looking straight into her pupils, “I like it raw and rough. And you are too young for that, Abri.” Her breathing stopped, and so did her heartbeat. Her eyes widened, and she was left speechless for the next three minutes before she smirked. She ran to the room and she said, “Not because your bones are old that you can no longer do it?” He gave her this ‘Really?’ look before he ran towards her like a leopard. After he caught her, his fingers that were on her waist tickled her and he questioned, “How dare you, little pie? Do you already regret what you said?!” Abri was laughing hard because of the tickles that she can’t seem to finish a single sentence, “P-please, I-I am s-sorry—“ “Too late!” Hearing the laughter of the girl he loves, he can’t help but smile while his heart melted at her adorable look. She is just perfect, perfect for him. ********* ***The cover isn’t mine, credit goes to whoever owns it. Comment if you don’t want me to use it, thank you.***

bag_softies · Urban
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12 Chs

Can You Not Adopt Me?

After two days

"So what the hell is the issue?… nothing is wrong… leg injury?" Abri heard someone's loud and dominating voice which led her to look towards them.

She is alive. W-what about her parents? Abri wanted to ask but she felt so weak that she couldn't even utter a single word.

She saw a young man with peach-black hair and wide shoulders. He was so tall that he covered the person who he was talking to without any openings.

"My apologies, Mr. Lincoln, but our result shows that there is nothing wrong with this little girl. And don't worry about her injury, she won't even have a scar because we have—"

Abrielle didn't listen to them anymore as soon as she heard 'Mr. Lincoln'. Despite the pain she feels whenever the accident replayed in her head, Abri remembers every detail of the accident like the back of her hand. And that's because of her photographic memory.

She remembers her mother asking for help from a man called Mr. Luke, the police, and Mr. Lincoln. The first two hang up on her mother, meaning they refused. As for Mr. Lincoln, the accident happened when her mother was on the call, so despite the high possibilities, Abri wasn't sure if he was the one who saved her.

"…I recommend the little girl go to a psychologist after she woke up because the reason she is income is likely to be a psychological issue. Let me check her now." After giving a last look at Mr. Lincoln, the doctor walked towards the patient to exhale in relief, "See Mr. Lincoln, the little girl is conscious now. Little girl, can you hear me? If you can please blink your eyes."

Leo Lincoln turned his face towards the little girl on the bed which gave Abri a full look at his face. One word was enough to describe his look...breathtaking. The features of his nose, lips, eyes, ears ... are as if they are hand-shaped by God himself. He had black eyes that matched his hair and light brown skin that made him appear even more attractive.

After confirming that the pitiful girl had woken up, Leo left the room with a phone in his ear. The doctor further checked little Abri and realized she was alright except her throat which was locked due to exhaustion and thirst. After drinking water, Abri felt much better so she asked, "M-my dad and mommy?"

The doctor didn't know what to say. He knows who her parents are because he checked them and he, unfortunately, found that none of them were alive but he couldn't bring himself to break the news to the little girl. It is a miracle that she survived the deadly accident but he doesn't know if she is fortunate or unfortunate because she is now an orphan.

Seeing the doctor's weak yet sad smile, Abri got the answer she hated. "So they are dead." Hearing the little girl's words, the doctor felt suffocated and expected her to make a fuss and cry but she did nothing. So he left the room in a rush to inform Mr. Lincoln to get her a psychiatrist as soon as possible because that wasn't a normal person's reaction to their parent's death.

A few minutes later, Leo come to the room with rushed footsteps and saw through the glass door her back facing him. He slowly opened the door to hear her sniff and cry quietly as if someone yelled at her to not make a noise.

Sitting on the bed, he gently patted her back and said, "Cry. Cry all you want."

As if she was waiting for someone to tell her that, little Abri let out a heart-wrenching cry. Leo felt his heart aching for the little girl. Normally he doesn't associate himself with such a situation but since the moment he ran to save her, he felt something bonding him with her.

After an hour of crying, Abri fell asleep due to exhaustion.

Leo received another call this time but not from his annoying secretary, Sam, but from his best friend aka his lawyer, David. He picked up the call and asked, "What?"

"I have got the documents you wanted. As for the adoption, I have some families picked but I think you should check them yourself." David is two years older than Leo and just become a lawyer last year. But despite him getting into the industry a year ago, he made himself a name thanks to his best friend Leo.

Many people told David to not take any opportunities Leo gave him because Leo will think he is after his money, but David doesn't care. His friendship with Leo is more than just creating opportunities for one another.

Despite his lower background, Leo didn't look down on him and chose to help him in a good way. Leo could have given David lots of money but he chose to give him opportunities, why? Because he wants him to grow himself and let him know that he has his back not legs. Unless for an emergency, David wouldn't take his friend's money to make a living and that is the second reason why Leo didn't give him. Also just because David is poor now doesn't mean he will remain so. He may not be as rich as Leo because that guy is just a monster, but he believes he will be powerful enough to protect his friends.

"Okay, thanks." Leo doesn't like talking on the phone that much so after speaking three words in total, he hangs up. David knew his friend so he didn't mind but just smiled at the fact he can finally be useful to his friend.

The day passed, and the last memory of Abri with Leo was when he patted her back and allowed her to cry. A psychiatrist come to speak to her yesterday and got nothing out of her so she left after an half hour of self-talk. Today she got no visits except from the nurses who come to feed her and help her use the bathroom.

Abri was quiet most of the time because of the emotional damage and emptiness in her heart. When the sun was about to set, the rain started to pour. The little girl paled due to fear when she saw the rain falling through the window.

That painful scene replayed in her head. The blood, lifeless bodies of her parents, their helpless talks before the accident, the terrifying thunder, her calls...everything comes back to her mind as if it just happened, not three days ago.

She curled herself by hugging her knees despite the pain she felt in her leg. The rain continued to pour hard and the most unwanted sound was heard. *Bang! Bang!*

That was the thunder.

As soon as she heard it, little Abri can't help but scream as if someone stabbed her.

Leo was coming to visit the girl he saved a couple of days ago, but he heard an unexpected scream filled with fear coming from the room he was supposed to get in. He ran towards the door with worry thinking someone must have harmed her. Her parents' death wasn't an accident but murder although he doesn't know who is the mastermind, he knows for sure that if they knew Abri is alive, they will kill her. Leo blamed himself since he forgot to hire security guards to protect her. He rushingly opened the door and for a third time, he felt like protecting that innocent little creature.

"What happened?" He tried to sound as soft as he can to not further scare the girl.

"T-the thunder....it hurts..." Little Abri explained slowly while tears poured out of her eyes.

Leo guessed the reason why she was like that so he didn't ask further, instead, he pulled her into his chest and hugged her quietly while patting her head.

The thunder continued and although little Abri was shivering, she wasn't crying like before. His hug and pats somehow consoled her. After a minute, she felt the pain in her leg worsening due to the uncomfortable position she was in. Leo who understood her discomfort let her sit on his lap and so the time passed, and the little girl fell asleep again. Since that moment, he become like her angel, whenever he is with her, she can rest and feel at ease.

Two weeks passed, and Abri's leg was healed except for when changing the bandages, she didn't feel any pain, and the cuts on her body were also treated. In the last two weeks, the little girl became most comfortable around Leo despite him rarely visiting her due to his business.

Leo brought his butler, Mr. Franklin, to watch after her because he spend most of his time at work. Today is Friday, and Leo told little Abri he is going to visit her so she has been waiting for him since the morning.

At sharp 6 pm, the patient room's door was opened and Abri ran towards the door to see the face she has been expecting all day.

"Ms. Abrielle, you need to be careful." Butler Franklin who was watching Abri warned before he also rushed with her towards the door.

"Come here." Leo's words were enough to make the little girl stand closer to him and look up as high as she can to see his face. Leo looked at the adorable girl whose head is on his hips before he picked her up effortlessly. Their meeting in the past two weeks didn't make just Abri get comfortable with him but also Leo towards her. Maybe because she is young and he thinks she won't judge him for anything, she became his comfort haven.

"Uncle." Abri greeted him with her eyes smiling.

Leo was still not used to being called uncle but what else can he ask her to call him when there is 14 years of age difference between them?

"Em." Leo acknowledged her greeting and took them both to sit on the sofa. Being in the VIP patient room is no less than a five-star hotel room. There is everything that is needed be it a TV or a private bathroom.

"I found a good family that can adopt you." Leo felt something that he can't describe when he imagined her being adopted by others, but he didn't let his feelings prevent him from thinking rationally. Little Abri needs right now a new start, a new family.

Abri's eyes dimmed. If she was happy when she saw her uncle, she is sure what she is feeling at the moment is far from being happy. She doesn't want to have strangers as her family. She doesn't want to call others mom and dad. And she certainly doesn't want to leave her uncle. Who is going to hug her to sleep whenever there is thunder? Who is going to allow her to cry and pat her gently? And who will provide her with tha kind of security?...

"Uncle, can you not adopt me?" Little Abri's words not only shocked Leo but also Butler Franklin.

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