

Amor, a twenty one girl who had graduated from college, lived a comfortable life with her family. All she aimed at was to find true love which was the meaning of her name after all. She had two best friends who were always there for her. They were never apart. They were best friends forever. But she didn't know they both felt something for her. And now, she is undecided whether to keep their friendship or let it blossom into a deeper relationship. Find out more..... MY TWO BEST FRIENDS

Ghiazah_Lawal · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Amor's POV

I headed towards the counter where Zamar was seated. He had a curious look on his face. I took a seat beside him and sighed.

"Hey, who's that guy?", He asked, nodding towards him.

"He's just an annoying guy who I mistakenly exchanged my ice cream with last night at the store down the street." I said.

"Really? How did that happen? "

"I have no idea..", I said as I grabbed my coffee which had gone a little cold.

"So, you plan on returning his ice cream tonight? ", Zamar asked..

"Yeah. At the park. "

"Is it really necessary? I mean, he's just a stranger. Does it really matter if you give him or not?", he sounded worried.

I turned to face him.

"Look, Zamar. You of all people should know that chocolate is my least favorite flavour." I said.

"Yeah, but... "

"And you should also know I do not like wasting food either.", I cut him off.

"That's why it's better I give Mr. Chocolate there... ",I shot him a glance, "...his ice cream back. "

Zamar just sighed in defeat. I smiled in appreciation. I looked at Mr. Chocolate as he was eating his food. Merely looking at him, you would think he is such a nice, harmless guy.

But with that short encounter I have had with him, he can be very annoying.

More customers entered and I left to attend to them. My work partner was still sick, so I had to do everything by myself. Luckily, the rush hour had not set in... Yet.

While I was attending the customers, the stranger and I kept shooting angry glares to each other. The fact that he badmouthed my flavour made the glare angrier. I couldn't wait to finally get done with the exchange tonight.

Fifteen minutes later, the stranger called me.

"Miss vanilla, I would like to pay my bill please ",he said.

Everyone turned their heads, wondering who he was referring to as miss vanilla.

Even Zamar looked surprised.

"Miss vanilla? That's new. " Zamar said, wiping the table. "No wonder you call him Mr. Chocolate. " Zamar chuckled.

It did sound funny. But what wasn't funny was the fact that he had to call me that in public.

I walked up to him with the bill in my hands and an angry look on my face but what I got instead was a huge smile on his pretty face.

"Your bill.", I handed him the bill with a fake smile.

"Thank you. ", he said.

He paid his bill in cash and I gave him his change. He stood up to leave.

"See you tonight, Miss vanilla. ", he said, with an annoying smirk on his face.

"Same here, Mr. Chocolate. ", I said with a smile. He gave me a nod and finally, left the cafè.

Stranger's POV

If someone had walked up to me and told me I would meet that girl this morning, I would have disagreed.

And I bet she would have done the same too, because the surprise on her face when she saw me was so obvious.

She even pointed a finger at me and asked what I was doing IN A CAFÉ! *sigh* Silly girl.

She looked pretty angry when I called vanilla a bad flavour. But I couldn't help it! Vanilla truly is bad.

Luckily, she agreed to meet in the park tonight, so she can finally have her ice cream back.

I just hope she doesn't bail on me. But she most probably wouldn't. I don't think the little miss vanilla would want to.

Oh! And I better ask for her name tonight. She looked quite angry when I called her "Miss Vanilla " in front of everyone.

But was it my fault?


She called me Mr. Chocolate first and besides, I just wanted to pay my bills.

When I left the café five minutes ago, I decided to take the long way home. There was nothing exciting to look forward to anyway.

Even though I just graduated from college, I still hadn't found a job. And with my roommate absent, it only makes things all the more boring.

Thanks to my uncle who gifted me some cash last week, I was able to get some things done. And now, I'm running short of money.

So, two things I plan to do.

One: Find new friends.

Two: Get a job... Fast.

After ten minutes of silent walking, I finally reached home.

When I opened the entrance door, I looked around and sighed.

Home alone.


Just so you know, everyone, I am not against vanilla at all.

In fact, it's my favorite!

lol...pls keep loving it everyone!

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