

Amor, a twenty one girl who had graduated from college, lived a comfortable life with her family. All she aimed at was to find true love which was the meaning of her name after all. She had two best friends who were always there for her. They were never apart. They were best friends forever. But she didn't know they both felt something for her. And now, she is undecided whether to keep their friendship or let it blossom into a deeper relationship. Find out more..... MY TWO BEST FRIENDS

Ghiazah_Lawal · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Stranger's POV

When I woke up this morning, I decided to take a stroll out, maybe we would run into each other like we did yesterday.

Because of the ice cream exchange yesterday, I had to do one of the things I hated the most: sleep on an empty stomach.

Hopefully when we meet, I would vent out my anger on her. Of course, I would give her the ice cream too. I kept it in the freezer as I couldn'....Sorry, WON'T eat that vanilla ice cream.

Whenever- and I do mean whenever- we get to meet, she would receive her stuff. She doesn't even need to give me mine, just as long as I show how displeased I am that I got to sleep on an empty stomach!

Okay, I won't be that harsh.

I am a really nice guy, but I hate what I hate.

I hadn't even realized I had walked far until I reached a cafe: PORTLAND CAFÈ was it's name. The rumble in my stomach reminded me of the fact that I hadn't eaten breakfast.

So, I walked in. When I took a seat, a girl came to me and took my order. I had my face down the whole time because..... I don't know. But it felt like the right thing to do at that time.

When the waitress came with the order and I looked up at her to thank her, my eyes widened in...shock? No. Surprise.


Amor's POV

"You?! ", I asked in utter surprise.

If there was any thing I would never forget at that moment, it would be those gorgeous green eyes.

"You! ", he said, rather matter-of-factly. He had a serious look on his face. There was an awkward silence between us for some time.

After like one minute of silence, I finally broke the silence.

"Wh...What are you doing here? ",I asked, with my hands still pointing at him.

"Why? Am I not allowed to have breakfast in a café anymore? ", he asked, with a questioning look on his face.

Oh, yeah. That was true. I put down my hand slowly.

But I still can't believe I encountered him again so soon.

What was the reason for wanting to meet him again? I had no idea as, I got lost as I looked into his emerald green eyes.

Is it just me or his eyes are just too beautifully captivating??

"Last night, " he said, bringing me out of my reverie, "I found out our ice creams got exchanged. Mistakenly, I suppose.. ", he asked, with an accusation look on his face.


Did he just accuse me of deliberately exchanging the ice creams??

Oh no, he did not!

"Hey, what do you mean by that? ", I questioned.

He smiled. "Actually, I am just wondering how our ice creams got exchanged like that. "

"Oh! So, you mean it was my idea? ". Now, I was angry. How dare he?!

"Just so you know, I would never, ever try to exchange an ice cream with a stranger.... ", I said, anger evident in my voice.

But the smile still remained on that stranger's face. Looks like he was teasing me. Fine then, two can play that game.

"...Especially not with that chocolate flavored one! " I said that last part with disgust.

Suddenly, the smile on his face disappeared and was replaced with a look of surprise.

"Oh, really? Why so? Why can't yo....?"

I didn't let him complete his sentence.

"Besides, it looks like you are the real mastermind behind the exchange of the ice creams. ",I rolled my eyes.

His eyes widened. "You really think I did so? "

"Isn't it possible? Couldn't you have exchanged your chocolate ice cream with my vanilla? ", I said as calmly as I could.

But the strangers face looked angry.

"Why on earth would I choose to exchange chocolate with such a bad flavour?!" ,he said.

Oh, come on!

He didn't just call vanilla a bad flavour!

I wanted to interject, to defend my flavour... But he wasn't done yet.

"If the only flavour left on earth was vanilla, trust me, I would never take it. " he said, "Because of that freaking exchange last night, I had to sleep on an empty stomach.... Which I hate!!", he said the last part a little bit loudly.

"How dare you badmouth vanilla like that? You really think I would prefer chocolate too? Oh, please! ", I scoffed.

He rolled his eyes.

"Says the person who ate the ice cream. ", he said.


"Hey, mister! Just so you know, your 'chocolate ice cream ' is in the freezer back home! And I would love to give it back! "

"Funny! That's exactly where yours is right now, waiting to be given back to you. ", he said.

I gave a sarcastic smile.

"Thanks but I do not wish to have it back. You can keep it. But you will have your ice cream back, Mr. Chocolate. ", I said as I smiled wider at his new nickname.

The stranger chuckled.

"Sorry, Miss Vanilla, but I have no interest whatsoever in having my ice cream back.

You can keep it, but please, have your vanilla back. I could only imagine it staying one night longer in the freezer.", he said, in a nice, yet annoying tone.

He even called me Miss Vanilla.

Huh, so 'surprised '!

"Alright then, fine. Let's arrange on how to return the bowls of ice cream. " I said.

Then, he finally stood up from his seat and that was when I realized he was actually a little taller than me.

He looked down at me and half-smiled.

"Yes. Let's meet at the park down the street tonight. 7 o'clock. "

He stretched out his hand, gesturing me to shake it to seal the deal.

I smirked.

"Deal! ", I said as I shook his hand.

His hand was surprisingly warm against my cold skin.

I removed my hand and walked away to the counter as he sat down to continue eating his breakfast.

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