
My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong,

Hikigaya Hachiman, shortly after an odd Valentine's day, finds himself in a new world filled with magic, monsters, and gods. Though he knows not how he got there, he knows that the only way back to his home is through the Dungeon. Armed with a few tricks, a wholly unnatural affinity for magic, and his own, self-serving mindset, he just might manage to achieve his goal. Well, if he ever manages to get a party. NOTE - This fanfic is not mine Original: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/my-trans-dimensional-overpowered-protagonist-harem-comedy-is-wrong-as-expected-oregairu-danmachi-complete.367903/ IF YOU WANT TO REMOVE THIS STORY PLEASE COMMENT DOWN BELOW.

OmnipresenceBeing · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Without a Doubt, Work Never Ceases. (22.1)

"So, you're really here to stay." As far as new accommodations went, the Apollo Familia's former castle was pretty great. While it didn't meet up to the strict standards I had of actual castles, which no god would probably live within if they had the choice, it was the very height of comfort. Mage lights were aplenty, it was aired out, the kitchen was fully outfitted, and there was a bathhouse inside it. Overall, it was a step up from living in an Inn, even if I did have to start cooking for far too many people every morning. Which I was currently doing. "I keep thinking that I'd wake up and find you gone again, Sensei."

"I caused too much trouble the first time around, Arde." I kept close attention to the food I was making. No rice cooker meant I had to make it with a pot. The fish heated in the oven while I simmered the miso soup. The salad was just some lightly pickled cabbage. The tea was cooling down at the table. Very simple as far as breakfasts went, only toast and jam could be simpler, but it was nutritious and filling. I turned to my Pallum student who had her arms crossed. "Good morning to you too, by the way."

"Hmph, too much trouble for yourself or for us?" Arde, where did this passive aggressiveness come from? Oh, right. Me. Damn you, past self. You always make things more difficult for me and my future self. Also, again, sorry future self. This'll never change. I finished folding the omelet into rolls, took pride in my Dex stat, and plated it and waited for it to cool. Seriously, there should be a Cooking Skill. Wait, that sounded suspiciously too much like some LN "trash" Skill that was actually the "best" skill. Nevermind. I set Arde's food before her with all the precision and care I could muster. Which is quite a bit given my Stats. "Until you apologize for doing it, I won't be convinced you don't intend to do it again—"

"I'm sorry for leaving you all and going mad." There, I said what I should've already said. Arde went quiet and still, her mouth still open as I had interrupted her. When my Pallum student suddenly levelled a glare at me, looking at me for any deceit, I answered in the only way I knew how: I shrugged. "When have I ever lied to you?" Her eyes narrowed further; answers were rising from the back of her mind. I coughed aside and turned my attention back to cooking. I should really try to make curry. "I mean, when have I ever lied to you about something as serious as this?"

"…Promise me, then. That you won't try to leave us behind and sacrifice yourself again." Those words were familiar. No. I was sure that they were almost exactly the same words Laulos had said to me after I'd rescued Cranel and woken from my coma. If I were the same person then, I would've been able to stay silent and promise nothing. However, this time around, the urge to do so wasn't as strong as before. Arde, Cranel, Nelly… people do what they do because they think it's right. Was I afraid that Arde could die trying to protect me? Yes. Definitely. Could I stop her from doing so? Again, yes. Should I? No. "Sensei—"

"Alright, I promise." Arde's jaw shut with an audible clack. I waited for a moment for my Pallum student to say something. However, I decided to speak again after I produced the fish from the oven. Cooking was surprisingly relaxing. Movement, timing, and preparation all in one. It took up mental space quickly and stayed there, while also making sure I couldn't just blitz through everything. The rest of the fish were about ready to be taken out of the oven. I needed a grill. How much did charcoal cost? See, just like that. Basically, I was training my Househusband Skills and keeping my mind on the straight and narrow, it was an absolute victory in every sense of the word! "Now eat before your food gets cold."

There was a sudden shuffling of the seat and a shadow settled over me. Turning my gaze away from the oven as I crouched, I met Arde's gaze equally for the first time. There was a storm of emotions on my Pallum student's face. Disbelief. Relief. Trust. Curiosity. I honestly didn't know how I could've convinced myself that she was some unimportant side character of some shitty light novel. All I could see was a girl who was confused, who didn't know what to do, and who was… struggling to not cry.

Taking off the oven mitt I'd been wearing, I placed my bare hand on her head. Komachi, on the day I'd come back from the hospital, had latched onto my side, bawled, and demanded I don't allow her to find herself alone when she got back home. I'd made a promise to never do that again that day. The more I thought about the promise I'd made, the more it seemed like I'd betrayed my sister. However, I did my best to think past my memories and try to imagine what Komachi would actually say to me if she were here. I placed my bare hand atop Arde's head and comforted her through her tears.

"Gomennasai, Arde." I was able to mutter the right word, despite how hard it was to say. I would give everyone a chance to convince me to stay. That was what I had said. That meant I couldn't continue simply ignoring what was in front of me. I couldn't ignore how much everyone cared. "You shouldn't have even had to ask."

Arde's hands reached out and held onto the side of my shirt as though she needed me to stand.

The food was cold when she started to eat.

"Neh, Sensei, are we going to do something about the army outside Orario?" Cranel, thankfully, learned a thing or two and wasn't speaking while his mouth was full. Apollo's dining table was barely filled up with Hestia's Familia. The Amazons, the Runarl, Arde, Yamato, and Cranel made up a Familia about nine in number while the table was meant for around fifty individuals. Quality was better than quantity in my honest opinion, so the Familia was officially in that sweet spot where they were decently skilled and had had decent numbers. Overall, the Hestia Familia was a force to be reckoned with now. "I mean, they're not causing any trouble without any Level 4s, but should we really just leave them alone?"

"Would you leave a minotaur alone just because it can't hurt you, brat?" Chopstick pointing was looked down upon in modern society. Thankfully, this wasn't a modern society, so I was free to point my chopsticks at someone while I made a point. Holding a bowl of rice in one hand and pointing with chopsticks with the other, I utilized Lecture Pose Number 12 to great effect since cultural cost of doing so was nullified by the world's status. In short, I did it because I could. "Of course we're not going to ignore them. Even if they're not even blocking trade, we can't exactly let them get prestige by letting them say they got away scot free after threatening us."

"When a small tribe gets uppity, it's up to the better ones to teach them their place." Aisha Belka mused over her food by the Runarl's side. I couldn't exactly place a name on the Runarl. Haru? Sanju? Harusanju? Kawasaki? Pfft. Yeah, right. No one went by Kawasaki. Anyway, the two had been friends in the Ishtar Familia. Though I'd been caught up in training the Barbelas, along with making a corporation from scratch, I had some memories of actually talking to Belka. Most of it was my body just passively listening to whatever my "guards" talked to me about, so naturally I knew more about their lives than I would've liked. "Otherwise, if everyone thinks you're weak, you'll find yourself surrounded by enemies. Enemies you'll have to crush. It's in everyone's best interest that this "Rakia" is dealt with decisively and memorably."

Before everyone could start putting in their ideas, or looking confused and cute like the Runarl always did, I cleared my throat and clapped my hands together.

"My current plan for dealing with Rakia involves lightning. A lot of lightning. Probably in Rakia's general direction." It was a good plan. Real simple. Not very many moving parts. I would walk to the wall which surrounds the city, say a few lines, and literally conduct a "blitzkrieg" on Ares's hobby. Simple, efficient, and easy. Overall, the perfect job for me to do while Loki, Hestia, Hecate, Hermes, and Dionysus attended their month-long meeting and discussion with Ouranos. "Consider it all your assignment to find a way to kick them out without having me do that. Whoever manages it before the end of the month gets a million Valis. You can work together, but the prize will be split among you and your teammates" I could just solve the issue by myself, but what was the point of that? This was a perfect opportunity for me to teach some leadership skills… and find out if anyone present could actually lead. "Oh and Cranel, you're only allowed to be a leader or do it entirely by yourself. You can't just follow someone. I'll know if you do. Also, this is mandatory for you."

"Why am I singled out, Sensei!?" Cranel, you may not realize this, but you are in desperate need of a spine. I know I'm not one to talk, but you literally have a half a dozen or more women willing to follow your lead. You need to be able to lead and not be led. Also, I've lost track of all the people who are interested in you. Please recruit all of your main Harem so that I can get in all their good books and stay away from them. I don't want any shitty love triangles popping up between me and a girl—I mean that as in a girl taking interest in me and you, not me competing with a girl for you, got it!? "Why do I have to do it and everyone else can choose not to—"

"Because you don't have any leadership qualities whatsoever and it's about time you started getting some." My answer was simple, succinct, and had Cranel ready to object… only to close his mouth. My albino student took a breath, thought for a moment, readied himself to say something with a finger raised… and then went silent again. He bit at his index finger, his mind racking itself over for a situation where he had actually led people instead of following instructions or throwing himself at the situation, and I knew that he found himself completely lacking. I spoke again as he pressed his hands against his forehead and began muttering. "Yep, brat, no matter how you look at it, you've got a long way to go until you can call yourself the leader of the Hestia Familia."

"Eh?" Cranel looked about the table. For a few moments, my albino student could only stare at everyone gathered around him and where he actually was. Wide-pan shot, building motivational music, and a cut to him smiling at the camera. Well, if there was a camera. No, Bell Cranel decided to smile at me. "Hai, Sensei." He bowed his head once. The smile was still on his face when he looked up. "I'll be in your care."


I mean, who else can deal with you?


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