
My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong,

Hikigaya Hachiman, shortly after an odd Valentine's day, finds himself in a new world filled with magic, monsters, and gods. Though he knows not how he got there, he knows that the only way back to his home is through the Dungeon. Armed with a few tricks, a wholly unnatural affinity for magic, and his own, self-serving mindset, he just might manage to achieve his goal. Well, if he ever manages to get a party. NOTE - This fanfic is not mine Original: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/my-trans-dimensional-overpowered-protagonist-harem-comedy-is-wrong-as-expected-oregairu-danmachi-complete.367903/ IF YOU WANT TO REMOVE THIS STORY PLEASE COMMENT DOWN BELOW.

OmnipresenceBeing · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Unsurprisingly, I'm Overpowered but not the Protagonist. (1.3)

When I awoke in this world nearly two years ago, two pieces of information were in my mind. The first was that to return home, I needed to reach the end of the Dungeon. The second was how to manipulate the 'Blessing' that I had on my back since I lacked a god and a familia.

I never forgot either piece of information either. Both are always at the forefront of my mind. Blinking, neon lights in the corner of my vision that never ceased flashing. Trash in the edges of my vision. An irritating spot that never leaves. Dammit, I memorized it already, just freaking leave!

I won't go into depth about my first month in Orario, but suffice to say there are parts of town I don't go into without covering my face. Can't stand people recognizing the 'insane adventurer,' who I used to be.

Anyway, what I needed was a reflective surface to get a drop of my own blood onto the tattoo that stretched across my back. The first few times got me a bit queasy, but I'd since grown used to pricking a particular spot on my thumb. After that, all I had to do was fiddle around and let the Blessing settle down and show my progress. I'm sure it's a lot easier than it's supposed to be, since gods are the only ones supposed to be capable of it.

By habit, I did it in front of the bathroom mirror after I bathed.

I grew at a steady pace due to some techniques I kept to myself and excessive farming. Because of that, it always took a while for the 'power' I amassed to finish adjusting into my body.

Since I had to stay still, it was also a good time to evaluate my day, go over expenses, and basically start on the bookwork I used to keep myself from going crazy due to boredom.

Conscienta Strenuissium, my Level 1 skill, Tireless Consciousness was something I would've appreciated back in my old world. Mentally, I couldn't get tired, despite the fact that my body could. The amount of sleep I needed was always just the right amount to rest my body. I held the serious advantage of being able to cast as many spells as I wanted, analyze situations during combat, and study for hours on end.

Helpful inside the Dungeon, and hellish outside of it. I always needed something interesting to consider, think about, and look over. If I had my phone, or any other recreational device, I wouldn't have a problem. However, I did not, and so after updating my stats, I spent my nights going over notes, reading books, and writing notes by the crystal lights until dawn's just an hour or two away.

However, that isn't the case tonight.

Tonight, I'm going to follow my Cranel to his home and wring out… err… persuade a familia member of his about his secrets.

A lie about Cranel dropping his knife and my wish to return it got me Cranel's home address in a single conversation.

Isn't that too easy of a way to get someone's address, Tulle-san? Do you really trust me so much since you saw your Cranel-kun so happy with the sacks of money he received because of my help? I am truly worried for the safety of people's private information!

Imagine what someone could do with such knowledge! For example, someone could go to their home and extract their secrets from their god! You know gods are mostly human here, right, Tulle-san? It's very dangerous to do something like that!

Oh well, I'll be sure to tell her someday.



Teaching Cranel-san is proving to be a goldmine. My plot-relevance is going up by the minute just asking questions about him. I bet, in an anime series, I'm the shifty man in the shadows who surprisingly turns out to be looking out for the adventurer.

Perhaps Cranel and I have our fates bound together?

Ugh, sounds like something Ebina would write. Mind purge. Focus on something else. Totsuka? Yes! Totsuka's purity and smile cleanses away the rotten thoughts that defile me!

Wait. Isn't there something wrong with that line of thought?

Anyway, I managed to find out where Cranel lived after lying to Tulle-san about needing to get him his weapon back. Since I appeased her by showing her that I made her chosen adventurer happy, she was more than happy to trust me with vital information.

As I said earlier, I'm a tad worried that all it takes is a single day's worth of work to get such important information from a Guild Member.

The 'Abandoned Church' was almost directly west of Babel, and just a few blocks east of the Miach Familia Pharmacy. Though I do not love Orario enough to memorize any of its streets, as I did in my hometown, Chiba, I'm good at keeping landmarks. Tulle-san's directions were terrible, but with the building's description in mind, I found it relatively quickly.

"You there! Shady, creepy guy! Who are you!" Immediately, I was beset by a woman clearly straight out of an eroge! Twintails, Loli-shaped, and with womanly assets that would send Yukinoshita falling into depression! Oi, oi, oi! Did I misjudge the type of literature this is? Was this one of those Light Novels that sought to pander to NEETs who had body-pillows? Zaimokuza, I swear if you wrote this swill I'll kill you the moment I return! "You better answer quickly, or I'm going to call for help! The City Guard might be useless, but I know the Familia close by very well!"

"…" I considered the situation. Hanging around in front of destroyed church? Yes. Me, clad entirely in black and with my face covered in the middle of the night? Indeed. Scantily dressed fetish fuel before me? A third, and final, positive. I needed to answer this quickly, before I'm labeled as some sort of insane pervert with very deviant tastes towards busty middle-schoolers. The shame that will arise from the depths of my Japanese ancestry will manifest as a yellow-eyed version of myself and seek to kill me! "Do you happen to know Bell Cranel-san?"

"Bell-kun!?" The twintailed, walking fetish loli's eyes latched onto me quicker than any monster I'd ever encountered. "Are you that Ainz Whattelsten he never stops talking about!?

"No." Oh no, I've encountered Cranel-san's First Girl! She's going berserk! After having known that white-haired, pretty boy for just a day, I should've known that he probably told this girl all about his crush. The density of my student is worse than the center of the sun! This isn't supposed to be my Death Cut Scene, Cranel, get over here and receive your just punishment! "My name is Hikigaya."

"Hmmm? Sure it is." The loli placed her hands on her hips and… what the hell is that string supposed to be doing? Is that a boob string? I did not know whether to applaud Zaimokuza for creating a new fetish or send him off towards Yukinoshita for a slow, painful death. With narrowed eyes and pouting lips, she leaned forward and made it very difficult to keep my eyes on her eyes. "So, Hikigaya… what are you doing here? Traveling? Just looking around? Ferrying secret, romantic love letters between my Bell-kun and Ainz Whattelsan!?"

"…I'm looking for Cranel-san to give him a knife I found." Judging from this odd girl's dress, her obvious attraction to Cranel, and the blatant suspicion and jealousy… well, she's set to be the girl everyone roots for but will forever go unnoticed by the dense protagonist. Cranel-san, perhaps you can share some of that luck along to some of us regular men? Producing the knife from my back pouch, I presented a knife of similar quality as my white-haired students. It's completely terrible, I would never use it myself. Shitty knife, I shall sacrifice you to save my own skin. You will be never remembered. "We are currently venturing in the Dungeon together. He will fight better with a second knife, so I purchased one for him. I will teach him how to use it, tomorrow."

For a moment there was only silence. My words, linking together with some earlier facts. C'mon, Cranel-san, if you're ditzy enough to tell this girl about your crush you should've told her about me as well!"

"Eh? You're Bell-kun's sensei!? The one who made it so that he made so much money today!?" The suspicion and, frankly terrifying, intensity dissolved in an instant. It was replaced by an immense smile and… happy movements. Bouncy, bouncy. Heh. Heh. Dammit, focus on something else, my stupid skill! They may move quickly and are infinitely dangerous, but they're not enemies you need to keep track of at all times! "Oh goodness! I'm so happy to meet you!" The girl began to sniffle! "My Bell-kun finally has a reliable, male friend that won't take him away from me! My only Familia member now has a friend I fully approve of!"

Of course, she's a god.

Of course.

"I'm sorry that we can't offer much, but our finances… aren't good." Hestia scratched her cheek as she laid out some croquettes and salt before the two of us. I focused on monster tactics and movements to distract my mind from her… form. Her unofficial title was the 'Oppai Loli Goddess' and she certainly lived up to it. "Bell-kun is already asleep, he was really tired after today, but his stats grew… very well, so please continue to teach him, Hikigaya-sensei!"

"It's no problem, Hestia-sama. Thank you for the food.". Unfortunately microwaves did not exist, so they were very cold. Still, whether hot or cold, I was receiving food for free. Free food is always delicious. While I considered methods on how to verify Cranel's status as the Protagonist, I noticed that the goddess was staring at me. "Is something wrong, Hestia-sama?"

"Bell-kun told me that you're very… gruff and coarse, even when you mean well, Hikigaya-sensei. From Bell-sun's words, I imagined you to be less… cultured." Oi, don't give me a nice smile like that! Especially, after telling me you thought I'd be some musclebound buffoon with a heart of gold! I'm as wiry as they come and my heart is made of lead! It seems I'm going to have to watch myself better around Cranel-san, he's more perceptive than I thought. "Bell-kun was very happy when he returned home, and he really appreciates all your help, Hikigaya-sensei."

"I'm not completely altruistic, I'm doing this to pay for a new Salamander cloak." My real reasons behind this are far less… palatable. In reality I wanted to get close to Cranel to make sure that I wouldn't simply be written off. This world, undoubtedly, is a Light Novel aimed at people who wanted their chosen avatars to gain immense power, be the object of desire, and be greatly respected. Standing by that person's side is in my best interest. "Cranel-san speaks too highly of me, truly."

"That's what I would believe, if I only heard Bell-kun's words. But, I made sure to ask around about my Bell-kun's newest friend." Hestia's smile brightened, and I felt myself stiffen up. Forcing myself to relax, I took some measured bites of the food I had been freely given. Oddly enough, they didn't taste good as I expected them to. "Miach had nothing but praise about you! His Familia told me that you always go out of your way to help new adventurers, even though you can go on to the next levels, and you make sure that they know how the dungeon works!"

"For a price." I tacked on, feeling oddly embarrassed by the praise. I usually took praise with a grain of salt. Compliments are free to give. They're just words. "And, I never follow them into the Middle Floors."

"Perhaps, but you save them if they're in danger. You've saved many lives, Hikigaya-sensei." Hestia suddenly strode before me, and the urge to eat the food diminished as she bowed. A god bowed to me. Nearly, I forgot to breathe. "Hikigaya-sensei, please keep my child safe. Please, continue to take as much money as you need from my child's spoils, even after his debt has been repaid." Raising her head and standing once more. I was entirely caught unprepared by Hestia's calm, collected demeanor. For the first time since we'd met, I had no doubt the woman before me was an immortal god. "You can protect him from anything I can imagine. From his fellow mortals and monsters alike, if you're at his side, he'll grow to be a fine adventurer."

My refusal left my lips the moment she stopped speaking.


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