
My Trans-Dimensional, Overpowered Protagonist, Harem Comedy is Wrong,

Hikigaya Hachiman, shortly after an odd Valentine's day, finds himself in a new world filled with magic, monsters, and gods. Though he knows not how he got there, he knows that the only way back to his home is through the Dungeon. Armed with a few tricks, a wholly unnatural affinity for magic, and his own, self-serving mindset, he just might manage to achieve his goal. Well, if he ever manages to get a party. NOTE - This fanfic is not mine Original: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/my-trans-dimensional-overpowered-protagonist-harem-comedy-is-wrong-as-expected-oregairu-danmachi-complete.367903/ IF YOU WANT TO REMOVE THIS STORY PLEASE COMMENT DOWN BELOW.

OmnipresenceBeing · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Unsurprisingly, I'm Overpowered but not the Protagonist. (1.2)

The Dungeon has rules and, as far as I know, it's up to the individual adventurer to figure them all out. Being successful in the Dungeon means either paying people for information, gathering the facts yourself, or learning on your feet while inside the dungeon. Since the number of monsters that spawn during the day is relatively low if one follows the 'rules' set by the Guild, people tend to keep locations of spawn areas and safe areas to themselves.

Many first-time Adventurers die if they go in alone. They have no information, rely too much on their blessings and powers, and wander into fights they can't win.

I made money by exploiting that fact. For a cut of my employer's profit, I help them along the dungeon. In an MMO, I'd be the veteran player pointing out facts in the beginner area for pocket change. However, in the case of this world, there's no system that keeps me from ranking up my stats by killing and killing hundreds of thousands of lesser monsters. Not only that, but there's always money in killing lesser monsters like goblins or giant ants.

By helping new adventurers out I feel better about myself, and get people to lug back my crystals and item drops.

Hmmm… maybe I just like seeing people carry my stuff for me? I doubted there was any part of me that liked the praises of the bland masses who I walked through the dungeon.

However, with this kid I'd pressed into my pack-mule for the day, everything was different.

For one thing, Bell Cranel is ridiculously powerful.

"…" Walking into the room where I told him to wait for opponents, I watched him fight. Armed with only a knife, Cranel cut through the goblins of the first floor like a man possessed. The white-haired boy launched himself into combat without a second thought. Any other rookie adventurer would've been killed if they acted like him, but he had the speed and strength to take on groups of six to seven goblins without my help. Other rookies would've been killed and torn apart by such a group. He was upon them like a wolf, and slashed through them with ease. "Oi, kid, you done?"

"H-Hikigaya-san! You're already done with the group you pulled?" Wiping sweat from his brow, Cranel looked upon me with innocent, scarlet eyes and very, very fair features. I'd have fallen for him right away, if not for the fact Totsuka already captured my heart. I'm sorry Cranel-kun, but the dark path that would've led my parents to hang their heads in shame is reserved for only one person. Wait, did I just admit that I'd gladly marry Totsuka? How embarrassing! "I-I mean yes I am! Thank you for bringing me such a manageable group!"

"Good." I nodded before tossing him his bag. The pouch was already filled to the brim with small monster crystals, but seven more shouldn't be much. I'd filled up six of the bags myself, but that was because I'm a cheating cheater who cheats. Running through the dungeon triggers goblins to spawn. By running through the entire dungeon, I trained my agility and gathered an immense mob. After funneling them into one of the longer hallways I simply killed them all. I set a few strays towards Cranel to make sure he was fighting and training at all times. "Are you ready to train?"

"Y-yes, I am Hikigaya-sensei!" Beaming too widely for someone who has just killed dozens of lesser monsters, Cranel enthusiastically nodded and walked towards me ready for training. I'm surprised he managed to destroy so many and is still capable of standing. I would be lying if I said I didn't plan on 'rescuing' him once he found himself overwhelmed. I made sure my laps were close enough to where the white-haired boy was to keep him safe. "Please take care of me, Sensei!"

"I'm too young to be called sensei, kid." The word sensei made me remember a certain chain-smoking, single teacher. I really hoped that someone married her already. I'd be depressed if I returned and found out she was still single. Taking out my own knife from its holster on my belt, I gestured for him to follow me. "I'm going to trigger a few goblins and show you how to fight them properly."

"Eh!?" Huh, Cranel's alarmed cry is pretty cute. No, back away dangerous thoughts! I have a job to do! The white-haired boy looked surprised. "But, I can do that already!"

"You're sweating and out of breath." I didn't bother looking at him. I examined the walls. Some were duller than usual, having produced their limit of goblins for the next hour or so. I preferred the levels with ants. They spawned by the hundreds and I'm the perfect bug zapper. "If you don't learn how to properly kill them, how do you expect to go to the next levels without tiring yourself out?"

"Ah! I understand!" Scarlet eyes wide with understanding, Cranel followed me eagerly. The amount of energy the white-haired boy had made me doubt my own words. Still, why was this guy so easy to please? Tulle was right to worry about you, Cranel-san, you're way too innocent for your own good! Too innocent for this world! Unless you're just acting! Then you're a bastard who I'll leave for dead! "You're correct, as expected, sensei!"

"Save the compliments, kid." Shaking my head, I decided against listening to Cranel any more than I needed to. If everything he's doing is an act, I want to make sure I can react accordingly. If I was making a mistake, and he really was innocent, my gruff, serious manner should warn him against being so nice and getting taken advantage of. Everyone wins! Soon enough, I found a part of the wall that was darker than the rest. Still plenty of juice in it to spawn a monster, and it did so once Cranel and I reached it. "Watch carefully."

"Goblins are scrawny, weak things but very dangerous in large numbers." I explained as the small, flimsy creature simply generated from the wall. Until the monster was fully released, it would be as hard as the rock. Not too difficult to break with a mace, but I was using a dagger. Looking over my shoulder, I was glad to see Cranel was paying attention. "They move in very specific ways, however with proper observation you can see how they'll attack."

"You can predict how they'll attack you?" Cranel seemed shocked, but I was used to it. No one in this world has ever played a videogame. Every monster has a specific moveset, just like any other game. I doubted they're actually living things. They're more like machines generated by the dungeon that left behind bits when killed. No point in making something clever if you intend to throw endless waves of them at your enemies. "That's amazing, Hikigaya-sensei!"

"Stop talking and pay attention, brat." I grunted out what was basically Hiratsuka-sensei's own words to me. The words had their intended effect and Cranel went silent. Hopefully the albino kid will get the message. Better his optimism gets crushed early, before he runs into the other adventurers that come into the Dungeon. Learning to automatically distrust others is an integral part of life in my previous world and that hasn't changed in this one. The goblin dropped onto the floor, got up, and snarled. It was ready to kill people. I kicked it across the hall. "They're resistant against blunt force, but they take more damage from edged attacks. The same goes for any fleshy opponent you'll come across. Now, describe to me how it gets up."

"Ummm... it's coming to run at you?"

"Wrong~" I , before kicking away the charging goblin. It got up a second after I threw it back. Monsters felt no remorse or pain. No matter how wounded they are, if they can try to kill you, they'll pursue you to the ends of the earth. "Look at its arms, legs, and posture. Describe them."

"Err… Its hands are stretched forward and its knees are bent. It's crouching forward."

"Correct. That's its special move, pounce. It does that when it's really threatened." I backhanded the goblin flying towards me, making sure to leave it just struggling to get up. Cranel audibly swallowed as he watched it get up, bloodied and bruised. I looked at him over my shoulder. "Oi, brat, monsters aren't sapient. The only thing they want in life is to end yours." Turning my gaze back to the goblin, I frowned as I saw it on its haunches. Quick learner, this one. "Spare your worry for actual, living people. Now, describe what it's doing."

"It's on its haunches, Hikigaya-sensei. I… don't know what it's about to do. I've never seen it do that before."

"You wouldn't since this only happens if you toy with your enemies, but you're still correct." Despite watching the goblin, I spared a glance towards Cranel. As I suspected, he was completely focused now. The energy that used to be dedicated towards killing monsters was now entirely focused on me. My, my you're a scary kid aren't you? You're more dangerous than I expected, Cranel-san. Tulle was certainly worrying too much about you. "It's about to summon more of its kind."


"That's its second special move." I answered Cranel's unvoiced question. The goblin raised its clawed hands and slammed them onto the stone floor. Monsters didn't usually spawn from the actual floor, but the goblin's 'Reinforcement' skill made it happen. Oddly enough, the giant ants couldn't do the same despite their theme. Whoever developed this game must've switched their features by accident. Hilarious. "Now, as you can see, there are five goblins instead of one. They also spawn quicker than they do from the walls. So, remember to make sure to kill goblins quickly and efficiently. Don't allow them to run away."

"Hikigaya-sensei, they're all pouncing at you! Get back!"

I didn't bother answering that, even though I was surprised to see him immediately act to help me. Maybe he was an actual nice person? I'm sure he saw how many pouches of drops and monster crystals I had. Most adventurers would try and see if I'd get killed so they can get my things.

Anyway, I didn't need him to worry about me. If seven pouncing goblins could kill me, I'd be dead a long time ago.

Huh, that was a really, really cool thing to say.

Taking my knife, I strode into their pouncing formation. Goblins have a tendency to make synchronized attacks, but they're slow. Well, slow compared to someone with a Blessing and who trained in just about everything. Even with the… additions I have on me, unlike monsters in the Middle floors, they were still too slow to actually hit me.

Smacking two to the side, I made an opening for myself. Grabbing the 'lead' of the jumping pack, my knife embedded itself into its skull before I pried it off and threw it at its fellows.

The body existed just long enough to throw one of the still-flying goblins into its compatriot, exploding into a fine mist and leaving behind a monster crystal.

Dazed and confused, the goblins died as I simply crushed their bodies beneath my weighted foot. One good stomp or kick for each one of them, depending if they were against the wall or on the floor.

"See how I did it?" The bodies exploded into fine crystals as I looked towards Cranel. I waved aside the dust floating in the wind. Augh, I hated breathing in dead monsters. "Efficient and quick. Every attack must end your opponent with just the right about of effort. Doing this saves your strength for later floors and stronger monsters."

"…" My white-haired pseudo-student's mouth was agape, and I felt some pride at seeing his surprise. A little praise for the ego never hurts. Turning away, I began to look for another spot where a goblin could still spawn. "…Are you sure that I can do that, Hikigaya-sensei? I barely saw you move…"

"Well, not with that attitude." I shrugged. Cranel probably could. If my red-eyed debtor could slash straight through a goblin, he can most certainly break its skull beneath his boot. I didn't do complicated 'techniques.' If your opponent is a machine, you needed to become a machine, and the Dungeon is most certainly a very devilish machine. "Come now, you've made enough money for today, but there's still plenty of time before sunset. We won't go to the next floor until you can do what I just did."

And if Cranel did manage it, well… he's already ticked off 'cute girl hanging off his arm' and 'running after an unreachable goal.'

If my newest student grows stronger at a ludicrously fast pace, that just means it's time for me to stop screening through the idiots entering this dungeon as my search for this Light Novel's protagonist has just met its end.


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