
To Become Stronger... You Must Learn

Thaleus made it back to the dorms, he was still thinking about how he was going to distibute his points. He was so conflicted he didn't realize Kip was trying to talk to him. "Thaleus... Thaleus.... HEY THALEUS!" Kip shouted.

"Oh, shit my bad Kip was just thinking about what the curriculum might be, our teacher didn't really give us a lot of information."

He looked at the shy boy "What's up though man."

"Ummm, I was womdering if i could go with you into town with you during our off time tomorrow. I want to get stronger too so... maybe we could train together."

"Actually yeah, that would be awesome man. How about after school tomorrow? I found an awesome vr game in the arcade today that we could use to practice our skills and get better. But I'm beat now so ill see you in the morning." Thaleus yawned.

"Sweet man, sounds fun." Kip responded while shutting off the lights.

As Thaleus started to doze off he wondered if Kip could possibly grow at a rate fast enough to stay a challenge for him.

*WUAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH* (The morning alarm going off.) An alarm like that of an attack resounded through the acadamy.

Thaleus opened his eyes and looked up to see Kip already dressed. "Ill meet you and tge others in the mess hall in a bit." Thaleus groaned.

"Alright man, if you don't know where it is just follow your nose."

"You can smell the food from here?"

"Yeah, but I thought you could too" Kip said sheepishly. "Oh well, see you soon."

Thaleus finally decided what he would spend his points on. He started with 10 to each stat he hadnt touched yet.





with 20 points left he rounded out his others to 50 and dumped the last 11 into intelligence.

His full stats were sitting pretty now.

Thaleus Cramo

Level 9 exp: 0/1000

Health 190/190

Ability: Time Control


Strength: 50





Time Lapse Lvl 2: slows time by 30% for 4 seconds

radius: 7.5m

cost:12 mana

(can be used consecutively)


time warp Lvl 1: user can warp time around him moving instantaneously in any direction chosen.

distance 3.5m

cost: 5 stamina

(can be used consecutively)


Combat skills:

Warp slash Level 1: 1.5x damage (daggers)


cost:7 stamina each consecutive hit costs 3 stamina

cost: 3 mana each consecutive hit cost 1 mana

added effect: +5 consecutive hits 10% bonus damage for 5 seconds


blink punch Level 1: 2.5x damage

cost:10 stamina

cost:5 mana


Passive skills:

Time Heal: while sleeping or unconcious healing is sped up massively.

Inspect: can inspect items up to intermediate tier and characters up to tier 4


points available:0

Thaleus then got ready so he could do his daily quest. He pushed himself to his limits and 20 minutes later he finished his 5 miles and went to the mess hall looking for one of his three friends.

Finally he saw them as Derek stood up and waved him over. "You took your sweet ass time bro hope you don't mind we ate without you."

"It's all good and sorry im late, I train every morning."

"Hey does anyone know where our class is?" Thaleus asked.

"Yeah, once we leave the mess hall we go left and follow the corridor all the way down and our class is the last room on the left." Alice answered.

"How long do i have to eat?"

"About 15 more minutes"

The other three sat around having small talk while Thaleus scarfed his food down with gusto. When he was done he stood up. "Alright guys lets go."

The four of them chattered as they walked to class. Wondering what they would be doing both excited and nervous as it was their first day of class.

Thaleus lead the way opening the door as they got to the class. The room was massive. There were mats on the floor presumably for combat classes. On the right wall there was a row of practice weapons from small daggers to a massive halberd. These weapons were all made of wood and were probably to let the students try out what fits best for them. On the left side of the class were 20 desks facing the mats. They were the last four to enter the classroom. Lastly in the middle of the room was Sgt. Shaw upside down holding himself up on the pointy end of a spear with just one finger. His eyes were closed and beads of sweat were dripping off of his forehead. The pressure inside of the room was massive (the man was training his ki in extreme conditions. The pressure the students felt was his unmasked aura from the amount of ki he possessed.) The man was the epitome of monstrous power concealed behind calm self control. His power was a goal that felt unnattainable to the young teens and they went to their seats quietly so as not to disrupt his concentration.

"Welcome students." Shaw said without opening his eyes or moving a muscle.

"Now that youre all here the lessons can begin. To become stronger... First you must learn to fight, to unlock your ki, and to access your ability's full potential. Let's begin." Shaw's eyes opened.

Next chapter