
Chapter 265: My mother-in-law is on fire...

"Hmmm~, Hmmm~" Natashia was walking beside Victor with a beaming smile on her face.

It was clearly obvious that she was quite happy from the cheap fawning of the woman in front of them.

"...." Victor showed a small smile, he scratched his cheek a little, and he couldn't help but think:

'Cute... How can an older woman be so cute?'

Suddenly, Flashbacks came to Victor's mind.

Memories of Scathach acting cute to him began to fill Victor's entire being.

'... Well, does it seem like this is normal for them?' He flashed a small smile.

Despite being strong and wild women on the outside, they were surprisingly cute if you knew them well. Of course, that was the kind of attitude people couldn't imagine from Annasthashia Fulger.

The Countess of Clan Fulger, and the fastest woman alive.


Countess Scathach Scarlett, the strongest female vampire in the world.