

What if you found out that you are gay? What would you do if you found out that you fell deeply in love with your best friend? What would you be able to do to defend your relationship with your best friend? Would you be able to shout from the rooftops that you are gay and that you cannot live without him? These are some of many conflicts that Adrián and Agustín must overcome, if they really want to be immensely happy and must put an end to an evil that can threaten to end their love. A love, a destiny and many problems are the ingredients of this love story.

VULCANO · Realistic
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36 Chs


What if the love of your life is not the person who has been but someone of the same sex? What would you feel if you found out that you are gay? What would you feel if you were strongly attracted to your best friend? Would you be able to give up the comfort of your life for your better half?

Adrián and Agustín are two best friends, who have known each other since they were children, and from that moment when they met in Kindergarten, they became best friends, and over time, the friendship relationship has become stronger.

Due to fate, both had to go to live in different countries, feeling nostalgia for the friendship they had managed to achieve. Years later, they meet again at work, with Adrián as the owner of the company where Agustín goes to work, and both decide to resume their friendship.

Due to things in life, both begin to discover a feeling that goes beyond friendship, and they do not know how to deal with this feeling that is growing within them.

Will they stop being friends? Will they get carried away by this feeling that is growing within them? Will they be able to say at the top of their lungs that they are in love?

Friendship, doubts, and a feeling that they did not count feel.