

What if you found out that you are gay? What would you do if you found out that you fell deeply in love with your best friend? What would you be able to do to defend your relationship with your best friend? Would you be able to shout from the rooftops that you are gay and that you cannot live without him? These are some of many conflicts that Adrián and Agustín must overcome, if they really want to be immensely happy and must put an end to an evil that can threaten to end their love. A love, a destiny and many problems are the ingredients of this love story.

VULCANO · Realistic
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36 Chs


At first, I felt homophobic from seeing anyone gay, but everything I thought about them changed the moment I became a writer.

Thanks to that and to the fact that I began to investigate more about the LGTB Community, I realized that it is wrong to have homophobia because you do not choose your tastes; far from it, their preferences, and we have to live with that.

What bothered me and motivated me to make this book is that I saw two videos of two YouTubers, in which they had to say at the top of their lungs that they are gay, and it does not seem fair to pressure them to say that, because it is the life of they and we must respect it.

Finally, I am a number one fan of the LGBT or BL Community, and I support you wholeheartedly and loved making this book and hope you like it.