
Unveiling Template

As the Awakening ceremony commenced, the assembly hall was filled with various emotions like curiosity, happiness, excitement, and disappointment. Leo was caught in a sea of curious glances and whispered conversations among the expectant crowd.

"Sarah Miller," the teacher called out, her voice resonating through the hall.

Leo watched as Sarah stepped forward, the spotlight shifting to her. He had never spoken to Sarah, the ice princess who had captured everyone's attention. Whispers of recognition flitted among the students. Her lineage was no secret, and the gravity of her potential was palpable.

"Granddaughter of Kyle, the Earth's guardian," a student marveled, awe evident in their voice.

"Isn't he one of the most powerful figures in our world? If she inherits even a fraction of his abilities..." another student speculated.

"Imagine having that kind of legacy. She's practically destined for greatness," a third student added, their tone a mixture of admiration and envy.

[Named Grade Template: Senju Tsunade

Background: Granddaughter of Senju Hashirama, One of the Legendary Sannin]

A wave of astonishment swept through the assembly, followed by appreciative murmurs.

"Senju? Same as her grandfather," another student whispered in awe.

"I knew Sarah would awaken a strong legacy," a student remarked, acknowledging the lineage that ran through her veins.

Leo's heart swelled with admiration for her strength, a fan witnessing the embodiment of a legendary character. "Senju Tsunade? That's epic! What luck she has to get the template of one of the Sannin who is also the 5th Hokage of Konoha. Most importantly, her grandfather awakened the template of the God of ninja, Senju Hashirama," he whispered to himself.

But the spotlight moved again, and a hush fell over the crowd. "David Crawford," the teacher announced.

The weight of expectation bore down on David's shoulders as he stepped forward. He could feel the collective gaze of his peers, their curiosity and judgment weighing heavily upon him.

As David ascended the podium, a soft hum enveloped the room, accompanied by the projection of a dim, blue light onto the podium screen. The air seemed charged with a mix of apprehension and anticipation. Methodically, the teacher secured the headgear onto David's head, initiating the Awakening process.

A soft glow emanated from the headgear, enveloping David in its ethereal light. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the transformation took hold. Then, characters materialized on the screen, unveiling the profound change the Awakening had brought.

[Trash Grade Template: Ordinary Person

Description: No notable enhancements or abilities.]

David's result was met with understanding nods and consoling glances, a testament to the empathy shared among the students.

Leo watched, his heart aching for David as he was the only friend of his current body.

As the headgear was carefully detached from David's head, the teacher's voice took on a gentler tone. "Remember, David, a template doesn't define your potential. It's merely a starting point on your journey. Your path is yours to shape."

With those words of consolation, David stepped away from the podium, and the spotlight shifted once more, and the assembly continued.

Then, finally, the spotlight shifted once more. "Leo Adams," the teacher's voice rang out.

Leo's heart raced as he stepped forward, the weight of expectation settling upon him. As he approached the podium, he felt the weight of countless gazes upon him, their scrutiny a tangible presence.

"Good luck," a voice whispered from beside him. Leo turned his head to see Sarah, her gaze steady and her smile genuine. Her encouragement cut through the tension that had built within him, dispelling the nerves that threatened to consume his resolve.

"Thanks," he replied, his voice a quiet reassurance.

The simple exchange didn't go unnoticed. Jealous murmurs spread through the hall as Leo continued toward the podium, guided by a newfound sense of purpose.

"Did you see that?"

"S-she spoke to him!"

"Who does he think he is?"

Leo could feel the weight of their stares, a mix of admiration, envy, and skepticism. He ignored the whispers, his focus unswerving as the headgear descended onto his head, cocooning him in an embrace of energy.

His surroundings blurred, and the anticipation within him surged. A kaleidoscope of colors danced before his eyes, converging into a singular template.

[Named Type Template: Monkey D. Luffy

Background: .......