
"The Day of Awakening"

"In a world teetering on the brink of chaos, a hushed anticipation settled over the assembly hall as if the very air held its breath. Today marked the most pivotal day of their lives—the day of Awakening," the commanding voice resonated through the hall, casting an air of solemnity and excitement.

The buzz of student chatter subsided as the first among them ascended the podium, guided by a vigilant teacher. With a measured precision, the teacher secured the headgear onto the student's head, initiating the Awakening process.

A soft hum enveloped the room, a gentle prelude to the surge of radiant blue light that washed over the podium screen. The room held its collective breath as characters materialized on the screen, unveiling the profound change that the Awakening had brought.

[Common Template: Martial Artist

Description: A 15% acceleration in martial arts mastery, a 15% increase in combat prowess, and a 5th-grade martial arts proficiency.]

The instructor meticulously recorded the results, fingers dancing over a sleek device, and then carefully detached the headgear from the newly Awakened student. "Satisfactory," the instructor affirmed, a glint of pride in their eyes. "With these attributes, you could attain at least a lieutenant rank in the military. Next!"

Successive students stepped forward, each unveiling their unique templates through the mesmerizing display.

[Common Grade Template: Chef Description: A non-combat oriented template.]

[Common Grade Template: Sniper Description: A combat-oriented template.]

[Trash Grade: Ordinary Person ...

[Common Gr... ...


Meanwhile, Leo sat on his seat, his mind a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. Who could blame him for feeling dazed after waking up to unfamiliar memories coursing through his mind, memories that didn't belong to his former self?

Gradually, the nervous energy within Leo settled, allowing him to sift through the deluge of memories and emotions that had bombarded him.

"So, let me get this straight—I am Leo, a regular 17-year-old guy... but not in my old world. Nope, in this place, those creepy Dark Realms keep invading, wreaking havoc across the land. They've devoured half the territory and countless lives. But you know what? Humanity fights back, and that's where the real adventure begins.

Every 17-year-old gets this remarkable gift called the Awakening. It's a game-changer, no doubt about it.

And here's the kicker—there are five tiers of Awakening templates:

First, the Common Grade: You choose a profession, and voila! You gain skills, talents, and even some superpowers tailored to it. Can you believe it? Oh, and about 40% of us end up in this tier. Not too shabby, right?

Then comes the Rare Grade: It's like a major upgrade from the Common Grade. If you were a swordsman, you become a true master of the blade. And those skills and talents? They triple in power! Roughly 20% make it to this level.

But wait, there's more! The Unique Grade: Now we're talking some seriously cool stuff. You go from sword master to sword saint. And those skills? Off the charts, about five times more potent than the Rare Grade. Only about 10% reach this tier.

And then, the Legendary Grade: Imagine the Unique Grade on steroids. From sword saint to sword god, that kind of upgrade. Skills and talents? Ten times the potency. It's mind-blowing, and only around 5% of us get there.

Finally, there's the Named Type: It's like hitting the jackpot, but super rare—like 0.1% rare. You get templates from all sorts of people, kings, warriors, even a waiter! But the catch is, it's usually not combat-related. Oh, and only a 0.001% chance of landing a combat template. Then, there's the rest, about 24.9%, who end up as Ordinary People.

And guess what? Today's the big day, my Awakening! I'm just waiting for my turn, and I can't help but feel a surge of crazy excitement!"

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