
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 95 "Monster"

Chen Jiudang made a big wave, climbed to Guqu Mountain, went directly to Qiongyu, and said in a deep voice, "Turn them back."

Qiongyu was puzzled, "Who are they?"

It smiled again: "I'm sorry, there are too many people who have made wishes with me, and some of them are not human. If there are too many, they will be forgotten quickly."

Chen Jiu looked straight at it, "A woman and boy from yesterday."

Qiongyu was stunned for a moment, and waved: "Oh, it's them."

It suddenly smiled again, "Is this your wish to change them back?"

Chen Jiu didn't answer the question of poor desire, but said coldly: "Turn them back."

The sky was pouring down, extremely loud, and it hit the young man, soaking his clothes and long hair.

A thunderbolt fell, illuminating the gloomy sky.

Qiongyu smiled and said: "They fulfilled their wishes, so they will naturally have to pay the price. Have you seen people who don't pay for shopping? If they don't give money, they will become robbers. They are the ones who are wrong. I am doing my duty. Businessman, what are you looking for me for?"

It stretched out its hoof-like hands and put it behind its back, "Of course, you are a human and I am a demon. Although I have done nothing wrong, if you kill me because of this, I have nothing to say."

Chen Jiu clenched his fists, pursed the corners of his mouth, water stains kept sliding down his face, and he stared at Qiongyu.

Qiongyu smiled again: "Even if I change them back, do you think they will be really satisfied?"

"They will still choose to come to me again, and fulfill their desires again!"

Girls want beauty too much, and teenagers have the aptitude for cultivation. Maybe they can't accept it now, but in the future, as long as they start to practice and experience the beauty of power, will they care whether they are human or not?

As long as he can practice to the extreme of strength, then he is human.

No one dared to say that he was not.

Qiongyu spread his hands, and said: "It is possible to realize the desire without paying a price. This is such a good thing that everyone in the world wants, but if you think about it a little bit, you know that this kind of thing is impossible."

It suddenly asked Chen Jiu: "Do you think that if you change them back, they will really thank you?"

"I think they will not only not thank you, but they will resent you, resent you, a handsome and talented person who doesn't understand the suffering in their hearts!"

Qiongyu looked straight at Chen Jiu.

"Can you really understand the pain in their hearts?!"

There was another thunder in the sky, as if the entire sky was torn open.

Chen Jiu's clenched fists suddenly loosened, and his whole body seemed to collapse, as if he was hit by the rain curtain and couldn't stand upright.

He really doesn't understand.

What does he know?

He bent down and whispered to Qiongyu: "Please change them back, okay?"

Qiongyu asked back, "You don't pay for the things you buy, okay?"

The young man fell silent and sat down on the muddy ground, staring blankly at the raindrops hitting the ground.

How much he thought that now that he had a jug of wine, spirits, he could get drunk and everything would be over.

Just no wine.

Chen Jiu touched his face and sat there sluggishly.

Qiongyu suddenly became interested, and said to Chen Jiu: "Actually, it is also possible to transform them back, and it can also keep them beautiful and cultivated. As long as you are willing to pay the price, you may become a monster or a dementia ,Do you want to?"

It smiled strangely, "Are you willing to pay this price for two people who have almost no connection?"

A kind person is more likely to endure mental torture.

If he was a villain at this time, then such a thing would never happen, and he might just kill the boy who turned into a mermaid.

Chen Jiu pursed the corners of his mouth, his eyes were a little red, and he seemed to be crying.

Because he really didn't dare.

Really dare not.

It's really fun to watch.

This is the distress that kind people will have, and it is also the most violent impact on their hearts.

Is kindness really a good quality?

Yes, of course.

People who are poor and wish for the whole world are such people.

A group of good people does evil by itself.

Excessive kindness is a breeding ground for evil.

The young man didn't realize this, people's desires can't be satisfied, even if you change them back, after they get beauty and talent, they just want more.

So will they come back again?

Most likely.

Chen Jiu just sat there sluggishly, the sky was extremely gloomy, and the rain was falling, making the young man unable to stand upright at all.

Chen Jiu didn't dare to go back, didn't dare to step on the ferry, didn't dare to see the woman and the boy.

He is running away.

This sitting is a day, and it rains for a day.

Later, when the sea breeze blew past, Chen Jiu shivered for no reason.

He suddenly looked at Qiongyu, "You gave them a chance."

Qiongyu nodded, "Well, that's what they want too."

Chen Jiu leaned on the ground and stood up staggeringly, "I want something too."

Poor and curious, "Oh, what do you want?"

Chen Jiu looked straight at him, "I want you to die."

Qiongyu was silent for a while, then replied: "Is this your wish?"

Chen Jiu nodded, and the water stains streaked across his face.

Qiongyu said in a slow voice: "Of course it is possible, but you have to pay the same price. If you have no objection, just give me the blood of your middle finger."

It paused for a while, then smiled suddenly: "Of course, you can also directly kill me, a ghost who has never done anything bad."

It wanted Chen Jiu to kill him directly. It was really fun to watch a kind person go against his own heart.

Chen Jiu said nothing, bit his middle finger, blood dripped out, and was caught by Qiongyu's hand.

Qiongyu looked at him, smiling happily.

The world was quiet, and it seemed to be pulled suddenly, and it suddenly recovered.

Desperate to fall to the ground.

Chen Jiu's body shook, his heart seemed to be tightly pinched, he curled up in pain, his throat was hoarse, and he was sweating profusely.

Desperate to die, the price is that he also has to die, tortured to death.

About half an hour later, Chen Jiu was unconscious and lying on the ground half dead.

The heart was finally crushed suddenly.

He remained silent.

The waves hit the shore, the breeze blew past, blowing up the poor body, and stood up again, with a smug smile on his face.

Want it to die?

This is already a wish it has fulfilled countless times.

A lot of people want it dead.

It is also dead, physically dead.

But its body is actually the power of cause and effect. As long as the cause and effect continue, it will never die.

Qiongyu looked at Chen Jiu's body, full of sneers.

It's a pity that its complexion froze quickly.

Chen Jiu stood up slowly from the ground and looked at it silently.

Qiongyu's face darkened for the first time, and he said in a deep voice: "It seems that you are not simple."

Chen Jiu didn't answer.

Qiongyu suddenly asked: "Are you really human?"

Chen Jiu remained silent.

He didn't know if he was a human being, maybe in the eyes of others, he, who would not die, was also a monster.

Qiongyu looked at him, and suddenly smiled, "Maybe you are also a monster, a monster that no one knows."

In fact, everyone is a "monster". When you are different from others, you are a "monster" in the eyes of others.

Chen Jiu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and looked at Qiongyu again, his tone extremely flat.

"Yes, it's me."

He is a monster.

A monster who is used to seeing life and death in the world, and who can still live with a smile after all kinds of injustices.

This was Chen Jiu's first time, and he hated himself a little.