
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 94 Swinging away from the big waves!

Chen Jiu looked at Cao Xie, remained silent for a while, and then said, "Well, indeed."

Cao Xie replied, "Well, the weather is fine too."

Chen Jiu continued: "Hey, indeed."

Two by two were silent for a while.

Cao Xie said, "Hey..." He looked at Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiu also "Nah."

Cao Xie felt something was wrong, why did he come up here?

He thought for a while, remembered, took out two ugly bull coins, and handed them to Chen Jiu.

Chen Jiu looked at him with a puzzled expression, not knowing what he meant.

Cao Xie said honestly: "Chen Daoyou, this is my protection fee. If there is a fight later, please Daoyou take care of me."

Chen Jiu was stunned for a moment, but didn't ask for coins, and said to Cao Xie, "Sit next to me."

Cao Xie's face was cloudy and uncertain.

What does Chen Daoyou mean by this, why don't you want my coins, why do you want me to sit next to him, why do you want to sit?

He stood on the spot, thinking carefully. After thinking about it, he took out three ugly cow coins, handed them to Chen Jiu, and reluctantly said: "Chen Daoyou, do you think these are feasible?"

Chen Jiu shook his head and said, "No need, just sit next to me."

Cao Xie looked hesitant, took out five coins from his body, and handed them to Chen Jiu together, aggrieved: "It's really gone."

The five ugly cow coins were all given to Chen Jiu, so he was counting on Chen Jiu to take care of him and get the other five from the woman when he returned.

Chen Jiu was also speechless, and declined the coin he handed over, telling him to sit down.

Cao Xie was skeptical, sat aside, glanced at Chen Jiu from time to time, moved his buttocks, and was wary of hidden tricks, fidgeting.

On the woman's side, after entering the hut, I saw a slender figure sitting on a bench.

The woman stepped forward and respectfully said to the slender figure, "I've seen the fairy elder."

The slender figure turned around, with a scarlet face, pitch-black antlers, narrow eyes, but a warm voice, and asked, "Can I be considered a fairy too?"

The woman nodded, "Yes."

The slender figure smiled, "But I'm not even a monster."

The woman replied: "Still."

As long as it can help her, that is.

The slender figure looked straight at her, narrowed his narrow eyes, like the sharpest knife that can kill people, "You know my origin."

The woman nodded, of course she knew, otherwise how could she come here.

These sects, big and small, have been visiting immortals for decades. In fact, every cultivator who visits immortals knows exactly what they are visiting.

There have never been any immortals in this lonely mountain, only the poor desire in "Shanshuizhiyi ghosts and gods volume".

Qiongyu, an ancient ghost, is said to haunt all over the world, and its whereabouts are uncertain. Once killed, it will appear in other states, never ending.

The reason why it is so sought after by monks is that its natal supernatural power is extremely weird, and it is to fulfill people's wishes, or desires.

However, every time the desire is realized, it is an equivalent exchange, and other things need to be used to make up for it.

Qiongyu looked at the woman and asked, "Then what do you want?"

The woman tore off her veil, revealing her extremely old and wrinkled cheeks, and said in a low voice, "I want to be young and beautiful forever."

Qiong Yu nodded, "It's a very reasonable request, and it's true that most women want it."

It put its hands on its lap, "It's just...are you ready to pay the price?"

The woman nodded, "No complaints or regrets."

Qiongyu smiled and said: "Okay, then give me a drop of blood between the eyebrows with your own spiritual energy."

The woman did as she did, and put the blood between her eyebrows into Qiongyu's hoof-like hands.

The blood between the eyebrows melted into his hands.

The world is suddenly black and white, only the woman and the poor are still able to move, in an instant, all the black and white condense towards the woman again, and there is a sudden tremor.

When the woman touched her face, it was already as smooth as jade, she wept with joy and sobbed softly.

She made a deep bow to the poor and left the room.

The little consul outside saw it, his face was startled, and he said in a trembling voice: "Miss, you... have changed back."

The woman nodded and kept rubbing her red eyes, "Old Zhu, you said that I have changed back now, so he should like me and won't dislike me anymore, right?"

The little consul nodded in a crying voice, "Young master will, yes."

He raised his head suddenly, turned around and punched, repelling Sun Yunfu who suddenly attacked.

Sun Yunfu's face was gloomy, he really thought that this little consul who has been bowing to them all this time turned out to be a Sixth Realm Physician!

The old man in coir raincoat came slowly.

The little consul looked at them and sneered, "You two really think I don't know?"

He was the ear of the partition wall that day!

The old man in coir raincoat frowned, feeling that something was wrong, he wanted to make a quick decision.

The little consul suddenly flicked his fingers towards the sky, and shot out some magic weapon, which exploded suddenly, and a cluster of brilliant lights emerged.

The expression of the old man in coir raincoat changed, and he secretly thought that it was not good.

Chen Jiu had already got up, and under Cao Xie's doubtful face, he smashed the pole of the boat with one foot and shot straight towards the sea.

The old man in coir raincoat had a gloomy face, and with a flash of his figure, he wanted to kill the woman instantly, and then fled.

Sun Yunfu exchanged his magic weapon with the little consul and stopped him.

The old man in coir raincoat has come to the woman, wanting to break her soul.

On the nick of time.

A golden light shot directly from the sea surface, hitting the woman in front of her, stirring up a large cloud of dust.

The golden figure brushed away the smoke and dust, and stepped on the head of the old man in coir raincoat with one foot.

A monk in the seventh realm was almost killed instantly by him. It was the old man's own carelessness and Chen Jiu's combat power was too strong.

If you really want to let go of your hands and feet and fight each other, the old man will not survive a hundred breaths.

Because one doesn't want to die, and the other dies.

Sun Yunfu's face was horrified, looking at the half-dead old man, with nowhere to go, he smashed open the cabin, looked at the poor man, and roared.

"I want to make a wish, I want to be a celestial being, and I want to kill them!"

Qiongyu looked at him, "Give me some blood."

Sun Yunfu really gave it to him, the world was quiet, and in an instant, Sun Yunfu's body was already filled with uncontrollable majestic aura, which directly shattered the wooden house.

There was a wild smile on the corner of his mouth, but just when it was revealed, it stopped abruptly, and his body turned into wisps of fly ash.

He has obtained the cultivation base of heaven and man, but how long has he obtained it?

One second, or half a second?

It doesn't matter anymore, because he is dead, and even the soul no longer exists.

Qiongyu kept smiling.

This is equivalent exchange, it is fair.

Chen Jiu didn't kill the old man in the coir raincoat, and turned back to the ferry, but the old man in the coir raincoat probably wouldn't survive, and was destined to die. Although he didn't die by Chen Jiu's hands, it was about the same.

Cao Xie watched him go back and forth with a surprised expression on his face, but he didn't dare to ask any more questions, thinking to himself.

What did Daoyou Chen do, why did he fly, why did he fly back, why was there golden light?

Now, why is this, can anyone tell me?

Cao Xie couldn't understand it.

After a while, the little consul and the woman returned to the ferry.

In the broken cabin, there was a young man standing respectfully in front of Qiongyu, bowing down and worshiping, "I beg the immortal master to grant me the immortal law!"

Qiongyu smiled, "You don't have the qualifications to practice."

The young man gritted his teeth, "Then ask Master Immortal Master to grant me the aptitude for cultivation!"


Such a small person, even if his desire is fulfilled, the power of karma gained is only a little bit, but it just got a lot of power of karma, and it is in a good mood, so let's help him reluctantly.

Qiongyu grabbed the boy with a big hand, pierced his chest directly in his horrified face, dug out a lot of heart blood, and melted it into his hands.

When it threw the boy down, the boy's chest had already healed, and he immediately stood up in shock, panting heavily, and after calming down, he felt his body was light and powerful, and he was refreshed.

The young man was overjoyed, couldn't hold back his smile anymore, kowtowed to Qiongyu, thanked him, and hurried back to the ferry.

After mooring for a day, the ferry started driving again, heading for the nearest ferry.

About a day passed.

The sky was extremely dark, and there was still thunder. This is the weather that sometimes occurs in the Huai River, and it is a precursor to a storm.

Chen Jiu sat on the deck, looking at the churning water, as if roaring.

The little consul suddenly found him, without saying a word, he just knelt down, kept kowtowing, and cried, "My lord, please help Miss!"

Behind him was a very beautiful young woman.

The woman's face is demented, her eyes are dull, her mouth is drooling, and her hair is messy.

The price of being eternally young and beautiful is to become a demented fool, a very fair exchange of equal value...

Is it right?

Chen Jiu stared blankly at the woman, his expression changed suddenly, and he reached the bottom of the ferry in an instant, looking at the figure of a young man in the shadow.

The young man turned around and was exposed to the light. Scales had grown on his body, and his face was hideous and terrifying.

Chen Jiu recognized this appearance, it was a mermaid.

The young man touched his face dully, looked at Chen Jiu, and asked in a trembling voice: "Master Immortal, can you save... me?"

In a daze, he pulled out the scales on his body and turned up the blood.

Suddenly, the heavy rain poured down.

There was a bang of thunder, lighting up the gloomy sky from time to time.

Chen Jiu turned around.

Today, on the surface of the Huai River, there was a figure of golden light swaying away the big waves and rain, heading straight for the South China Sea.