
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 79 Do you know? I don't know and my heart aches

After more than a month of retreat in the Taoist temple, Chen Jiu finally came out, but firstly, he did not break his mirror, and secondly, he did not understand martial arts. The so-called exit was just a visit to the academy and a walk.

He always carried the 38 cap on his body, not on his waist, and could take it out at any time for decoration. If he really wanted to fight, he probably wouldn't even be able to break through other people's aura shields.

He walked with his hands behind his back in the academy like this, and when he saw a scholar studying, he walked over solemnly, pretending to watch carefully, then patted the scholar on the shoulder, encouraging him.

"That's right, if you keep working hard, you will be promoted to a bachelor next time."

The humble scholar was instantly excited. Although he saw that Chen Jiu was not very old, some Nascent Soul lecturers were already skilled in appearance. Thinking so, the scholar hurriedly bowed to Chen Jiu and said gratefully.

"Thank you sir."

Chen Jiu waved his hand and said indifferently, "Why don't you let me be polite to your mother?"

The reader looked bewildered.

The guest in the green shirt flicked his clothes away, hiding his merit and fame deeply.

In the academy, there are hundreds of schools of thought, and not all of them are scholars. For example, Mohism develops magic weapons, advocates the combination of theory and practice, and there are few scholars who practice writing.

In addition, Chen Jiu met even more outrageous things.

It was a little old man, with a big head, a yellowish robe, and shaggy hair, working with a wrench.

Chen Jiu walked over curiously, watched the little old man fidgeting, and chatted with him.

The little old man thought he was annoying and told him to crawl.

Chen Jiu refused to leave.

The old man was holding a wrench and looked straight at him, "You're not leaving, are you?"

Chen Jiu nodded and also looked at the old man.

In the academy today, there was a short old man wrestling with the green shirt guest with a wrench. The old man was not of a high level, and Chen Jiu didn't dare to use his strength. The two fought back and forth, rolling on the ground more than a dozen times.

A passer-by saw it from a distance, and he was surprised, and then his face was full of contempt, and he said angrily, "It's really going downhill!"

The man didn't want to look any further, so he ran away in a hurry.

In the end, the old man couldn't fight, but Chen Jiu didn't want to fight. The two entangled for a while, and the little old man let go with a snort, barely counting as a draw.

Chen Jiu was really thick-skinned, and he approached with a smile and asked what the old man was up to.

The little old man glanced at him, and said angrily: "I told you that you don't understand, I'm building a magic weapon that ordinary people can use, I call it a gun, understand?"

Chen Jiu was taken aback for a moment.

The little old man snorted, "Look, I don't even know if I tell you."

The man in the blue shirt smiled and didn't explain anything, just followed the old man and watched him tinkering. The old man's craftsmanship was indeed superb, and some of the equipment was made by himself, which was extremely fine.

The two chatted a bit during the period, and Chen Jiu turned his face to the old man and asked. The old man thought he was too annoying, so he just sent a few words away.

After Chen Jiu finished asking, his expression was a little strange. This old man actually belonged to the inventor among the hundreds of schools of thought, and now it has been passed down to his lineage. He is the only one of the ancestors and disciples. Famous, but not even the status of a school lecturer.

The things invented by the old man are also rare, and they tend to be used by mortals, so his reputation in the academy is surprisingly weak. Some scholars even entered the academy and studied for a few years. They don't know that there is such an inventor in the family .

The little old man held a wrench, cast a glance at Chen Jiu, and said angrily, "Why, do you understand?"

The man in blue shirt looked at the iron humanoid machine in front of him, twitched the corner of his mouth, and shook his head without arguing with the old man.

The little old man snorted softly, and said with a proud smile: "I haven't seen it before. The old man named it the robot Xiaoliang, and he can use spirit stones as energy to drive it to serve people."

Chen Jiu frowned, "For example?"

The old man patted the robot on the head, and said softly, "Come on, Xiao Liang, give him the whole job!"

The robot's eyes glowed, and it moved forward, facing Chen Jiu. With a step, it landed with a backflip and boxed up.

The old man clapped his hands and shouted, "Okay! Xiao Liang will give him another hard time!"

The robot's fist turned into a hand knife, slashed downward, looked at Chen Jiu, and even shouted.

"You son of a bitch, I will spoil you within three days!"

The little old man folded his hands on his chest, triumphantly.

Chen Jiu was silent for a while, then smiled at the robot.

So today, following the scuffle between the old man and the green-shirted guest, there was another scene where the blue-shirted man beat the robot and the old man beat the green-shirted guest.

In the end, the robot was dismantled by Qingshanke. The old man picked up the broken limbs of the robot and sat aside in a daze. He looked at Chen Jiu and shouted in grief.

"You compensate me, Xiao Liang, my poor Xiao Liang, we are separated from each other within three hours of our birth."

Chen Jiu frowned, "It scolded me first."

The old man asked angrily, "Xiaoliang is so young, he is just a child, what does it know, you want to argue with the child?"

Chen Jiu blinked, scratched his head and smiled, "Actually, I'm still young."

The little old man shouted angrily, "You're small? You're a little dick!"

The man in green shirt grinned and stopped talking.

It was not a problem for the two of them to be deadlocked here, so the old man wiped away the tears that did not exist, and said sadly and angrily: "You pay me!"

Chen Jiu nodded helplessly, "Okay, I'll accompany you."

The old man looked at him in surprise, "Really."

Chen Jiu nodded, "Really."

He walked up to the old man and stood quietly, and the two looked at each other.

After a while, the old man frowned and asked, "You compensate me!"

Chen Jiu wondered, "Isn't this accompanying you?"

The two stared at each other for a while.

The old man tentatively asked, "Compensate me?"

Chen Jiu nodded, "accompany."

The two of them didn't move. After a while, the old man suddenly grabbed a wrench and wrestled with Chen Jiu again, shouting angrily.

"Do you fucking think I'm such a fool, old man?"

It was noon, and there were more and more passers-by scholars, and more and more onlookers. Some people recognized Chen Jiu, and they felt emotional immediately.

This king of war is really violent, he won't even let the old man go, committing crimes.

Later, there were too many students onlookers, and the influence in the academy was too great, and the bachelors did not dare to pull these two people. After all, although one is not high-level, he still has the title of an ancestor, let alone the other. He beat all the well-known scholars and disciples in the entire academy, and whoever dared to go up would definitely be beaten.

A few lecturers from Yuan Ying came, but their seniority was not enough, and this seniority is the most important thing in the academy. They are more than a generation behind the inventor ancestor, so how dare they stop him.

In the end, it was a great Confucian who committed crimes and restrained the inventor ancestor and the green shirt guest. The little old man sat on the spot, crying with snot and tears.

"It's unreasonable. I am a dignified ancestor, but I was bullied by the juniors. What's wrong with me?"

Daru's face was ugly, because he really couldn't do anything about this notoriously shameless inventor ancestor.

But this matter also has to do with the disciples of the old sword god lineage of the Taoist temple, so Daru bit the bullet and knocked on the gate of the Taoist temple. Tao Li had already left, smiled with him, and went down the mountain to discuss together.

The ancestor of the inventor asked Chen Jiu to compensate him for materials, and he had to pay twice.

Chen Jiu spread his hands and looked through his pockets. He was cleaner than his face.

Tao Li also smiled, and said that there are still a few wooden stools and iron pots in the temple. Seniors can take them if they don't mind.

In the end, the few people discussed for a long time, but there was really no other way, so they left Chen Jiu in the inventor's line and beat the old man for several months as an apology.

After all, it really didn't make sense for Chen Jiu to break other people's things.

The little old man had no choice but to agree.

The few people had just finished discussing and dispersed, and a Qinglie girl ran over with small steps, looked at Chen Jiu, gloated and said, "I heard that you were beaten again?"

Chen Jiu was not injured, but his disheveled appearance was really embarrassing.

He pulled the corners of his mouth, patted the dust on his body, and wiped his face with this hand, making it look like black coal.

Zhou Xian laughed out of his face, and asked curiously, "Why do you even hit the old man?"

Chen Jiu replied: "Respect the old and love the young."

The girl grinned, "Then you are really caring, are you going to hit a woman next time?"

The man in blue shirt suddenly looked straight at her.

Zhou Xian was stunned for a moment, Qinglie's face flushed suddenly, and he asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

Chen Jiu frowned and said, "Why are your lips so red? What about makeup?"

The girl smiled sweetly, with her little hands behind her buttocks, trotted a few steps, and suddenly turned her head to look at Chen Jiu, her skirt swaying in the breeze, she squinted her eyes, and said with a smile: "Why, does it look good?"

Chen Jiu nodded and gave a thumbs up, "It's pretty good-looking, as red as a monkey's butt."

Zhou Xian was originally smiling, but he froze suddenly, grinning the corner of his mouth, and didn't care so much with Chen Jiu.

The wind is a bit strong today, and the girl's hair and skirt are swaying. She suddenly suggested to Chen Jiu: "Let's go fly a kite. The weather is fine."

Chen Jiu was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Okay."

When the two were flying a kite on the Taoist mountain, Chen Jiu picked up the string and stared blankly at the kite fluttering in the sky.

Zhou Xian put all his energy into it, and when he saw Chen Jiu who was in a daze, he smiled and called him.

When the guest in blue shirt looked down at her.

The smile on the girl's face froze suddenly, and her heart froze for a moment.

She saw Chen Jiu's eyes, crying unconsciously.

After a while, the man in green shirt came to his senses, wiped his tears with his hand, and said with a smile, "It's okay, the wind is getting stronger."

The girl didn't speak, her chest seemed to be pressed against a hill, and she couldn't breathe at all.

She wondered why the young man looked so utterly sad when he laughed.

Chen Jiu looked at the emerald green bead on his wrist, and the tears that had just stopped flowed silently again. He lost his smile and bowed his head in silence.

A small hand suddenly touched his head. With tears in his eyes, the young man raised his head in doubt.

In front of her eyes, the girl Qinglie covered her heart, bit the corner of her mouth, her face was full of tears, and cried to him: "I feel a little uncomfortable here."

The girl has a thin body, and she hugged the young man, but she buried herself in the Qingshan guest's chest, crying loudly.

Two kites were flying in the sky, swaying a few times with the wind blowing, like two people below, embracing each other.