
my talent is resurrection

live. What does it mean to be alive? This is not only the flesh and blood, but also the immortality of the soul.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Eastern
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111 Chs

Chapter 80 Mortals can kill immortals

Late autumn is gradually leaving with the breeze blowing, and most of the trees on the mountain have lost their leaves, which is to let people know that the beginning of winter is coming.

It was rare for Chen Jiu to change out of his blue shirt, put on a padded jacket, folded his sleeves with his hands, and made himself into a lump.

In fact, with his physique, he is definitely not afraid of the cold, but just curious, imitating those school disciples, bought a big padded jacket, and put on an air.

He went down the mountain early, went to the inventor's school, and went to help the little old man.

These days, he has been going out early and returning late like this all the time, but he said it was to help, but in fact, he can do a lot of work by doing a lot of work on the side, or he just turned out some gadgets and fiddled with them. Be careful if you break it, you have to blame the little old man, saying that his stuff is of poor quality.

The little old man wanted to give him a hammer, but he couldn't beat him, so he sighed silently, rolled his eyes, and asked Chen Jiudai to get the inventor's salary for this month.

After Chen Jiu asked how much, he went straight.

The person in charge of distributing the salaries of each branch is a chubby-looking business lecturer. At this time of the month, he will hold the magic weapon of storage and guard in the business school, waiting to distribute salaries to monks below the lecturer.

When Chen Jiu went, the business lecturer was about to finish distributing, so he hurried up to ask the business lecturer for the little old man's salary.

The business lecturer lowered his head at first and didn't care. He frowned slightly when he heard the words "Patriarch of the Inventor". When he looked up and saw that it was Chen Jiu, he frowned even more. More than half, then waved.

"Let's go."

Chen Jiu counted, shook his head and said, "Not enough."

The business lecturer frowned, "How much?"

Chen Jiu recalled what the little old man told him, stretched out his hand and said, "Five ugly cow coins."

The business lecturer's eyelids twitched, and he smiled angrily: "He is an ancestor who is not even a lecturer, so he has the nerve to ask for five ugly cow coins?"

Chen Jiu nodded.

Really nice.

The business lecturer raised his eyebrows and said: "Two hundred pieces of money, whether you want it or not, there is no discussion."

Chen Jiuxian put more than a hundred pieces of mouse money in his arms, and then talked with the business lecturer Xiaozhi emotionally and rationally, "It's not easy for an old man to live alone, and he doesn't even have a wife. Give him more pension money." What can I do?"

The business lecturer looked at him and shook his head in silence.

Chen Jiu said again: "Others are the ancestors of a school, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat, and they don't take much money, so you can't bear to spend just five ugly cow money for learning?"

These words were taught to Chen Jiu by the little old man, if not enough, there is still a big basket.

The business lecturer looked at Chen Jiu and snorted coldly: "You still know that he is the ancestor of the inventor, so let me ask you, he has been the ancestor of the inventor for decades, has he made any achievements in the school? It's not even as good as a low-level magic weapon, with this little ability, how can I give him more salary?"

He was silent for a while, and then said coldly: "Give him more than a hundred bucks, which is already half more than ordinary bachelors. It will be no problem as pension money."

Chen Jiu couldn't do anything about it. After thinking about it, he said with a stern face: "Then can you advance five ugly bull money?"

The business lecturer looked at him, "Can I advance a coffin for him?"

Oh, there is no way.

Chen Jiu originally planned to just do that, and it would be appropriate to go back with more than a hundred pieces of Zimo money and give it to the little old man.

Who knows that there is an onmyoji scholar who is proud of his talents, probably because he has an ancestor in his family, and he can't get used to the behavior of the little old man who has no achievements in the academy and only eats but doesn't work, so he laughed and said: "How about I help you?" Let's do the math to see when the old man will die?"

Chen Jiu turned to look at him.

The young scholar of the Yin-Yang family waved his hand and said with a smile: "No money, no money."

Chen Jiu also grinned and said, "Some bad hurtful words, it's better not to talk nonsense, it's not good to go too far."

He had no intention of fighting.

But this young scholar of the Yin Yang family was too arrogant, so he narrowed his eyes, clapped his hands together, and said with a smile, "So what?"

In an instant, Chen Jiu pinched his head with one hand and dared not move at all.

The merchant bachelor on the side covered his face with one hand, feeling miserable.

Grandma has a leg, these two young people fight, and I suffer. One has an ancestor of the Yin-Yang family behind him, a real monk of heaven and man, and the other has a bigger background.

The business lecturer sighed immediately, thinking that it is better to help the weaker ones, what if he is beaten stupid?

With a flick of his sleeve, some money was thrown out to make money. With a clang, the head in Chen Jiu's hand turned into a lot of rat money.

The young scholar of the Yin Yang family fell at the feet of the business lecturer, feeling lingering in fear.

The business lecturer sighed and waved his hands: "Young people, don't be so angry, I will give you some more money, and I will apologize for this unscrupulous Onmyoji scholar."

Chen Jiu smiled, "It's good to teach in the academy, but unfortunately, these days, it seems that I can't educate people."

The chubby business lecturer was silent for a moment, then sighed again: "No matter how big or small a place is, as long as there are more people, there will be good and bad. People say that educating people is not as serious as before."

The business lecturer smiled bitterly, "In this world, fists have the final say, no wonder the academy acts like this. After all, if you want to create a better world, you have to stand at the top of the world before you can reshape it. So Before that, some small flaws that do not affect the general trend are not so important."

This truth is actually very simple, even he, a business lecturer, understands it very well.

However, the implication was that he followed Chen Jiu in scolding the Onmyoji scholar.

In the end, the young student from the Yin Yang family ran away with a gloomy face, wondering if he would sue the business lecturer to his ancestor.

But even if you sue, the business lecturer is not afraid.

Even if you are relying on the ancestor of the Yin Yang family, why should my business be afraid?

A fortune-teller and a money-maker, if they really want to fight, it's not sure who will beat the other.

Anyway, it is not uncommon for a hundred schools of thought to contend, this kind of situation is not uncommon, the worst of which is the fight between the military school and the Confucian school, the most violent fight, almost killing two ancestors each!

The business lecturer sighed again, and pondered for a while, and found that he sighed a lot today, but he was really sad, so he could only sigh.

Seeing that a hundred schools of thought are coming again, I don't know what kind of big fight this time the military school and the Confucian school will have. Alas, I just hope that there will be no fight at that time. It is getting more and more intense.

Some Confucian sages wanted to kick this military strategist out of the school, and the military strategists were even more exaggerated. They wanted to pull down this high-ranking saint from hundreds of schools, and no saints were allowed in the world. The first to bear the brunt was Confucianism!

When Chen Jiu returned to the Inventor School, the little old man came over and asked with his eyes if he was successful or not?

Chen Jiu shook his head, took out more than three hundred Zishu coins, made up a hundred of them himself, and handed them to the old man.

The little old man didn't care, he had expected this result a long time ago, and asked Chen Jiu to get it, but he thought he was annoying, so he sent him out, and he didn't bother to look at the business lecturer's eyes, so he got two hundred extra money. It was already a pleasant surprise.

In fact, he felt that although Chen Jiu was a little naive and spoke a little irritatingly, everything else was pretty good, especially his appearance, which was so handsome that he almost caught up with him when he was young.

If only this young man could not speak.

In the days to come, Chen Jiu would sit in the Inventor School and watch the little old man polish the devices. The little old man was fine, and he would also chat with Chen Jiu about the stories of the past years, and piece it together, probably like this.

A young man met an immortal in his hometown. The villagers were terrified and knelt down to bow down to the immortal.

The fairy destroyed the whole town at will.

The young man was seriously injured, but he was lucky to save half of his life, and was rescued by a passing Taoist priest.

After the young man recovered from his injury, he did not go to the Taoist temple with the Taoist priest. He traveled thousands of miles alone. At the age of 30, he came to the academy and learned from the withered line of inventors. Alone.

He has been studying knowledge with a shallow heart.

Chen Jiu once asked him, what did he plan for after so long?

The old man looked straight at Chen Jiu with an unprecedented solemnity, he said.

"I want mortals to kill immortals!"