
My System Is Pay To Win

"...You have to be kidding me. A death like this? Just my luck." [Reincarnation Process Beginning.] [Premature death. Arduous life. Abysmal luck.] [Due to such factors, you will be granted a new lease on life. However, when you next open your eyes, the world you’re familiar with will be gone. One of magic and monsters awaits you–it will be your choice on how you live out this new life.] [Jett Levine | Age 20 | Occupation: Hero | Trait: Evolving Luck] [System Activation: “Gacha System”] [Starting Level: 0] [Good luck on your new adventure, Jett Levine. Welcome to “Fantasia Online”: the virtual rebirth of the unfortunate.] A world beyond his own, seeped in magic and filled with beings of unimaginable power, Jett finds himself in Fantasia, a so-called "virtual rebirth", however, as he discovers, it is anything but manmade--it's an undeniably real, living world, as real as the very one he came from. Summoning familiars ranging from skilled knights to dragons of heavenly scales, to obtaining spells varying from fireballs to soul-rending bursts, weapons and mystical items--it seems as though there is truly no limit to what the [Gacha System] may acquire. ------ New chapter everyday at 9 AM GMT+8! Bonus Chapter Milestones: Power Stones: 150 PS = 1 bonus chapter 300 PS = 2 bonus chapters 750 PS = 3+ bonus chapters Privilege Chapter Unlocks: 500 unlocks = 1 bonus chapter 1000 unlocks = 2 bonus chapters 3000+ unlocks = 3+ chapters

NakamuraGT · Fantasy
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130 Chs

Boss Encounter

There was a downward slope within the dank cave, forcing careful steps downward with the loose gravel and slick mud proving to be a troublesome hindrance should one fall. It was clear that there was further territory occupied by the goblins, going by the skull-decorated wooden poles lining the path. 

Reaching the bottom of the lengthy slope, the area ahead was shrouded by tattered flags, obscuring what layed beyond. 

"Careful, Master. I sense something in the area up ahead–something nefarious," Edith warned quietly, "Are you sure you don't want me to lead?"

He insisted on staying in front, "I'll be fine. I can handle myself, just make sure no uglies jump on my back, alright?"

"...If you say so, Master," Edith nodded. 

"I've got your back, too, don't worry," Gunter assured, jabbing his thumb against his own chest. 

Playing his own fair share of stealth games, he invoked those experiences into reality, or at least, he tried to, but found little point with the boisterous warrior behind him carelessly creating noise by stepping on brittle bones. 

'Well, the only play now is to "Leeroy Jenkins" it!' He thought. 

Pushing past the bloodstained curtains of the last cavern, he charged straight in with his frosted dagger held high. 

"What the—?" He muttered instantly. 

What sat at the end of the hollowed-out lair was not a goblin, but something much larger and intimidating; a muscular, mean-looking creature with tusks and blood-red skin. 

Gunter and Edith followed him in with their weapons drawn, catching sight of the large leader of the goblin tribe, who picked himself up from his throne of bones. 

"An orc? Here?" Edith questioned, recognizing the creature. 

"Is this how it usually is?" Jett asked. 

"It's not exactly uncommon for an orc to take over a goblin tribe, but around Merdlum? Yeah–interesting!" Gunter remarked. 

It felt as though all bets were off with the existence of the blood-skinned orc, who wore an armor of bones and a tattered, black cape of a torn curtain, standing up before dual-wielding oversized war-axes in both hands. 

"Ra! Rraa! Agu!" The orc bellowed out unintelligible words. 

He wasn't aware of a language spoken by goblins and orcs, thinking the words were aimed at him for a moment before finally registering the other existences in the lair: there were robed goblins standing near the bone throne with grotesque staffs held. 

"Raku. Raku," one of the robbed goblins said. 

"Garu-garu, malu," the other goblin responded. 

'They're dressed weirdly. Wait–!' He realized last second. 

It only occurred to him at that moment as he looked back at his two companions, realizing the two goblins beside the orc were casting some sort of spell. 

Before any of them could properly react, a massive wall of stone rose from the ground, rising between Jett and his two familiars. 

'Crap!' He thought. 

At the behest of the goblin casters, it conjured swiftly, connecting to the ceiling within a second with a brief tremor. 

"Huh–?!" Gunter reacted. 

"Master–!" Edith yelled out. 

He could hear both of his familiars begin bashing the other side of the wall, though it seemed to be a herculean task by its thick, sturdy nature, being repellant of blades. 

"Isn't that just convenient?" He said, facing towards the orc as he gripped the handle of his dagger, "--I guess I'm that big of a superstar reincarnator that you need to play dirty, is that it?! Fine by me!" 

Perhaps it was the confidence of his recent victories that brought upon this fiery spirit, or the fact the man was still bitter of his untimely, unfortunate death on Earth, but at that moment, Jett felt more than capable. 

"Master, just hold on! I'll bring this wall down!" Edith yelled from the other side. 

Jett called out without looking back, "Don't worry about that! By the time that wall is down, I'll have 'Sir Underbite' over there finished!" 

Though the silver-haired spellblade was filled with worry, Gunter couldn't help but laugh, turning away from the wall as he faced behind them. 

"Gunter, help me break this down!" Edith ordered. 

"We've got problems of our own, missy," Gunter smiled. 

Rushing in from the direction they came were more goblins, much to the surprise of the two who thought their numbers had been depleted. 


Along in the lair, the only reprieve that Jett found in the moment was that the red-skinned orc seemed to have an arrogance to itself, only slowly stepping down from its throne. 

'Alright…First order of business: eliminate the mages!' He decided. 

Before engaging with the chief of the Northbrrow cave goblins, he quickly changed his position, pointing his index fingers towards both of the stationary mages before invoking–

"Lesser Bolt!" 

The air cracked and hissed in that split-second as electricity gathered and condensed before firing off, spanning the room in an instant before reaching both of the magic-wielding goblins with lethal force. 

'Damn, this spell is awesome!' He couldn't help but think. 

[EXP: +18 | 38/60] 

It didn't occur to him until just then that the spell was scaling with his own level, making it mightier, yet he found his own issue with it just then: 


He winced as he felt his arms cramping, feeling as though his muscles were clenching down as a sensation of needles ran beneath his skin. 

'Have I used too much mana? No…Is that spell just too taxing to use repeatedly like that?' He questioned. 

Either way, the problem before him now was the towering orc, who was now approaching him after its mage guards had fallen. It was easily over three meters in height, causing audible thuds with each step it took. 

For the first time, a status appeared when laying eyes on an enemy: 

[BOSS | Blood Orc Chief | LV: 7]