
My System's Useless in the Shinobi World

Thy, the Primordial Daoist Ancestor, Embodiment of all Daos, has produced a new daibolical art tracing to the anals of chaos. For all Daoist who seek Enlightenment and a great adventure. As we follow the journey of a unfortunate soul that is plunged into countless problems as he dies. When normal souls enjoy rest, he enjoys....errr... misfortune. .............. Beta."Gahhh another shitty Naruto fanfic. I'm tired of this shit. Author:" You dare insult this Ancestor, junior?" Beta:" Shut up, just another old man that has exceeded his expiry date" Author" (flies into rage) Your courting death Beta:" What? Prove me wrong, isn't just a bitch who got into Naruto world and secretly amass power so he could fuck Kaguya?" Author:"....."??? Beta:" You see." Author:" Just try it, trust this senior it's actually good" Beta:" Shut up... fraudulent cunning shit" Author:* Looses his patience and erases Beta *" Hakai.....it's like some people have forgotten who I am!!!" .............. Chad: ( who saw the erasure of his friend) " Oh! Honourable Ancestor. this humble soul is already enlightened In the midst of your presence. Please guide this soul in this forbidden scripture." Author:" Oooh an interesting Junior" (waves his sleave) Take my blessings young one

Primaldao · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs



Orochimaru looked at Akihiko in disbelief and helplessness! Why was this guy screaming to his face!

It was clear that despite the 'torture' Itachi believed he dished out, the likes of Akihiko and Orochimaru hardly reacted to it!

Itachi frowned as he saw the unresponsive duo! Even though Orochimaru was weak to Genjutsu, it didn't mean he was so weak to scream because of pain.

As for Akihiko….It was clear that he was pretending!!

Akihiko just wanted to know it feels to scream in pain! Its just like how, Tobi was curious about how it feels to poop! Well, he's is on a much smaller scale, as he didn't make a prioritry or obsession like Tobi did!

"Itachi-kun, you should know that torturing a Root member is basically useless right? Anyway I'm done playing with you…" As Akihiko spoke he forcefully exterted strength in his 'muscles' and forcefully broke free from the restraints on his limbs.

During all the time used for dialogue and small play, Akihiko used this time to analyse this Genjutsu and develop countermeasures! The way to free oneself is unsurprisingly very easy! Well, this is relative to him, though…

All he did was to mix a large amount of Spiritual energy with his chakra before forcibly disrupting his own Chakra supply! It did work as he was able to escape from his bonds but it was not enough to completely escape this space so Akihiko shrugged and decided to spend an additional 3 days here….

For someone like Akihiko, Time is relative and doesn't affect him, in anyway since his theoretical age is countless….


Akihiko struck an Itachi clone, sending him flying before kicking the next one away! With a deft manuever, Akihiko dodge the sword slash that was about to hit him before headbutting another Itachi clone!

Jumping back, Akihiko used the time gap to activate the Swift Release! Vanishing in place before a series of cries rang out! Countless crows flew about before gathering to form new Itachi's.

Uchiha Itachi was stunned as he saw Akihiko wipe out the other clones who were in charge of torturing him!

"How is this possible?" Itachi muttered in disbelief before regaining a cold look! A person that could withstand his Mangyekou must die!

"Heh, don't think that your Mangyekou Techniques are unrivalled! This World is not as simple as it seems!" Akihiko glanced at Itachi who had developed Killing Intent for him before saying lightly!

Even if someone manages to kill him, it could never ever be done by someone in this Shinobi World!

There were not up for the challenge! One must know that Killing Akihiko would just make him loose he's physical body! He could just take another one despite the loss of compatibility and other potential issues!

Except that person had the capabilities to destroy a soul, no a soul of a god! Therefore no matter how Akihiko thinks of it, no one could truly kill him therefore, he tended to be easy going and not in a hurry except something is needed in his next plan!

As for sealing…..

"Orochimaru-sama, do remember that our deal is still in place! If you do agree you can contact me!" Akihiko spoke leisurly, as he sat on a protruding rock and looked at Orochimaru's tortue with interest!

"Also you don't need to worry, you should take your time with Orochimaru, I won't Interfere!" Akihiko continued with a smile as he waved his hands.

Itachi didn't want to engage Akihiko since that will cost him a lot! So he accepted the gesture. Itachi did know of the Blindness that would accompany the Mangyekou Sharingan since Shishui told him about it! Opting to not interfere with the Hyuga, Itachi shifted his murderous gaze to Orochimaru!

"Hehehe, Itachi-kun, make sure to enjoy yourself now! Cause this will be the last!" Orochimaru laughed and added a threat that sent shivers down the spine of Itachi!

'Its not good to underestimate any Kage-level Ninja, more so a Sannin!' Itachi thought to himself and harderned his resolve to grow stronger to at least protect himself and his little brother from such threats!

Orochimaru had already steeled his resolve to get the Mangyekou! At first he was interested in Itachi's body as it might be easier to just take hold of this body, but after experiencing such a Genjutu and the discovery of this critical weakness.

Orochimaru decided to get one for himself through a suitable channel of course!

Listineng to Orochimaru's threat, Akihiko was amused since it was actually the deal he made, that gave Orochimaru such confidence! However, Akihiko was quite grateful to Itachi! He gave him a Manhyekou, and the chance to learn under Orochimaru! Who could be so good?



Gazing at the dispersed Blood Giant, Uchiha Chouko, a female Chunin let out a sigh of admiration!

Due to her status as the grand-daughter of an Elder, she was privy to the existence of the Mangyekou Sharingan and its corresponding Susanno! Her dream since childhood was to gain to Mangyekou Sharingan.

However her aptitude for Ninjutsu was not very high! It was acceptable but not enough to obtain the infamous Mangyekou!

Therefore Chouko had lived all her life wishing for a power that may not come to her therefore she abandoned all thoughts about awakening one!

However, after seeing the famous Susanoo, a feiry desire accumulated since Childhood was quickly ignited and burned fiercely! A rotating 3 tomoe spun very slowly under her immense desire!

Shaking her head, Chouko looked at the sky and made a decision! Running towards the source of the massive explosion and the Susanoo. 'Its not enough, I need more stimulation!' Chouko decided to head towards the owner of the Susanoo and see him up close!

Despite her delicate appearance, Chouko knew what she needed inorder to achieve the Mangyekou! Even if her desire was massive, her limited potential obstructed her from getting what she wants! Despite this, she was not dettered by this failure!

A normal person won't want to run towards a source of danger, much less an explosion however Chouko dared to do this due to her being an Uchiha and her innate curiousity combined with an unwavering will to achieve what others thought she was not able to do!!

After killing a couple of Genin, Chouko sprinted stealthily towards the massive crater! As she got closer, she encountered almost no other Ninja in the immediate proximity! This is only normal, as only a crazy person like her would approach such a disasterous scene!

After sprinting for a while, Chouko jumped into the crater and advanced forward towards a silhouette who knelt on the broken floor!

Putting up her guard, Chouko took a deep breathe before advancing forward.

As if sensing something, Uchiha Ryoko looked up and saw a female Uchiha approaching him. His four-point windmill, Mangyekou spun once before returning to dormancy. Uchiha Ryoko recognized this girl, he got to know her recently through a joint mission so he had a vague impression.

After seeing her, Uchiha Ryoko avoided her gaze and looked at the dead body of his brothers in sorrow and pain! Despite the immense power, he didn't feel any satisfaction at all! Only loss and regret alongside a shimmering Killing intent!

Uchiha Shouko silently stood behind Uchiha Ryoko, maintaining distance! She didn't have the right to comfort him since the path of war is destined to be painful! After seeing the miserable state of the corps and the atrocity that mared their bodies, she further strengthened her will to awaken a Mangyekou!

If they could do this to men, then she was obviously not going to be spared if caught! And hers will be even more miserable and brutal! Two minutes of silence ensued as, Uchiha Ryoko sulked in silence!

Taking a deep breathe, Uchiha Ryoko stood up, conjuring a ball of blood red flames in hand before throwing it towards his dead brothers corps! Burning them to ash! He knew that a corps could be desicrated, therefore he burned them to the ground!

"You shouldn't have come here!" Ryoko spoke coldly as he gazed at the blood flames on the ground…

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Shouko said:" I want it!"

Uchiha Ryoko was momentarily taken aback by this girls brazen words! What does she mean by 'want it?' He was never going to do it when a war was underway and more Uchiha clansmen could potentially die!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Ryoko looked at Shouko with increased hostility!

"You disregard the lives of the fallen Uchiha and want to seek pleasure when others die! Get out of my sight before I harvest your life!" Uchiha Ryoko spoke with murderous intent seeping out of each of his words!

Uchiha Shouko blushed at the misunderstanding and was secretely scared, a drop of cold sweat seeped down her back giving a 'special' chill! "You misunderstand….I…I want power! I want the Mangyekou!" Uchiha Shouko spoke aloud after hesitating a littoe!

Although she wasn't sure Uchiha Ryoko could help her and wasn't confident he even had the means, she choose to say it anyway! Maybe a bearer of the Mangyekou could give valuable instructions or guidance!

Uchiha Ryoko glanced at Uchiha Shouko for a while as he scrutinized all of her body! Uchiha Shouko was emberassed at the blatant oogling, she felt as if his gaze could penetrate her clothes and…and even her soul? Breaking out of her stupor, Uchiha Shouko ridiculed herself for such an outrageous thought! How could someone see her soul? That's Impossible!

However, her thoughts were not that far from the truth! Due to Uchiha Ryoko's Way of Killing, he could see through the body and soul and access its quality and through this he could gauge ones strength and even potential! Very powerful!

This gaze is what is normally used by the holders of the Way of Killing to identify a suitable prey and avoid a predator! This ability was integrated into his Mangyekou Sharingan! Therefore its generally very hard to kill such a character!

"Too weak!!" Uchiha Ryoko didn't even spare her another glance before walking away! He didn't have the time to linger around here! He had a goal right now! And that was to …..Kill!!!

{Pass PS.... I have decided to elongate the Uchiha arc....and introduce new things. I made this decision after careful consideration. So this arc might not end anytime soon. As compensation, the Hyuga arc I planned out will be shortened!

As for those who wished it ends.....Welp}