
My System's Useless in the Shinobi World

Thy, the Primordial Daoist Ancestor, Embodiment of all Daos, has produced a new daibolical art tracing to the anals of chaos. For all Daoist who seek Enlightenment and a great adventure. As we follow the journey of a unfortunate soul that is plunged into countless problems as he dies. When normal souls enjoy rest, he enjoys....errr... misfortune. .............. Beta."Gahhh another shitty Naruto fanfic. I'm tired of this shit. Author:" You dare insult this Ancestor, junior?" Beta:" Shut up, just another old man that has exceeded his expiry date" Author" (flies into rage) Your courting death Beta:" What? Prove me wrong, isn't just a bitch who got into Naruto world and secretly amass power so he could fuck Kaguya?" Author:"....."??? Beta:" You see." Author:" Just try it, trust this senior it's actually good" Beta:" Shut up... fraudulent cunning shit" Author:* Looses his patience and erases Beta *" Hakai.....it's like some people have forgotten who I am!!!" .............. Chad: ( who saw the erasure of his friend) " Oh! Honourable Ancestor. this humble soul is already enlightened In the midst of your presence. Please guide this soul in this forbidden scripture." Author:" Oooh an interesting Junior" (waves his sleave) Take my blessings young one

Primaldao · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Preparation (4)!!!

..... Honestly this Chapter is eeeehhh...

We'll just enjoy....I'm having Health Issues so I won't be very active in a while..... Cheers!!


Teuchi was momentarily surprised by Akihiko's request but quickly recovered. This is because, only the ignorant would truly ostracize and despise Naruto. Those who knew the true story would truly pity Naruro and lament his injustice. How could the son of the Hokage be treated like that in his own Village?

This was equivalent to the trampling of a Noble's dignity by a commoner, no this was far worse than it.

In Akihiko's opinion, Konoha should be grateful that Naruto was the reincarnation of Ashura and was influenced by Ashura's chakra such that he didn't harbour evil thoughts about Konoha.

This can be seen from the demonstration by Gaara who despite being only the One Tailed Jinchuuriki could demolish Sunagakure. If not for Raasa's Gold Sand that surpress's the Ichibi, Sunagakure could have become history. However unlike the Ichibi, the Kyuubi had no weakness whatsoever, maybe a strong enough Genjutsu would work but who in Konoha had such a Technique?

What will happen when Naruto has unparalled hate for Konoha? By then, even the contingency plans that Minato and Kushina won't work since he actively wanted to destroy Konoha. Akihiko couldn't help but lament and marvel at the luck of Konoha.

"Aaah Ninja-san, is this really okay with you?" Naruto felt flustered and expectant.

He normally sensed the malice that the Villagers had for him so he made sure not to interact with them. This was the third time that someone had done something for him. Grandpa Hokage always helped him, Old man Teuchi and Ayame-nii also helped him a lot.

Akihiko was interested in Naruto's reasoning, why did he think that what he did was not okay with him?

"Why do you think something is wrong?" Akihiko tilted his head and inquired.

"Umm….Its because the village treats me as a monster so I was surprised that you didn't…."

Naruto was somewhat nervous since it was not normal for him to be showed goodwill. He was not able to finish his sentence, but Akihiko already understood. He thought that he had the same prejudice the villagers had against him.

Looking at Naruto, Akihiko couldn't help developing interest in him. What will happen when the Son of Heavens kill the Heavens with his own hands? Tch what an interesting thought. Akihiko developed a strong desire to make his thoughts come true so he adjusted some of his plans.

"To the ordinary people you are indeed a monster but in my eyes, your just a normal person so I don't care about their opinions about you." Akihiko calmly said to Naruto, it was not true that Naruto was a normal person. The fact that he is the Reincarnation of Ashura speaks volumes of this, not to talk about his status as a Jinchuuriki.

"Really?" Naruto was overjoyed that someone didn't call him a monster.

"Why would I lie to you?" Akihiko asked back lightly, as of now he was not interested in talking to the kid anymore. He didn't want unnecessary attention on him. He knew that the Hokage is still wary of Danzo. So Akihiko didn't want to complicate things as of now.

Taking the bowl that Teuchi had brought, Akihiko put his attention back to his meal leaving Naruto dazed.

"Naruto-kun, a Ninja wouldn't have the need to lie to you, you know!" Teuchi sensing Naruto's plight suddenly spoke up. He didn't want an awkward atmosphere in his shop.

"Mmhm!" Nodding towards Teuchi, Naruto suddenly spoke up.

"Thank you Big Brother! Ummm….please…may I please know big brothers name?" Naruto enthusiastically said. Akihiko was momentarily stunded by Naruto's enthusiasm, what was this? Why do you put so much energy in all things you do?

"Akihiko….Hyuga Akihiko" Akihiko said lighty, since he had already made an impression on Naruto's mind, he didn't want to stay any more. However before he could finish he's thoughts, Akihiko saw something at the side of his eyes that made him stand up.

"Aaah!" Naruto was stunned, thinking that he had made his Big Brother angry.

"Thanks for the meal, I'll be leaving Naruto-kun, it was nice meeting you!" Leaving this statement and Five thousand Ryo, Akihiko quickly disappeared. Using a Body Flicker, Akihiko hurriedly left the Ichiraku Ramen Shop and sped up on a path.

What came in sight was a young man around 19 years of age walking down the street. With light blue hair and glasses, he looked somewhat unique in the Hidden Village.

'Yakushi Kabuto!' Akihiko inwardly said, he didn't think that he'll run into Kabuto this early but he nevertheless took the opportunity.

Activating Swift Release with all his Chakra, Akihiko turned into a blur as he swept up the unsuspecting Kabuto into a Dark Alley. Akihiko knew that Kabuti is an Elite Jonin so he didn't hold back.

Throwing him on the rough ground, Kabuto couldn't help but grimace in pain and dread. What just happened? With his keen senses and Jonin level strength he was captured without he's notice! Terrifying!

Doesn't this mean that he could have died countless time over in front of this person? Kubuto couldn't help but feel a chill spread through his body. Besides, this person could act in Konoha without being discovered, this was alarming.

"Kabuto, I want you to pass some information to Orochimaru for me!" Kabuto who was busy thinking about his situation became vigilant. Swiflty pulling out his Kunai, he took a fighting stance after leaping backward. To think that he's identity was also known.

"Put those weapons away, if I wanted to kill you, you wont be alive right now." Akihiko calmly looked at Kabuto who was vigilant and said indifferenly.

Kabuto observed his assailant vigilantly, with White eyes and Black Hair, he looked like a young man…wait White eyes? Byakugan!

Hyuga clan! Kabuto was shocked when he saw that he's enemy was a Hyuga clan member! There was no record of such a terrifying Hyuga Member! Kabuto put down his kunai, not wanting to confront such an existence.

"Good! Tell Orochimaru that I'll like to make a deal with him. Tell him to meet me at the outskirts of the Forest of Death. I want a meeting a week from now. If he doesn't show up, then…he'll miss an opportunity."

Without waiting for Kabuto to react, Akihiko deliberately allowed Kabuto to see his utilization of Swift Release as he zoomed out of the Alley. In fact, with Akihiko's strength, few people could see he's activation of Swift Release. However, Akihiko wanted Kabuto to know about this Bloodline Limit that he had.

As a Legendary Sannin, Orochimaru had his own pride. How would he willingly accept orders from anyone, at least the person that wishes to see him had to have Kage Level strength.

Also Orochimaru won't even pay attention to some Kage level Ninja but a Hyuga member might just be a bit different.

Its been known that the Hyuga clan has never produced a Kage Level Ninja throughout the creation of Konoha. This was true but it didn't mean that there has never been a Kage level Ninja belonging to the Hyuga clan.

Akihiko knew that it is impossible to survive the Warring States Era without Kage level strength, much less a prominent clan like the Hyuga. Akihiko suspected that there were multiple Kage level individuals in the Hyuga clan, its just that they perished without leaving a legacy which somehow crippled the current Hyuga clan.

During the Warring States Era, there were also multiple Kage level ninja's in the Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki clans. However the war effectively cut them down, a true tragedy indeed. It can be said that the Shinobi World ushered in its Golden Age during the Warring States Era, by then Kage Level Ninja would pop up here and there like cabbages. This is true because, the constant war made all Ninja actively seek out more strength.

At this time, the Uchiha and Senju were out for blood, each wanting to tear apart the other. Other States wanted to use this to fish in troubled waters, but who knew that the Senju and Uchiha would suddenly unite and fight off the other States? They were not stupid to see that these people wanted to reap the benefits after they killed each other, so they didn't hesitate to reach a temporary truce.

This in turn sparked up a great war in which Madara and Hashirama gained fame in battle. The both of them mowed down enemy ninjas carving a path of blood. This is what led to the war where The Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki had to fight the whole world.

In this great war, the Hyuga didn't participate! Why was this? Akihiko had a lot of conjectures but he wasn't certain so he didn't think about it before he reached another terrifying result like the other times.