

' Then go burry her at night, l gause that's the best solu.....

' Whaaat! They both echoed.'

' Yeaaah! You can say am wicked but that's true, if you want your night to be unforgettable then don't.' Bean added.

They couldn't believe what he was suggesting towards her. They all thought about it but nothing was trying to make sense. ' Wait, is she the witch that we used to meet coincidentally at the graveyard? Benny asked jolting himself.'

Bailey snatched Bean's phone from his hand confirming immediately his hands alittle shaking. ' Ooohh nooo! She's here to hunt us. I knew this would happened.' he muttered after he had zoomed recollecting everything that had happened for the past few days even her scary face. Benny did the same as per Benzyl, he neither talk nor move from his position.'

' What are we gonna do then? Should we use Bean's idea.' Benny asked.'

' No. No you can't. I need her more than anything.' Benzyl interrupted his statement confusing them. His words couldn't bring any meaning at all in their heads as Bailey approaches him to where he was sitting.

' Huh! You want her more than anything? How brother. Are you chosing her over us.'

' No, l didn't said that. I...

' Then make us understand then. She's a witch who has been hunting us ever since we bounced onto her and the worse of it was that here she is, sleeping with us, on the same roof top, for fuck sake.'

' Benny, is there a day l have ever disappointed you. Especially on matters like this?

' Huh! So what are you trying to say here? Even though we know why she's here, l don't think you're expecting her to live here forever.

' That's the point. After tomorrow's day is over, am going to make you all understand everything. I promise am not trying to keep her here for no reasons. She'll be gone the moment am done with her.'

' Fine, l don't like black ladies infact, she's making me wanna puke.' Bailey shouted his stern words surprising them. No one knew that Alin was all over listening their conversation. The moment she cleared her throat, all of them turned to her direction. Bean was the first one to move away cause she was standing right near him. He almost threw himself on Benny. Bailey took two steps from behind leaving Benzyl in the middle who moved away from her as soon as he could just avoid her dare devil eyes.

' Am l interrupting anything? She questioned her brows raising.'

' Did l hear someone saying that he feels like puking? Who was that? Was it you, you? She asked again her finger pointing Benny and Bailey.'

' Aahhh! Mrs....

' Am yet to be called Mrs, young man. My name is Alin, as simple as that.' she corrected scaring them like hell.

' Al...i..en...' Bean tried to call but nothing came out of his mouth. The words were just inevitable.

' Anyway, l know am black, you don't need to say it. I was hungry so l wanted something to eat. I never thought that some little cockroaches will be whispering at night nothing important.' she said walking through the kitchen leaving them frozen.

Benzyl was the first one who broke the silence. It was around ten. He walked back to his seat, his fists clenched tightly in his palms, between his forehead creasing the brows in disappointment. He bite his lower lip lowering his head in his hands. ' Won't you take your seats? Or maybe it seems you wanna stand like that till she comes back.' he said still his head down.

' Humph! Oooohh! I see this as sleepless night. I won't hug my sweet doll tonight, how scary the night is today.' Benny said as Alin comes from the kitchen with a knife in her hands. Sweat started dripping from their bodies as Bean tightly clench on the couch's cushions. The way she was holding the knife it was as if she was coming to butcher them. Her eyes got Bean's reaction, and she called him.'

' Are you Benny, Benzyl, or Bean? She questioned squaring her shoulders.'

' Am Bean, am Bean, please am not ready to die witch. Take big brother at artilist he's more years older than me, l beg of you.' he pleaded his knees already down. A shocking look escaped from her face but she retained it with a small smile when she noticed how tensed he was. Benzyl raised his head immediately he smelled her wherebouts'

' Oohh baby boy. Come on. I just need someone to cut the cabbage for me. And l think you're the right person. So come.'

' Nooo, am not good at cooking, you can take big brother or even Bailey or Ben....

' No, take him. Am a terrible cook. He's studying hospitality. In the next few years to come, he'll be the great chef here in the country.' Benny defended running away but she caught him before he could slip from her sight.'

' Aahh! I see, and where are you trying to go? Infact it seems you're more good than him. I need you.'

' Whaaat! Nooo, am not a cook. Take big brother or Bailey for fuck sake woman, have never been in the kitchen ever since l came to this world .' he cried his eyes out.'

' When you finish blubbering you'll shut your big mouth. Am hungry and l think l need to eat someone.'

' Eat someone? Bailey retorted in his seat making Alin to turn her head.

' What did you just say? Infact stand up, all of you. Won't you eat? stand l want everyone to be busy, huh! You'll know now am a witch, a real witch now.'

' Ahhh! I'll burn the food, house and even the pan. Please don't take me? Bean cried as she drags them all to the kitchen.


' Benzyl l swear to my soul you'll see. After this l must take revenge. You can't just pick a stranger in the streets then you're bringing her to our home. It's barely a day and here we are in the kitchen for fuck sake. Artilist she could have told me to clear the tables.' Bailey complained chopping onion flames of tears burning in his eyes.'

Benzyl was just humming a song, his hands washing tomatoes as Benny and Bean chops the cabbage still their minds whirling with questions. ' Mrs Alien, l have done washing the tomatoes, any other thing? Benzyl's pleasant voice echoed his piercing gaze staring on her face making her to look away.

' Don't call me Alien again, am Alin for the last time.' she corrected retracting her gaze on the cooking stew.'

' Am starting to hate you woman, you look like a hooligans and scary night witch.' Bailey furiously said swallowing the burning lump from his throat pouting his mouth.

' I don't care, no one loves me anyway. I won't cry If you say it a million times, it won't hurt too.' She lamented walking out of the kitchen rubbing at the back of her neck leaving a short relieve of air in their mouth.

' Unforgettable night ever,' they all murmured after she was out of their sight stopping what they were doing instantly.'