

Before Alin could recognized where she was, it was already dawn when she woke up. She was in a certain room that she couldn't further told. She glanced around one more then stood up immediately. As she tip toe towards the door. Her hands caught the door knob but it was push forcefully as she twist her ankle making her to fall. She was waiting to slammed on the floor but huge arms caught her before she could hit the cold floor. She didn't know if she was expecting another move or not but the balance they were in made them to fall on the bed without any hesitation.

Something hot and soft landed on her lips sending a wave of shiver inside her body. That was there first time kiss ever since they met. With no one taking a move. Her eyes just froze when she saw who was lying on top of her and his lips were savouring her own. 'How possible is he here? Am l not in Mason's room?' she questioned her mind.' The worse of it was, his hands were settled on her breasts cupping them right as their lips part slowly by slowly. The more their lips were parting, the more sweet it felt inside them. Alin pushed him away immediately but she didn't know that his wrist watch got knotted with her button top as he slammed his body back at her again his lips now kissing her passionately. It was no one's intentions from the look of their eyes and how perplexed their face were. Without any warnings since the door was wide open, Bean bumped in uttering some words which made them to wake as soon as they could but it was too late.

' Ahhh! Is brother here? No, Ofcourse not. I think l might have forgotten his room. The one kissing can't be him, yes, he's not him, it can't be.' he said walking away but Benzyl dragged him behind with his leather jacket collar.

' Did you see, he quickly asked staring at him.'

' See what? I like it.' don't panic, l swear l didn't see and l won't say.'

' Bitch!

' Come on brother. It's fine with me. But if you mess around with me, l... won't...hesitate, cause have already took a video from the start.' he challenged showing him the video.'

' Bean, do you want us to have a talk. Us only.'

' Really? no. I gause should let you two to continue what you're doing, l promise l won't interrupt.' he wink walking away with a chuckle. Benzyl bit his lip furiously turning his head towards Alin.'

' Humph! Am sorry. I didn't mean to....

' You didn't mean to what? Fuck you. You just took my first kiss and you expect me to be alright? What am l going to tell my future husband if one day he asks me if l ever been kissed? Her words came out loudly.

' What if he never asks? Will you ask yourself?

' No, l won't.'

' Then assume l never kis....no we never kissed.' he corrected quickly.'

' And what the heck am l doing here?

' Tsc, yeah, you fainted when l slammed you inside the car running away from the reporters. I don't know what went wrong with you.'

' It's because I was angry. I was upset with you when l came to realize that have no where to go and you're ruining my life.'

' Huh! That's new. Anyway, have already made a deal with your brother, boyfriend or wherever he was, that you'll gonna work for me.

' What? My boyfriend? Oohh, you mean Mason? She asked as he nod his head.

'Fuck that idiot! He's never my boyfriend and he'll never be. He's just my best, best friend. How can he just decide on behalf of.....

' It's over. We cannot change it and besides, he just left few hours ago.

' What! Few hours...

' Yes. And again, you need to clear what you said about me today. We are all over the news and the reporters will be coming tomorrow morning. Don't forget what we've agreed on. You're just a maid in here. Infact my personal maid, nothing more, nothing less. Other things I'll direct tomorrow. About the kiss, don't think too much, it was nothing. And I'll not apologize cause you liked it too that's why you wanted another one. Have your super then meditate what you'll say to the reporters tomorrow.' he quickly said walking out of the room leaving her to digest what he had just said.

' That robot.' she murmured slamming her body on the bed covering herself with the pillow.'


' Are you done caughting?' Benny asked peeking towards his direction.'

' Caughting? Caughting who?

' Ahhh bro! Don't pretend. We already saw the video. Bean caught you guys on the right verge.'

' Jeez, holy mother of all nations. Bean, a minute hasn't even ended and you've already spread the news. Ghosh! This boy. You promised not to tell anyone.'

' Brother, l didn't tell anyone. They caught me offguard and Bailey snatched the phone from me. I think he has already posted it.'

' Hell Noooo! Am a dead meat. Do you know that witch. She'll kill me for sure. What am l going to tell her? Benzyl cried having a seat.'

' Kill you? Is she a real witch? Why did you brought her here in the first place then if you knew her.'

' Benny, just shut up. You won't understand. You won't understand what kind of trouble that witch has brought to me for the past few days that minute l saw her. She's a bad luck in my eyes. Did l offended anyone few years ago? Is she hear to hunt me? She'll be my own death l bet.' he mourned leaving a sign of shocked in his brother's eyes.'

' Go burry her at night then. That's the best solut...

' Whaaaat! They all echoed at Bean.