
My Strict and Possesive Teacher

Yvi_Arroyo · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

-Jennie POV-

It's been two days the last time I saw Lisa is last week no calls or text from her . I'm worried about her did she forgot that she have girlfriend here or maybe she don't love me anymore but now she can't do that maybe she's busy or maybe she sick but i wanted to know I just went to her house but Seulgi told me that Lisa is in Rosé house she's staying there for a week why she don't inform me right I need to know where she's about. " Ms. Kim, Mr. Principal is outside he's looking for you" one of my student say to me I'm just spacing out thatbi didn't noticed that principal is in outside then I walked where they are when I saw him i also saw a police officer what happened Why there's a police officer here " Ms. Kim I'm sorry for disturbing your class but I informed you that Mr. Joen Jungkook is not longer your student anymore also here in school and btw This police officer is Ms. Solar " what happened to Mr . Joen did he fight that's why he kick out in this school or just business matters " what happened to him Sir if you don't mind" his my student anyway I deserve to know " that matter is confidential request of Mr. Jeon father of Mr. Jungkook that's why Ms . Solar is her to explain anything " confidential but why Ms. Solar going to explain it to me did he don't know anything just me to know " Hi, Ms. Kim I'm here to ask you about Jungkook behaviour " I'm curious now maybe it's serious matter not a business thing " what do you mean officer Solar I don't get it" I really really don't get it " I'm leaving now i have some business to deal" Mr. Principal excuse his self .

- Rosé POV-

It's been two days but Lisa still not okay and her bruises still visible in her body I badly want to tell it to her parents and her unnies especially Jennie but she don't like the idea she don't want her parents to disappoint them and her unnies too while Jennie she can't face her like she don't deserve Jennie she think she's dirty in whole day she's staying in my room sleeping then later she will cry I want to punched Jungkook hardly in his face doing this to Lisa he deserved to die " babe, how's Lisa?" Jisoo asked me we're here sitting in couch in dining room while Lisa she's still in my room " she's not okay babe I miss the old Lisa the bubbly one and her smile" I hug her because thinking her situation I feel useless not helping her when she need it but now Jungkook in jail asking for forgiveness is not enough " babe, Lisa will recover soon she's a fighter right maybe now it's still fresh in her mind but later on she will back the old Lisa we know and Jungkook his in jail so don't worry okay " she kissed me in my forehead i love her very much . While hugging each other my phone vibrate when i saw the name I don't know if I'm going to answer it or not .

( Sorry short update 😅✌️)