
My Strict and Possesive Teacher

Yvi_Arroyo · Others
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31 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

_Author POV_

It's been one week, Lisa finally recovered not emotionally fully recovered she's still in Rosé house due to her parents extension schedule in business trip and her unnies know about this while Jennie until now she can't contact Lisa because while recovering she never touched her phone only Rosé phone she used if she need it or everytime she informed her unnies and now it's Monday she's going to attend school and forgot anything " Lis,you ready?" Rosé ask her Lisa wearing hoodies while Rosé in her uniform Lisa too but with hoodie " yes, I'm ready Chaeng so let's go" physically ready but not emotionally but she don't have a choice she need to go to school and finished her study for her parents and her unnies .

Jennie is busy arranging their papers that she need to use and discuss later any minutes class will started she's not paying attention to her students who arrived but one person whi caught her attention God knows how she miss her so much she badly wanted to hug her and kiss her but they're relationship is complicated so maybe later she will do that then the class is started now Jennie can't focused in her class because her mind and eyes is only for Lisa while Lisa try to avoid her because she saw Jennie eyeing her she felt guilty why she doing this to her because she don't know anything Lisa think that she don't deserve Jennie because she's dirty , shame and what if Jennie find out then broke up with her she don't know if she can survive without Jennie in her side.

_Jennie POV_

Why Lisa wearing hoodie and why she don't greet me or at least simple Hi or her smile is okay for me I know our relationship is complicated but at least pay attention to me she tried to avoid my gaze what happened to you baby then the class is ended. " Okay class don't forget to review because tomorrow we will have recitation for your extra grade so dismissed" everyone is outside now " Ms. Manoban can we talk for a while" it's my opportunity to talk to her and ask her what happened to her in the last one week and finally me and Lisa only her in room then i locked the door i approach her " baby,what happened to you? I'm worried sick in past one week your not replying to my text or answering my calls did i do things you don't like or I say something bad to you baby answer me you don't know how i really really miss you baby" then i hugged her but she's not moving when i look at her she's crying " baby, what really happened why are you crying and why are you wearing hoodie babe talked to me please" i look at her eyes that already flowing tears " I ...I" then she passed out " baby wake up" then i carried her in school clinic nurse ask me what happened to Lisa " maybe she's tired or hungry I don't know we're talking about school staff then she passed out" a lie about school staff later on Rosé and Jisoo show up " Ms. Kim what happened to Lisa" Rosé ask me in worried tone I'm curious her what really happened to you baby what are you trying to say please baby " i really really don't know Ms. Park we're just talking then end up" I'm looking to my baby i don't care if they find out about us all i care is my baby " Rosé is better Ms. Kim" rosé say then the nurse came out with the result .

- hope you like it. Sorry sa English kalabaw 😅-